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Please be advised that City offices will be closed on Monday, January 20th, in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr holiday.

Attention Holyoke residents, the current regular parking ban will conclude on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 8am. Please be advised that starting at 8am on January 21, a reverse parking ban will be enforced, prohibiting parking on the EVEN side of the street and on cul-de-sacs until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Atención residentes de Holyoke, la actual prohibición de estacionamiento concluirá el martes 21 de Enero del 2025, a las 8am. Les informamos que a partir de las 8am del 21 de Enero, comenzará una prohibición de estacionamiento inversa, prohibiendo estacionarse en el lado PAR de la calle y en las calles sin salida hasta nuevo aviso. Gracias por su cooperación.

Joint Committee of the City Council & School Committee Meeting March 17, 2021

Mar 17 2021

6:30 pm Remote by Zoom


City Council

Holyoke Massachusetts


Notice of Committee Meeting

There will be a regular meeting of the committee of


The Joint Committee of the City Council and School Committee


Meeting to take place remotely on Zoom Meetings on Wednesday 3-17-21 at 6:30PM

Per order of the Chair: Gladys Lebron-Martinez


*** Meeting will take place remotely and can be accessed via Meeting ID: 896 4788 5357 Meeting Passcode: 908864 or by call in at 1 (929)205-6099 with same Meeting ID and Passcode.  ***




Item 1: 12-15-20 MURPHY — Ordered that the receiver appear before the joint committee to discuss concerns about students potentially falling behind grade level, and plans being designed to address that once students are fully back into the classroom.  Is there a potential, especially in the crucial early grade levels, that students might need to stay within their current grade or receive extensive additional instruction in order to catch up to grade level?  What impacts might this have on classroom size, the need for additional teachers, and funding?

Item 2: 2-2-21 GREANEY, JR., LEAHY — Ordered, that the City Council invite in School Committee and Receiver to discuss top 100 salaries.

Item 3a: 2-2-21 MCGEE, LISI – Ordered, That with the reconvening of the review process and discussion on the middle school project- The Joint committee of City council and School Committee meet and invite in the Mayor, school department/receiver, treasurer, members of the city finance team and members of the community to review the feasibility study and MSBA financing and collect the necessary data requested by the MSBA in order to better assess the project/proposal.

Item 3b: Discussion of the PreK-8 Portfolio of Schools, including ties to the middle school building discussion.


Administrative Assistant: Jeffery Anderson-Burgos

The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law. Also one or two items may require the committee to enter into executive session at this meeting. Agenda subject to change up to two business days (48 hours) prior to posted meeting time.

Jeffery Anderson-Burgos
Administrative Assistant to the City Council

Holyoke City Hall
536 Dwight St, Room 10
Holyoke, MA 01040
Regular hours 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Meeting days 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
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