Ordinance Committee Meeting October 13, 2020
6:30 pm Remote by Zoom
City Council
Holyoke Massachusetts
Notice of Committee Meeting
There will be a regular meeting of the committee on
Meeting to take place remotely on Zoom Meetings on Tuesday 10/13 at 6:30PM
Per order of the Chair: Rebecca Lisi
*** Meeting will take place remotely and can be accessed via www.zoom.us Meeting ID: 839 0896 1249 Meeting Password: 509820 or by call in at 1 (929)205-6099 with same Meeting ID and Password. ***
- Joint Public Hearing of the Ordinance Committee and the Planning Board 4/21/20: Order: that in an effort to enhance food access and security for our residents during these uncertain times that we expedite a backyard chicken ordinance as well as review of the permitting process for community gardens to ensure that it facilitates easy access and use of such sites
- LISI 4/21/20: that in an effort to enhance food access and security for our residents during these uncertain times that we expedite a backyard chicken ordinance as well as review of the permitting process for community gardens to ensure that it facilitates easy access and use of such sites
3. Bartley 8/4/20: The City of Holyoke accept Old Bassett Rd. as a public way. The Solicitor advised it is not an accepted street. The City Engineer advised the acceptance would, generally, be a plus for the city in terms of Chapter 90 funds. Finally, this is at the bequest of one of the street’s residents.
4. Lebron-Martinez 8/4/20: That the city grants resident parking for 340 Hampden Street.