How do I learn more about wetlands?
Rivers protection act handout Protecting wetlands in Massachusetts Snow handling guidance Wetlands Science from the Environmental Protection Agency
Rivers protection act handout Protecting wetlands in Massachusetts Snow handling guidance Wetlands Science from the Environmental Protection Agency
You may see signs at construction sites which have DEP File No. 186-xxx on them. These signs indicate that the project has been approved by the Conservation Commission and DEP and an Order of Conditions has been issued. 186 indicates that the project is in Holyoke and the last 3 digits indicate the file number.
There are a variety of trees offered, ranging in size, shape, and other physical attributes. Our goal is to increase the biodiversity of our urban canopy while selecting species that are appropriate for each site.
When your trees mature, they can provide as much as 30-40% savings in summer cooling costs. Trees also add property value, create oxygen, clean the air, and have positive health impacts!
Absolutely yes! You can get permission from your landlord or put them in touch with us, and we’ll take things from there.
The DCR is only authorized to plant in a certain section of the city (shown on this map). However, properties in Holyoke outside this area are still eligible for free trees from our own municipal nursery that was established in 2015. Residents who accept free trees from the municipal nursery will be responsible for planting … Continued
Yes! This program is supported by a combination of state and federal grant funding, so consultation and installation is done at zero cost to the property owner. Your only obligation is to make sure the trees get watered regularly for the first two years after planting.
The city of Holyoke and DCR are both carefully monitoring the situation as it develops, with ensuring safety for the community as a central guiding principle. In light of the spread of the virus and meeting restrictions now in place, we are processing tree requests at a slower rate than usual. However, if interested, you … Continued
We are in PHASE 4: NEW NORMAL Began March 22, 2021 Indoor and outdoor stadiums, arena, ballparks permitted at 12% capacity Exhibition and convention halls Began May 10, 2021 Amusement parks, theme parks, outdoor water parks Road Races, other large outdoor organized amateur or professional group athletic events Opened May 29, 2021 Restrictions ended when … Continued