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Attention Holyoke residents, the current parking ban will conclude on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 6am. Please be advised that starting at 8:00am on Monday, February 17, 2025, a reverse parking ban will be enforced, prohibiting parking on the EVEN side of the street and on cul-de-sacs until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Atención residentes de Holyoke, la actual prohibición de estacionamiento concluirá el lunes 17 de febrero de 2025, a las 6am. Les informamos que a partir de las 8am del 17 de febrero, comenzará una prohibición de estacionamiento inversa, prohibiendo estacionarse en el lado PAR de la calle y en las calles sin salida hasta nuevo aviso. Gracias por su cooperación.

Holyoke City Council Meeting August 1, 2023

Aug 1 2023

7:00 pm City Hall Holyoke

536 Dwight St, Holyoke 01040

Posted July 28, 2023, 1:00 PM

Status updates for order

Meeting will take place at Holyoke City Hall, 536 Dwight St
and can also be accessed remotely via
Meeting ID: 859 1496 0000 Meeting Passcode: 657908 or by call in at 1 (646) 558-8656 with same Meeting ID and Passcode.

Live Spanish interpretation will be available on local access channel 15 using the television’s SAP option, through the live stream on the city website, as well as on the Zoom feed by clicking the interpretation option and choosing Spanish.

August 1,2023
7:00 PM


1. From Mayor Joshua A. Garcia letter of Veto for the CPA ballot question to be placed on the November 2023 local election.

2. The undersigned seek a meeting of the City council and have the question to vote for a CPA rate of 1% or 1.5% placed on the November 2023 ballot as voted by a majority of the City council on April 4, 2023. This is the first opportunity we have to vote on the tax surcharge since was approved 5 years ago. We object to any delay in our ability to vote on this tax surcharge, whether we support a reduction or support the current rate.



3. From Mayor Joshua A. Garcia, Executive Order re: Sec. 18-35 Regulation of Blighted and vacant Buildings.

4. From Mayor Joshua A. Garcia, letter appointing Ms. Hayley M. Dunn, 1099 Northampton St. to serve as the Democratic Member for the Board of Registrar of Voters for the City of Holyoke: Ms. Dunn will replace Mr. Ray Drewnowski and will serve the remainder of his term, said term will expire on March 31, 2024.

5. From Mayor Joshua A, Garcia letter Appointing Mr. R. Andrew Parker, 170 Mt. View Dr. to serve as a member on the Library Board of Directors for the City of Holyoke: Mr. Parker will replace Ms. Julia Santiago and will serve the remainder of her term; said term will expire on Febuary 2025.

6. From Mayor Joshua A. Garcia letter appointing Greg Virgilio, David “DJ” O’Connor, Linda Pratt, Nayroby Rosa-Soriano, Framk Dailey. Matt Mainville, Meagan Magrath, Axel Fontanez, Markeysha Dawn Davis & Camilia Garcia as members on the Recycling Advisory Committee for the City of Holyoke: They will serve a three year term; Said term will expire on August 1, 2026.

7. From Mayor Joshua A. Garcia, emails providing feedback from various department heads in regards to financial policies manual.

8. From Mayor Joshua A. Garcia, notice to hold hearing on Comcast License renewal on September 14, 2023.

9. City of Holyoke Financial Policies Manual from Division of Local Services MA Department of Revenue.

10. From Lisa Ball, City Solicitor legal Opinion from Mark R. Reich, Esq. regarding City council voting requirements.

11. From Lisa Ball, City Solicitor, Legal Opinion from KP Law, Mark R. Reich Esq. regarding Community Preservation Act Surcharge Reduction.

12. From City Solicitors Ballot Question wording.

13. From City Solicitor letter re: Police Commission.

14. From Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC listing of money cuts from FY2024 Budget.

15. From Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC communication regarding ballot question deadlines.

16. From Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC & Jeffery Anderson-Burgos, Admin. Ass’t. to City Council minutes of Special Meeting and regular meeting of May 16, Regular meeting of June 6, June 20, 2023.

