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Soldiers Memorial Commission Meeting February 11, 2025

Feb 11 2025

6:00 pm Holyoke War Memorial Building

310 Appleton St, Holyoke 01040


Roll Call

Accept January 14th Minutes

Old Business

Furnace repair status

Sound system and status of required three quotes

Locks and security update

Waiting room status

POW display

Room named for veteran?

Volunteer building monitors during business hours

New Business

Security of the building during business hours

Bathroom entry

Batteries for floor machine

February 4th review

Schedule room cleanup and dumpster. Mayor made some offers.

Internal drain problem status

Planning for eventual financial independence of board and building.

Set next meeting for March 11th.

Ken Harstine

February 11th Minutes:


Roll Call

Accept January 14th Minutes

Old Business

Furnace repair status

Sound system and status of required three quotes

Locks and security update

Waiting room status

POW display

Room named for veteran?

Volunteer building monitors during business hours

New Business

Security of the building during business hours

Bathroom entry

Batteries for floor machine

February 4th review

Schedule room cleanup and dumpster. Mayor made some offers.

Internal drain problem status

Planning for eventual financial independence of board and building.

Set next meeting for March 11th.

Ken Harstine


January 14th Minutes

Roll Call

Colleen Chesemere
Nelson Sarrao
Kevin Thomas
Ken Harstine
Rick Purcell
Laddy Rua

Welcome and statements from new members Colleen Nelson and Kevin

Colleen would like to keep the building looking sharp.
Nelson would like to expand things happening for veterans
Kevin would like to see building dressed up. Would like to see a monthly dinner for all veterans.

Accept minutes. Rick makes motion and Colleen seconds.

Repairs have been made to roof.
Furnace repair costs to be approved by city.
Sound system. MIFA will work up a plan. Nelson S. will seek another quote for a sound and light system.
New keys have been made for new tenants. Key codes as well. Our security has been connected to the city systems. We need a key box. Internal doors need locks to control accessible spaces.
Chandeliers to have lamps replaced by Memorial Day 2025

2nd floor renovations:
Painting and ceiling repairs complete
Floors to be cleaned and waxed.

Should have ropes and signs to define where daily visitors are allowed.

We should pursue a ramp or other handicapped access to the stage. How to proceed. Contact city ADA commission.

Need new keys and codes for new commissioners.

Looking for security system backup control and internet person. Person or persons to prepare a security plan and procedure.

Waiting room and seating in all spaces for persons who need it.

POW display needs to be completed with standard components.

Was a room named for a specific veteran?

Who can volunteer to be in the building during business hours (m-f, 7:30-16:30)?
Please respond with your availability.

Motion for next meeting February 11th.

Soldiers Memorial Commission Contact Form
310 Appleton Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
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