Guidelines for City Parks & Playgrounds
Massachusetts has entered Phase 2 of the Reopening Massachusetts Plan. Municipalities can reopen certain outdoor recreational facilities.
City playgrounds are now open to the public.
Community Field Dog Park is now open.
All Park Users are required to adhere to social distancing guidelines and wear masks when not able to maintain six feet of social distance.
- After visiting public spaces, users should wash or sanitize their hands.
- City staff will be disinfecting play equipment daily and will monitor each park to ensure the health and safety of visitors.
- Spray pads and Community Field public restrooms remain closed but will reopen on Saturday, June 27.
- No groups larger than 10 are allowed to gather in Parks at this time. Due to state regulations: basketball courts and playing fields (baseball, softball, soccer, football, lacrosse, volleyball, and all contact sports) will remain closed.
The Parks & Recreation Department will not be issuing permits for organized sports leagues, birthday parties, or special events until further notice.
Please visit holyoke.org or call the Parks & Recreation Department at 413 322-5620 for more information
Make sure you protect yourself – click here: COVID Face Covering Decision Guide 6-4-2020 to see an updated guideline on face coverings/facemasks