17. Grant Completion Form – Commonwealth of Massachusetts DCR Masstrails Grant

18. Grant Completion Form, From Wistariahurst Museum Repainting/Restoration.

19. Grant Completion Form – FY 23 REDO grant, The ARTery Project – Economic Development Council of Western Mass

20. From Upper Echelon Cultivation LLC & Red Barn Growers LLC located at 1 Cabot St. Community Outreach Meeting.

21. From HEDIC Minutes of March 23 & May 25, 2023.

22. From Board of Fire Commission minutes of May 18, 2023.

23. From Holyoke Historical Commission minutes of April 10, & May 10, 2023.

24. From Holyoke Redevelopment Authority minutes of May 17 & June 21, 2023.

25. From Andre Gamble, pictures addressing parking requirement for special permit at 39-41 Portland Street”


26. Petition of Euphorium LLC for a new special permit for a Marijuana Manufacturing Establishment at 15 Main St.

27. Petition for Joint or Identical Pole Location Verizon New England Inc and Holyoke Gas & Electric Department:

Request permission to locate poles, wires, cables and fixtures, including the necessary anchors, guys and other such sustaining and protecting fixtures to be owned and used in common by your petitioners, along and across the following public way or ways:

JARVIS AVENUE: Place one (1) jointly owned mid-span pole numbered T.5 1/2/E.30 1/2 o the east side of Jarvis Avenue at a point approximately eight hundred seventy five (875) feet southwesterly from the centerline of Easthampton Rd.

Reason: This request has been initiated by the Holyoke G & E and is intended to provide for the distribution of intelligence and telecommunications and the transmission of high and low voltage electric current

28. Petition of Marisol Figueroa for a new special permit for a nail salon at 222 West Franklin St.



29. Ordinance Committee Reports (if any)

29A. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order Per constituent request, please remove the handicap sign at 16-18 Linden as the previous owner has passed. Recommended that the order be adopted.

29B. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order That Ordinance Section 12-4 Flags of the City of Holyoke be amended to include the new regulations for flying the POW flag. Recommended that the order be adopted.

29C. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order To amend section 2-156.1 to return the approval the assistant city solicitor for the city council by the President of the city council to the language:
(1) City council. An assistant city solicitor shall attend all regular and special city council meetings and subcommittee meetings as necessary. The assistant shall work with the city council regarding legal questions posed to the law department by the council or by individual council members. The appointment of the assistant city solicitor for the city council shall also be approved by the president of the city council. Recommended that the order be adopted.

30. Finance Committee Reports (if any)

30A. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “FFY19 PROJECT SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS (PSN), $20,069, NO MATCH” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant. Recommended that the order be adopted.

30B. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “FY 2024 STATE 911 DEPARTMENT EMERGENCY MEDICAL DISPATCH, $24,500, NO MATCH” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant. Recommended that the order be adopted.

30C. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “FY2024 SUPPORT & INCENTIVE GRANT, $306,443, NO MATCH” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant. Recommended that the order be adopted.

30D. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “MASSACHUSETTS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FFY2022 EMPG, $20,150, NO MATCH” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant. Recommended that the order be adopted.

30E. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “PVPC FY24 CT RIVER CLEANUP FUNDING, $210,000, NO MATCH” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant. Recommended that the order be adopted.

30F. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order That the Auditor and if needed relevant dept heads and Mayor please review the Free Cash certification with the Finance Committee and City Council. Recommended that the order has been complied with.

30G. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that the Finance Committee discuss the funding of interpretation of subcommittee meetings. Recommended that the order has been complied with.

30H. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that the road improvements be made on Homestead Ave from Cherry Street to Lower Westfield Rd, including repairing sinking/broken sewers etc. Please see citizens petition from residents. Refer to Mayor and Finance Committee to determine funding source as DPW and Veolia indicate there is no money available for the repairs. Recommended that the order has been complied with.

30I. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order The DPW replaced the sidewalk on Queen St. between Coit and King St. This was recently reviewed with the DPW Superintendent and W-3 councilor. Recommended that the order has been complied with.

31. Public Safety Committee Reports (if any)

31A. The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that Ordered that DPW and Parks & Rec look into making Rohan Park a kids and dog park. As it stands only half of the park is being utilized. Recommended that the order has been complied with.

31B. The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that That the DPW Superintendent provide the City Council with an update on the tree list. Update should include how trees are prioritized and the obstacles the DPW faces in addressing them. This is a constituent request. Recommended that the order has been complied with.

31C. The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order That the Police Chief provide the City Council with a performance report on how Shot Spotter is performing and what we are learning about gun activity in the city so far. Please email the City Council all reports available asap for our review so we can be prepared for this discussion. Recommended that the order has been complied with.

