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Local Historic District Commission Meeting January 20, 2021

Jan 20 2021

6:30 pm Remote by Zoom


Local Historical District Commission – Fairfield Avenue Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 6:30 pm

Where:    Zoom Meeting: During the COVID-19 outbreak and declared State of Emergency in MA, municipal governments are obliged to cancel all public meetings to protect against the risk of spreading this infectious disease. Governor Baker’s March 12 “Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, Section 20” allows municipalities to host virtual open meetings in place of their normal public meetings and hearings.


The Local Historic District Commission and the public may join the virtual Zoom meeting either at using the Join Meeting tab at the top right or to call in at 1 (929)205-6099 or 1 (301)715-8592.

The Zoom meeting I.D. is: 894 5814 3250


Old Business:

  1. Approve previous meeting minutes
  2. Information packets for Fairfield Avenue homeowners, homes for sale and new homeowners
  3. Website updates
  4. Fairfield Avenue photo archive
  5. LHD Commission member recruitment


New Business:

  1. 61 Fairfield Avenue sold
  2. 30 Fairfield Avenue COA (Roofing and Front Porch work)

All City of Holyoke and Fairfield Avenue residents are welcome to attend.

Commissioners: Marco Crescentini (Chair), Matteo Riondato, Christine Berge, Darcy Lambert, vacancy, vacancy, vacancy

Alternates: Olivia Mausel, Susan Woods






January 12, 2021
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20 Korean Veterans Plaza
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