The City of Holyoke has declared a state of emergency in order to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus in our community and is taking appropriate steps in order to protect the public health and wellbeing. Of particular concern is limiting the opportunities for indoor congregation of persons, which aids the spread of infection. Therefore, under the powers listed in MGL Chapter 639, Acts of 1950, as amended, the City of Holyoke is hereby ordering the closure of all retail operations to the public which meet the following thresholds:
Occupancy load of 50 people or above.
Are physically connected by common ways in structures classified as ‘covered malls’ per Section 402 of the Massachusetts Building Code, 9th Edition (CMR 780).
The following directives and exemptions for closure shall be observed:
Closure only applies to public access to the establishments. Staff and delivery access is still permissible at this time.
Retail establishments connected to common ways in indoor malls which have individual, public access to the exterior may remain open as long as their listed occupancy limit is below the thresholds listed above. However, access between the retail establishment and common ways of indoor malls shall remain closed.
Retail establishments that offer sales of grocery, pharmacy, medical supplies, pet food or supplies or take-out food goods, and that have direct public access to the exterior of the structure (i.e. not to indoor common ways) may remain open to the public. These businesses should follow the US Center for Disease Control and Massachusetts Department of Public Health guidelines to enact social distancing practices and take precautionary actions that limit the congregation of customers within their establishments.
This order shall take effect as of 5:00 PM on Tuesday, March 17th, 2020 and will last until the duration of the City public health emergency declaration unless otherwise terminated by the City of Holyoke.
Questions pertaining to this order can be sent to coronaresponse@holyoke.org