Holyoke Conservation Commission Meeting September 22, 2022
6:15 pm Remote by Zoom
Holyoke Conservation Commission
September 22nd, 2022
6:15 PM
This hearing will be held remotely, in accordance with temporary changes to Open Meeting Law in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. Access to this meeting is available to the public by computer or phone as follows:
– Computer Access: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82708168168
– Phone Access: Call +1 301-715-8592 and enter the Meeting ID followed by #: 827 0816 8168
Email Yoni Glogower with any questions about meeting access: glogowery@holyoke.org
(All meetings are being recorded)
- Call to Order
- Public Hearing – Notice of Intent WE 186-0294 (Continued from 8/11/22 Meeting)
Applicant: Delorean Power
Representative: BL Companies
Location: 361 Whitney Avenue (MBP 176-00-036)
Description: Construction of a battery energy storage system within the buffer zone of
Bordering Vegetated Wetlands.
- Public Hearing – Notice of Intent WE 186-0299
Applicant: JSH Nominee Trust
Representative: R. Levesque Associates, Inc.
Location: Northampton Street (MBP 223-00-1, 5, 8)
Description: Construction of a residential development within the buffer zone of
Bordering Vegetated Wetlands.
- Formal Vote – Minutes from 8/25/22 Meeting
- Discussion – Upcoming Items for 10/13/22 Meeting
- Mail/other items not reasonably anticipated by the Chair
- Adjourn
Attendees who cause disruptions may be warned, muted, or removed from the public meeting at the discretion of the Chairperson.