31D. The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that With Community support, order that the City Forester present his department’s obligations and an action plan for addressing constituent concerns. Ongoing issues include dangerous dead and overgrown trees growing on or over city property. Understanding our Forester’s action plans will help us understand how best to support the department’s efforts. This will also help with understanding if an ordinance update or change is needed. Recommended that the order has been complied with.

31E. The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that Ordered that the public safety committee meet with representatives from the Opioid Substance Abuse task force, the health director, and Judge William Hadley, to discuss the need for a short-term residential transition program to assist individuals returning from a treatment program. The goal of this would be to improve the chances of long-term success for these individuals. The resident capacity would probably be around 20 beds. Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw.

31F. The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that Ordered that the mayor and the health director appear before that public safety committee to provide an update on the potential for the city to establish a homeless shelter, potentially at the War Memorial Building. Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw.

32. Public Service Committee Reports (if any)

32A. The Committee on Public Service to whom was referred an order From Mayor Joshua A. Garcia letter appointing Mr. Michael Sullivan, 43 Park Slope as a member of the Holyoke Economic Development and Industrial Corporation (HEDIC) effective July 1, 2023: This seat on the Board of Directors represents the At-Large sector. Mr. Sullivan will replace Tessa Murphy-Romboletti who is not seeking reappointment. This is a three-year term which will expire on June 30, 2026. Recommended that the appointment be confirmed.

32B. The Committee on Public Service to whom was referred an order From Mayor Joshua A. Garcia letter reappointing Ms. Theresa Cooper-Gordon, 52 Parker St. to serve as a Commissioner of the Holyoke Housing Authority for the City of Holyoke: Ms. Cooper-Gordon will serve a five year term; said term will expire on April 1, 2028. Recommended that the appointment be confirmed.

32C. The Committee on Public Service to whom was referred an order that the Mayor and City Council review and approve the relocation of a department or departments to the unused space of the tax collector/personnel office. These spaces are forward facing offices/spaces that allow better constituent access/service. (Note: One consideration would be to move the planning department into these spaces which would allow constituents/business easier access to the process.) Recommended that the order has been complied with.

32D. The Committee on Public Service to whom was referred an order that the City Council pass a resolution in support of the GREEN Act. Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw without prejudice.

33. Development and Governmental Relations Committee Reports (if any)

33A. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order License Agreement between the City of Holyoke and Edward A. Owen with a business at 120 Front St. Recommended that the license be granted

33B. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order Special Permit Application of Andre Gamble for a special permit for a third floor dwelling (7.2.9) at 39-41 Portland St. Recommended that the special permit be granted with the following condition:
That the applicant meet with the Building Department’s requirement that there be two additional parking spaces available.

33C. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order Special Permit Application of Juan Rodriguez of at 62 Pearl St. for a non conforming structure (4.7.3) Recommended that the special permit be referred back to the City Clerk at the request of the applicant.

33D. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order That the Honorable City Council, in accordance with M.G.L. ch. 30B and the City ordinance for property disposition, vote that the City of Holyoke accept the proposal and sell 267 Elm Street for $15,000.00 to GEM Holdings, LLC. The property is described in the City Assessor Records as Map 004, Block 03, Parcel 004, consisting of approximately 5,662 square feet of vacant land. The property is zoned as Downtown Residential (DR) and has an assessed value of $34,500.00. Recommended that the order be adopted.

33E. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that the Honorable City Council, in accordance with M.G.L. Ch. 30B and the Holyoke Code of Ordinances procurement ordinance, declare 118 Newton Street (Assessors Map 011, Block 03, Parcel 008) as surplus property available for disposition. The property was acquired via a judgment in tax lien foreclosure in 2023. It is approximately 4,270 square feet in size, zoned Downtown Residential (DR) and has an assessed value of $34,300.. Recommended that the order be adopted.

33F. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that the Honorable City Council, in accordance with M.G.L. Ch. 30B and the Holyoke Code of Ordinances procurement ordinance, declare 138 Cabot Street (Assessors Map 010, Block 01, Parcel 009) as surplus property available for disposition. The property was acquired via a judgment in tax lien foreclosure in 2023. It is approximately 2.761 square feet in size, zoned General Industry (IG) and has an assessed value of $17,400. Recommended that the order be adopted.

