Soldier’s Memorial Commission Meeting, March 11, 2025
6:00 pm Holyoke War Memorial Building
310 Appleton St, Holyoke 01040
Roll Call
Accept February 11th Minutes
Old Business
Battery status for cleaner.
Three quotes for the sound system.
POW display in hallway
Status of volunteer building monitors. Status of shared calendar for signup
War Memorial Cleanup.
Bathroom process
Status of internal drain leaks. Anything happen with the recent rains?
Budget meeting planning.
Quotes for digital outdoor announcement board.
New Items:
February 11th Minutes:
Roll Call
Accept January 14th Minutes
Old Business
Furnace repair status
Sound system and status of required three quotes
Locks and security update
Waiting room status
POW display
Room named for veteran?
Volunteer building monitors during business hours
New Business
Security of the building during business hours
Bathroom entry
Batteries for floor machine
February 4th review
Schedule room cleanup and dumpster. Mayor made some offers.
Internal drain problem status
Planning for eventual financial independence of board and building.
Set next meeting for March 11th.
Ken Harstine
Present: Ken Harstine Laddy Rua Rick Purcell Kevin Thomas Minutes accepted Old Business Battery status tabled POW gathering information and need to acquire missing parts Audio systems quotes tabled Building cleanup. Laddy picked up litter around the building. Three bags collected. Bathroom process. Need to set up paddle key system. Announcement Board tabled Budget meeting is 2pm, Wednesday the 11th at the mayors office. New Business Race street reentry. American Legion 25, Veteran Services (Wilfredo is interim), and Sherifs Department. Jorge Santiago has resigned from VSO. Looking for information on Borinqueneers 65th Infantry Regiment. Events: Birthday party on Saturday 12 to 4. Less than 40 persons. Laddy is taking on tasks. Budget Notes: Need to put in new priorities. Westchester Elevator Company Bill if $661.94. Likely owed directly by the city. Need report to state about power sources. Will talk to HG&E about this requirement. Wish list: Office, AC and blinds in office, Updated security station in our office. Table in office. Floors and painting. White board. Business cards. New phone, Storage closet. Updated PC and software, key lockbox, update electronic directories, Storage rooms. Paint and cleaning. Storage closet. Table and chair dollies. Window cleaning. Needs are work table for work. Dressing room. Update dressing room, AC and blinds, wet room, table, vanity, lights, chairs. Paint and thoroughly clean. Bathrooms, Fix drains for smell, upgrade stalls, sinks, soap dispensers, paper dispenser, clean floors, paint. Basement, Space assessment to remodel rooms to better organize basement. Cleaning machine battery, grounds rehabilitation. Door security, parking labels. Window blinds and shades, Grounds keeper. Honer room shampoo. Next meeting April 8th. Ken Harstine