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Whiting Reservoir Study Committee 4-6-21

Apr 6 2021

5:00 pm Remote by Zoom




Meeting to take place remotely on Zoom Meetings on Tuesday 4/6/21 5:00PM

*** Meeting can be accessed via Meeting ID: 889 0539 5299  Meeting Passcode: 728563 or by call in at 1 (646) 558-8656 with the same Meeting ID and Passcode. ***

Minutes of March 16 meeting

Conversation with Pat Murphy, General Manager of Wycoff Country Club

Tour of WSR with Robert Comeau

Guest(s) to invite to April 20th meeting

Other business


Whiting Street Reservoir Study Committee

April 6, 2021

Meeting Minutes

In Attendance: Sue Ellen Panitch (Chair), Marlene Connor (Vice Chair), Kip Foley,
Dave Moore, Jeff Horan, Kate Kruckemeyer & Terry Sheppard.

Absent: Harry Craven & Joseph Manzi

Ms. Panitch called the meeting to order at 5:20 pm and asked Ms. Kruckemeyer to
brief the committee regarding her discussions with the Pioneer Valley Planning
Commission. PVPA may be able to assist the committee with its work by providing
research on other Massachusetts communities that have effectively increased use of
their stand by reservoirs. The PVPC has available funding to perform this research
in FY 21. The committee discussed forming a subcommittee with members Connor
& Kruckemeyer taking the lead. Triggering the PVPC engagement would likely
require a letter from Aaron Vega, the head of the Holyoke Office of Community
Development. Member Moore suggested that the Holyoke Water Works should be
notified of the possibility of PVPC doing said research.

Patrick Murphy, General Manager of Wycoff Country Club (WCC), was introduced as
an abutter to the reservoir by member Foley. Mr. Murphy told the committee that
the WCC has been following the activities of the committee and that they were
interested in discussing how the two properties might be able to support each other.
Parking for visitors of the reservoir at WCC and the potential access to reservoir
water for irrigation of the golf course were discussed. Mr. Murphy told the
committee that the plans for WCC were to continue to operate as a golf course,
restaurant and banquet facility. Mr. Murphy emphasized that WCC wanted to be
good neighbors. He also mentioned that WCC is not seeing the after hour issues that
other abutters have raised with the committee. The committee thanked Mr. Murphy
for his time and asked that he feel free to reach out with any questions.

The committee discussed the generous offer of Mr. Bob Comeau to host a historic
tour of the reservoir for committee members. The committee agreed that it would
be beneficial to members to accept Mr. Comeau’s offer. Member Connor offered to
reach out to Mr. Comeau to determine when such tour might be scheduled.

The committee discussed, for planning purposes, possible next steps. The next
meeting will be the final initial discussion with interested abutters and the
meeting(s) after that are to be dedicated to internal committee deliberations
followed by meetings seeking public input with the committee’s final report
provided to the City Council in the fall of 2021.

Next meeting to be held on April 20, 2021 @ 5:00 pm.

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