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PROJECT UPDATE – Resurfacing and Related Work on Cabot Street and Race Street (Center City Connector)

Posted on October 4, 2024

Project Update – 10/3/24
Resurfacing And Related Work on Cabot Street And Race Street (Center City Connector)
MassDOT Project No. 609065

Project Status

The project is on the 2025 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) which means that construction will be fully funded with federal funding managed by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT).  Under this program, municipalities are responsible for funding of the design and right-of-way phases of the project.  The current estimated cost of planned roadway improvements is $8.7 million.

This project is currently in the “Plan Spec & Estimate (PS&E)” phase of design which means that 100% Design Plans have been completed and the project is now awaiting the completion of rights-of-way (ROW) activities such that final Construction Documents can be issued for construction.  The proposed project is anticipated to require approximately seven (7) permanent easements and forty (40) temporary easements.  The City is awaiting MassDOT approval of the draft right-of-way plans and will begin reaching out to affected property owners once approval is received.  Funding for the right-of-way process has not been determined and staff is currently working on putting together a cost estimate for this phase.  

Provided the City can complete rights-of-way activities by March 2025, the estimated advertisement date for construction bids is in May 2025 with construction anticipated to begin in Spring of 2026 and last two (2) to three (3) construction seasons.  

Project Limits and Description

The project begins just north of the at-grade railroad crossing at Middle Water Street and runs northerly along Cabot Street to the intersection of Cabot and Race Street. The project then turns east on Race Street and ends at the intersection of Appleton Street. The project is approximately 3,100 feet. The project focuses on improving all modes of transportation, which is aimed at making the corridors safer and more accessible:

  • Sidewalks: New sidewalks are proposed on both sides of Cabot Street to improve handicap accessibility. Race Street sidewalks will be added on the south side, and a 10-foot-wide shared-use path (SUP) will run along the northerly side adjacent to the canal.
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: New pedestrian curb ramps will be constructed within the project area.
  • Roadwork: Pavement rehabilitation will take place on Cabot Street and Race Street consisting of full-depth reconstruction and mill and overlay.
  • Bike Lanes: There will be dedicated 6’ bike lanes (adjacent to on-street parking) on both sides of Cabot Street and a shared-use path on Race Street. 
  • Traffic Signals: The traffic signals at Main Street and at South Canal Street will be replaced with enhanced signals and pedestrian signal upgrades.
  • Pedestrian Safety: Intersections will be improved with bump-outs, ramps, signage, and crosswalks for better visibility.
  • Pavement Markings and Signage: New signs and pavement markings will be provided. Parking will be maintained along both sides of Race and Cabot Streets.
  • Waterline Upgrades: Non-participating improvements to replace the watermain and services to the property lines are proposed within the project limits which are funded by the City and MassDOT will oversee construction.

It is noted that the at-grade railroad crossing located just beyond the project limits was intended to be integrated with the traffic signal system as part of a separate project coordinated by the Pioneer Valley Railroad (PVRR) and funded by MassDOT Rail Division. However, that project was not completed and while MassDOT is intending to add this railroad-signal connection to the project, a final decision from the MassDOT Rail Division has not yet been determined.


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