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Attention Holyoke residents, the current parking ban will conclude on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 6am. Please be advised that starting at 8:00am on Monday, February 17, 2025, a reverse parking ban will be enforced, prohibiting parking on the EVEN side of the street and on cul-de-sacs until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Atención residentes de Holyoke, la actual prohibición de estacionamiento concluirá el lunes 17 de febrero de 2025, a las 6am. Les informamos que a partir de las 8am del 17 de febrero, comenzará una prohibición de estacionamiento inversa, prohibiendo estacionarse en el lado PAR de la calle y en las calles sin salida hasta nuevo aviso. Gracias por su cooperación.

Whiting Reservoir Study Committee Meeting July 20, 2021

Jul 20 2021

5:00 pm Remote by Zoom


Holyoke Massachusetts

Notice of Committee Meeting

There will be a regular meeting of

The Whiting Reservoir Study Committee

Meeting to take place remotely on Zoom Meetings on Tuesday 7/20/21 5:00 PM

*** Meeting can be accessed via

Meeting ID: 885 0966 1331 Meeting Passcode: 315843 or by call in at 1 (646) 558-8656 with the same Meeting ID and Passcode. ***




Planning for Public Meeting(s)

Whiting Reservoir Committee Meeting

July 20, 2021 – 5:00 p.m.


Committee Members: Sue Ellen Panitch, Marlene Connor, Kip Foley, Harry Craven, Terry Shepard, Kate Kruchemeyer, Dave Moore, Jeff Horan (attendees in bold)

Guests: none



Planning for Public Meeting(s)

Actions from July 6 meeting:

> Harry, please remember pictures to Marlene
> Whomever has Elbert’s email, remind him about this too.
> Kip, please get poster language, etc. to me for translation.
> Jeff, minutes for July 20
> Scott, stand by for help with media for public media; expect to need to be able to present power point so need screen, sound and maybe mics.  Other?
> Jeff A/B – public media release list help!


Meeting Notes:


Sue Ellen mentioned that no one can find deed or ownership documents in either Hampden or Hampshire Counties


Potential drainage from the quarry to Whiting Reservoir – quarry is down gradient from Whiting Reservoir. Harry and Dave walked site and the quarry drains north away from Whiting Reservoir toward Lake Bray. Yoni Glogower, Conservation Director, concurred that the drainage is north away from Whiting Reservoir and the reservoir is up gradient from the quarry. Yoni did mention that it is well known that fissures were intentionally created at the base of the quarry to allow drainage. No one knows to where these fissures drain


Poster: Kip has created and updated the poster based on comments. Dave Conte is fine with posting our posters advertising the public meeting. We have received Spanish translations of the poster from Nilka and Nelson.


Powerpoint Presentation: Marlene and Sue Ellen have updated the powerpoint and will seek to get Spanish translations for the presentation. Elbert, Harry, and Bob Comeau have provided photos, some historic for the powerpoint and articles.


Mayor Murphy – The Mayor has offered $500 for a recording secretary for the public meeting. This will need to approved by City Council. Mayor Murphy will send a transfer to the Holyoke City Council for their August 3 meeting for $500.00 to cover secretarial services for the open meetings that the WSR Committee will hold to get the public’s input.


Public Meetings – the soonest we could possibly have a public meeting would be late August. Proposing two public meetings, one in person and one on Zoom. Dates proposed are Tuesday September 21 and Wednesday September 29 (depending on availability). Meeting times likely 5:00 to 7:00 and/or 6:00 to 8:00.


Pioneer Valley Planning Council (PVPC) – Kate reported that PVPC had not been able to locate the actual deed filing for the Whiting Street Reservoir.  Sue Ellen mentioned that Dave Moore was to go over this with David Conti at the Holyoke Water Works.

Related to technical assistance from PVPC to WSRC, we have approval for 15 hours of technical assistance and supportive research with 6 hours in FY21 (legally allowable) and 9 hours in FY22 – slightly different scopes of work for each. We will need a letter from Aaron Vega to PVPC requesting the 9 hours of work remaining because it will be taking place in a different fiscal year from the initial 6 hours of work. This is due to a technicality in the PVPC’s fiscal management.


Public Communications – Kate will compile the master list of groups and individuals we would reach out to get broad representation and input. She is glad to add any suggestions from the committee. For instance, Latino Outdoors Holyoke is one example of groups we should try to reach out to. It has been suggested to ask the Mayors office to do a Press Release for us. Poster translators are Nelson Lopez from Holyoke Community College and Nilka Ortiz from the Mayor’s office.


Media releases and press coverage: Marlene volunteered to take first shot at a press release and article for new consumption. Dave Moore and Jeff Horan would be willing to speak to media. Marlene will be writing and article on the “the jewel of the valley” and we can look to generate a press release from this article. Consider interesting history where possible. Sue Ellen will reach out to Dave Madsen at 40; Cynthia Simison at the Republican and Dusty Christianson at the Gazette.


Meeting Locations: Sue Ellen will also reach out to the Mayor about our use of a City Hall location for the Public Meeting. City Hall is likely the best venue since it conveys that the City is asking for public input. Other venues like the Senior Center and Wistariahurst have fees (we don’t have a budget for meeting space).


Next Steps:

  • Next meeting August 3 with focus on press release and articles
  • Sue Ellen will look into available venue for either September 21 or September 29 Public meetings
  • Marlene will take the lead on writing an article for the press. Others will also be contributing materials. Kate and Jeff offered to assist with editing.
  • Kate will begin compiling master list of groups and individuals we should reach out to
  • Sue Ellen will contact media including Dave Madsen and Cynthia Simison
  • Marlene will contact Elbert for assistance on incorporating photos
  • Dave Moore and Jeff Horan would be willing to speak to media as needed


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