Recycling Advisory Committee Meeting December 4, 2024
5:00 pm Flats Community Building
43 N Canal St, Holyoke 01040
Recycling Committee Minutes
Facilitator: Linda Pratt | Date 12-4-24 | Attending: Ricardo Devalle, Linda Pratt, Astrid DeSoete, Matt Mainville, Greg Virgilio, Eric Weiss, Nayroby Rosa
Absent: Frank Daley, James Oconnell, Dj Oconnor, |
Note Taker: Nayroby Rosa | Time in-out: 5:10pm-6:03pm | |
Timekeeper: Nayroby Rosa | Location: 43 North Canal St |
Agenda Item | Time | Discussion |
1. Public Comment and Welcome | 1 min |
2. Review and approval of minutes from September 4th | 5min |
3. DPW Director update |
4. Recycling Coordinator update |
5. Old Business |
Councilor Meg McGrath Smith (previously on the committee) had the idea of hiring HCC students to track data on how many residents recycle. Word received today that the city has approved issuing contracts to two students. Meg will meet with students and HCC advisor tomorrow and students will start as soon as they are available, possibly next week.This will give us baseline data on current state of recycling picked up by city.
Looking for another member. Linda requested we bring suggestions. Nayroby will check with HCC.
6. New Business: |
Eric put together some talking points that have old information and new information about what has been done. Main point is what Holyoke Recycling will look like for the future. Full discussion tabled until January.
Input from Nayroby- Not a Recycling Committee responsibility Input from Matt- We are the recycling committee not in charge of what residents do with their trash. Input from Greg- As a landlord it would be nice but agrees that it is not the recycling committee responsibility. Input from Linda- It’s not a recycling issue Input from Astrid- her residents have access to cards but do not want the expense. |
7. Next meeting and adjournment |