El Corazón / The Heart of Holyoke is a cultural placekeeping project celebrating the Puerto Rican Cultural Area of Holyoke. The project commissions public art works, including banners, large-scale art works, dynamic lighting, murals, food trucks, and art festivals on Main Street, to reflect the vital culture of the surrounding neighborhoods. In a statement released today by the Office of Planning and Economic Development, OPED Director Aaron Vega announced that management of the project would be transitioning to Nueva Esperanza, Inc.
In his statement, Vega said, “it’s exciting to see El Corazón/Heart of Holyoke project find it’s home at Nueva. This was always the intention of our office, to help build and support these projects and then have the community take them forward to the next level. This project is important for the city on many levels including placemaking, increasing cultural representation in the city, addressing blight in our downtown and creating a must-see attraction for everyone to see.”