Holyoke Retirement Board November 20, 2024
9:00 am Holyoke City Hall Annex
20 Korean Veterans Plaza, Holyoke 01040
Pursuant to G.L. c. 30A, § 20(b) notice is hereby given that a meeting of a Holyoke Retirement Board Meeting to be held at 20 Korean Veterans Plaza, Room 207, Holyoke, MA.
Board Meeting: Wednesday November 20, 2024 @ 9:00 A.M.
Agenda Topics:
Minutes of Meeting held on October 30, 2024
Expense Warrant Approval
Bank Reconciliations
Trial Balance and Statement of Financial Activities
Retirement Applications
Consultant- &CO
Manager Reviews
Refunds and Transfers
Segal Actuarial Assumptions
Anthony Dulude is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Holyoke Retirement Board
Time: Nov 20, 2024 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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November 20, 2024
Pursuant to Chapter 20, Section 20 of the Acts of 2021, the regular Meeting of the Holyoke Retirement Board was called to order by Cheryl Dugre 9:01 A.M. Present were Tanya Wdowiak, Michele Aubrey, Todd McGee (absent). Also present were Executive Director Anthony Dulude, Alexa Foust-journalist (zoom), Cyril Espanol-journalist (zoom) and Brian Green (zoom).
- Minutes of Board minutes held on October 30, 2024.
On separate motions made by Ms. Wdowiak, seconded by Ms. Aubrey, it was voted unanimously, via roll call (4-0) to accept Item I “Minutes,” Item II “Bank Reconciliation,” Item III “Statement of Financial Activities,” Item IV “Retirement Applications,” and Item V “Expenses.”, voting in favor all members.
- Bank Reconciliation:
Bank statements through October 31, 2024. No reconciliations since July, 2022.
- Statement of Financial Activities:
Reviewed Trial Balance and Cash Flow Worksheet
- Retirement Applications:
None for the meeting.
- Expenses:
- Bills……………………………………………. $ 1,186.71
Refunds & Transfers………………. 22,866.05
Management Fees…………………… 151,882.44
$ 175,935.20
- Retiree Payroll: Annuity Pension Total
October 31, 2024 $ 481,294.35 $2,227,609.78 $2,708904.13
- VI. Issues-Request-Policy:
- PERAC Memos and Correspondence:
Pension News #66
- Pension Appropriations FY2025: Report 9/25/2024
City 12,532,947.00 4,176,569.00 8,356378.00
HG&E 4,679,884.00 1,949,951.77 2,729932.23
Water 638,989.00 123,989.00 515,000.00
Housing 1,314,436.00 547,681.65 766,754.35
Waste Water 31,587.00 31,587.00
Total 19,197,843.00 6,798,191.42 12,399651.58
- New Members:
Antoinette Smith ADM (small dept) Group 1 9%
Roll Call Vote taken (3-0) unanimous to accept the new members.
- Disabilities-
Enrique Melendez- Perac Approved.
- Investments:
Manager Reviews were done by Pyramis, Long Wharf, Terracap.
The Board conducted manager reviews pursuant to 840 CMR 16.07. Via Zoom:
The Board deemed the Companies are doing their due diligence with respect to the investment standards set forth in their contracts.
On recommendations from Brian Green (consultant) the board voted (3-0) on the following items.
Board decided to redeem Long Wharf IV $30,000 to end the LWIV Fund.
Board decided to allow for the fact that Monroe has been acquired by Wendell.
Board has decided to invest $7.5 million in Long Wharf VI real estate fund.
Board has decided to invest $ 10 million in Terra Cap VI real estate fund.
The Board has requested to make sure the office has access to all banking accounts at Peoples Bank.
The Board voted (3-0) roll call to allow Board members and staff to attend MACRS fall meeting in
Springfield, MA December 8-11.
The next meeting of the Holyoke Retirement Board will be held on December 18, 2024 @ 8:30am.
There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Ms. Wdowiak, seconded by Ms. Aubrey, passing unanimously, (3-0).
MEETING ………………………. adjourned 10:25A.M.
List of Documents Reviewed at the 11/20/2024 Meeting:
Draft minutes of October 30/2024 meeting.
Peoples Bank Statements- October 2024
Mariner- Flash Report
Trial Balance
Cash Financial Activities
Respectfully submitted,
Anthony Dulude
Executive Director
ATTESTED TO: _____________________________
Elected Member- vacant
_____________________________ Michele Aubrey
Appointed Fifth Member
_____________________________ Cheryl Dugre (Chairwoman)
Elected Member
_______ABSENT_______________Todd McGee
Appointed Member
_____________________________ Tanya Wdowiak
Ex-Officio Member