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In 2021, the City of Holyoke worked in partnership with Davey Resource Group, Community Circle, and Fair Forests Consulting to create a comprehensive strategy for protecting and expanding our city's trees. The Urban Forest Equity planning process included a public tree inventory to learn more about our existing urban canopy, and a series of public forums and other activities to better understand community priorities for Holyoke's trees.
Urban Forest Equity Plan Ready for Review
This project was made possible by a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Action Grant from the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs.
Continue to check back on this page for updates about how you can get involved in the process. For further information, please contact the following City Staff member or project partners below.
Yoni Glogower, Director of Conservation and Sustainability: glogowery@holyoke.org
Project Partners
Contact: Kerry Gray kerry.gray@davey.com
Contact: Dr. Christine Carmichael fairforests@gmail.com
Contact: Daphne Politis daphne@community-circle.com