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Recycling Advisory Committee Meeting January 8, 2025

Jan 8 2025

5:00 pm Flats Community Building

43 N Canal St, Holyoke 01040

Recycling Advisory Committee
January 8, 2025
5:00 PM

Flats Community Building
43 North Canal St


  1. Public Comment
  2. Review/approve minutes from December 4, 2024
  3. DPW Director update
  4. Recycling Coordinator update
  5. Old Business: 
    1. Recycling data collection update
    2. Additional member update – Joe Black, HCC student
    3. HG&E insert update
    4. Strategic Planning session – PVPC
    5. Other
  6. New Business
    1. New member Joseph Black
    2. other
  7. Set next meeting and adjourn

Recycling Advisory Committee Minutes 

January 8 2025


Facilitator: Linda Pratt Date 1-8-25 Attending: Ricardo Devalle(DPW), Linda Pratt, Astrid deSoete, DJ O’connor, Eric Weiss(PVPC), Jaime O’connell, Joseph Black, Linda Pratt, 

Sitting in for Matt Mainville, Janara Healy(HHA) 

Absent: Frank Daley, Greg Virgilio, Matt Mainville

Note Taker: Nayroby Rosa Time in-out: 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Timekeeper: Nayroby Rosa Location: 43 North Canal St


Agenda Item  Time  Discussion
1. Public Comment and Welcome 1 min
  • Linda called the meeting to order at 5PM. No one present for public comment. 
  • City Council rep from Ward 2 apologized for not being able  to be present. 
2. Review and approval of minutes from September 4th   1min
  • Nayroby motion to approve minutes and seconded by DJ. Unanimous vote.
3.  DPW Director Update
  • Carl not present to report any update. 
 4.  Recycling Coordinator Update
  • Rico reported that Jack, the intern, has been collecting data on how many folks are recycling. Has not done Flats, Springdale, or South Holyoke. Stated that in DPW meeting residents are still mixing recycling with trash. Linda asked if DPW staff are reporting when there are issues with recycling. Rico also stated that he addressed with his DPW staff when picking up extra bags of cans also for DPW staff not to sort recycles. Linda asked about how the recycling committee can help with spreading education on how residents can recycle. Linda stated that there is a possibility of a grant for a single stream system. Rico stated that his team will continue with dual stream until told otherwise. Linda asked Rico about update on Recycling Dividends, Rico stated that there are some changes for 2025. For example, the city will no longer get points for textiles. Rico stated that the city currently gets funds for recycling certain materials like mattresses or textiles. Will be gathering more information on funds spent on hazardous waste. Linda would like to see how much our current activities are costing to see how much funds are left. Rico has asked City Auditor for this info.  DJ suggested to educate public on increasing the amount of hazardous waste materials brought. Rico reported new recycling bins grant did not get approved. Residents will need to purchase their own recycling bins. Rico stated that the DPW director stated that the city can enforce the use of bins for recycling with the use of ticketing process and after two warnings fines of up to $100. Need to keep reminding people that they can use old trash cans for recycling.
5. Old Business
  • Recycling data collection underway and will be completed by the end of January. Linda has asked Meg McGrath-Smith for a report since she has been working on this project.
6. New Business:
  • New member Joseph Black. Waiting for appointment from CC. 
  • Could this meeting be held virtually? Linda will confirm with the City Solicitor on rules for virtual meetings. Cannot use personal accounts.
  • Strategic Planning with Eric Weiss (PVPC) – notes will be added when received.
7. Next meeting and adjournment
  • Feb 5th at 5pm. 
  • Motion to adjourn by Nayroby and seconded by Astrid. Unanimous vote and meeting adjourned. 


Office of Planning and Economic Development
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