Soldiers Memorial Commission Meeting January 14, 2025
6:00 pm Holyoke War Memorial Building
310 Appleton St, Holyoke 01040
Roll Call
Old Business:
2nd Floor Renovation and Occupation
Furnace Repairs
Roof Leaks
Keys and entry system
Veterans volunteer building monitor program
Waiting room space
Internet access improvements
Main hall chandelier lams replacement
Sound system
Schedule next meeting.
From Matthew Peterson of DPW:
- Good repairs have been made on the roof leaks
- Keys were made for the law officers now using office space in your building so as far as I know everybody who needs keys has them.
- I do need to generate new, individual, burglar alarm codes for those new occupants
- I’ve heard there are others who share codes, does anybody else need a code?
- The auditorium chandeliers will be re-lamped before the Memorial Day ceremony.
From Sgt. Joseph Zurheide
Regarding 2nd Floor Work:
- All painting and ceiling repairs have been completed.
The floors are scheduled to be stripped and waxed in the near future, and I should have a confirmed date later today, facilities superintendent M. Peterson and I received word yesterday the flooring team is being assigned to our project and they will expedite the process.
- The space is currently being utilized by officers and recovery coaches in an ad hoc manner. Once the floors are completed, all furniture and accessories will be placed in their final locations.
AISS, which will occupy the first room to the left after exiting the elevator, will also begin furnishing and utilizing their space after the floors are finished.
January 14th 2025 Meeting
Roll Call
Colleen Chesemere
Nelson Sarrao
Kevin Thomas
Ken Harstine
Rick Purcell
Laddy Rua
Welcome and statements from new members Colleen Nelson and Kevin
Colleen would like to keep the building looking sharp.
Nelson would like to expand things happening for veterans
Kevin would like to see building dressed up. Would like to see a monthly dinner for all veterans.
Accept minutes. Rick makes motion and Colleen seconds.
Repairs have been made to roof.
Furnace repair costs to be approved by city.
Sound system. MIFA will work up a plan. Nelson S. will seek another quote for a sound and light system.
New keys have been made for new tenants. Key codes as well. Our security has been connected to the city systems. We need a key box. Internal doors need locks to control accessible spaces.
Chandeliers to have lamps replaced by Memorial Day 2025
2nd floor renovations:
Painting and ceiling repairs complete
Floors to be cleaned and waxed.
Should have ropes and signs to define where daily visitors are allowed.
We should pursue a ramp or other handicapped access to the stage. How to proceed. Contact city ADA commission.
Need new keys and codes for new commissioners.
Looking for security system backup control and internet person. Person or persons to prepare a security plan and procedure.
Waiting room and seating in all spaces for persons who need it.
POW display needs to be completed with standard components.
Was a room named for a specific veteran?
Who can volunteer to be in the building during business hours (m-f, 7:30-16:30)?
Please respond with your availability.
Motion for next meeting February 11th.
December 10th 2024 Meeting
Roll Call:
Laddy Rua
Kevin Thomas
Ken Harstine
Rick Purcell
Guests via Zoom:
Jorge Santiago
Joseph Zurhiede
Old Business
Building Status:
DAV and VFW have been relocated.
Rooms have been painted and windows cleaned.
Room 201 contents have been moved to the attic.
Room 200 is being renovated. Hampden County Sheriffs Department
Contents of room 200 and 203 will be moved to room 6 in the basement and room 107.
Room 201 is being renovated. VFW 25 needs to be moved to room 107 and shared with DAV. Items to be stored need to be tagged. These items will be moved to the old projection room.
Room 201 and 202 will be occupied by Race Street.
Room 202. Once floors are re-finished it is ready for move in.
Room 203. Safe needs to be removed to the basement.
Room 204 has been emptied and is ready for move in. Race Street will occupy.
First floor Veterans Services. Use basement space to expand Veterans Services.
Back stage spaces. Custodian space. Level 2 has custodial closet. Coed dressing room. An office space.
Aux Traffic Division in the basement has not been advised at this time.
Joseph: Race Street. Many of their customers are veterans. Room 200 and 201 have not been worked on yet. Room 202-204 are complete except for floor finishing. Some furniture will be moved in as early as tomorrow.
Mathew is still seeking funding for furnace repairs. Waste water from roof and return water from heating system are dealt with daily.
Jorge: Waiting for codes and keys. Code entry system frequently needs reset.
Locking restrooms for security.
Laddy proposed to create a volunteer office for veterans who are monitoring the building. Also proposed is a waiting room space.
Proposed to have an additional meeting with current tenants to discuss space.
Additional agenda items shelved for next meeting.
New entry control system has not been updated.
Internet access improvements. Ticket is in place to revamp the network. Hampden will work with the city Novus service internet.
Parking proposal. Work on more later.
FSI fuels and Lyle Electric will supply quotes for heat pumps.
Main hall light replacement. MIFA is providing help on updating the lights and sound in the building. Quotes are being requested.
City Christmas party December 20th.
Next meeting January 14th.