33G. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that the City Council invite representatives of the newly established High Street Business Association to discuss their efforts, challenges, priorities and ways the city can support their future initiatives. Recommended that the order has been complied with.

33H. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order From the Law Department, Update on Properties Recommended that the order has been complied with.

34. Charter and Rules Committee Reports (if any)

34A. The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order that all employment related ordinance issues be sent to the Public Service Committee instead of Ordinance Committee Recommended that the order be adopted, but striking out “instead of Ordinance Committee.”

34B. The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order that all roads and sign issues (including ordinances) be sent to the Public Safety Committee instead of Ordinance Committee Recommended that the order be adopted, but striking out “instead of Ordinance Committee.”

34C. The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order That the City of Holyoke, through its Honorable City Council and Honorable Mayor, hereby petitions the Massachusetts General Court to enact legislation “Establishing an Appointed Treasurer for the City of Holyoke” in the form set forth below; provided, however, that the General Court may reasonably vary the form and substance of the requested legislation within the scope of the general public objectives of this petition.
“An Act Establishing an Appointed Treasurer for the City of Holyoke” – This act proposes to change the City Treasurer from an elected position to an appointed one; the appointment will be made by the Mayor, with approval of the City Council, for a term not to exceed five (5) years and qualifications for the position may be established by ordinance. If adopted, the Treasurer elected in the 2023 municipal election will fill the vacancy in the office for the remaining two (2) years, and a Treasurer will be appointed to the position following the expiration of that term in January 2026 or sooner if the office is vacated. Recommended that the order be adopted.

34D. The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order that the Public Service Committee be renamed the Public Service and Human Resources Committee Recommended that the order be adopted.

34E. The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order That the Law department and City Council meet to discuss the recent Supreme Judicial Court decision in the matter Barron v Kolenda (SJC-13284) and the impact of that decision as it relates to and/or may modify our council rules. Recommended that the order has been complied with.

34F. The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order modify rule 6D to add. The use of profanity is prohibited and a member will no longer be permitted to speak on the question under debate when a member uses profane language. Recommended that the order be denied.

34G. The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order that we create a Cannabis Committee to strictly deal with Marijuana special permits and ordinance changes related to cannabis. Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw.

35. Joint City Council and School Committee Reports (if any)


36. BARTLEY — The City Forester determine if tree near 61 Lawler can be salvaged and/or trimmed and/or removed. The DPW replace or repair the sidewalk in front of this address as the tree’s uplifted the pavement. Please send communication to city council by its 1st meeting in September 2023 with any updates.

37. BARTLEY — The City Engineer and/or VEOLIA suggest improvements to the sidewalk and catch basin near 5 Martin St. (at the corner of Westfield Rd and Martin). Owner’s contractor noted the sidewalk is too high and the design causes water to pool on parking lot; the catch basin is above-grade is not catching storm water. Owner very willing to confer with City Engineer on this matter. Refer to Public Safety Committee for a review hearing.

38. BARTLEY — HPD and MA DOT work to promote a pedestrian safety plan for the employees contracted to work at the Soldiers’ Home. MA DOT expects to have up to 300 employees working on site for the next three years. The employees are scheduled to park at Lot Q at H.C.C. during that time. Refer to HPD, MA DOT District 2 and the DGR committee for a follow-up.

39. BARTLEY — The Mayor provide an update on funding the crosswalk at the HCC main gate. The design is in place. MA DOT states it has no role. The Alarm Division says it has the equipment (solar-powered pedestrian signals) in stock. Refer to Mayor. Copy to HFD Alarm Div. Please provide a communication for the 1st city council meeting in September 2023.

40. BARTLEY — The Mayor provide an update on funding pedestrian safety signals at Hitchcock and Martin Sts. The City Engineer provide an update on any necessary plans. Refer to Finance and copy to HFD Alarm Div.

41. BARTLEY — The City of Holyoke adopt an ordinance where “no truck” signs and other informational signage can be legally posted to help the motoring public. The impetus of the proposed ordinance is to alert truckers not to enter into thickly settled neighborhoods which is currently happening in Elmwood Heights due to GPS directions. The purpose of the ordinance is not to violate any federal or state traffic laws or standards but to simply inform truck drivers not to turn down the posted street. There may well be other informational needs. Just for background: The city management currently not allow such signage

42. GIVNER — That the handicap sign be removed from 282 Pine St. for Frank Collado as the sign user has passed.

43. GIVNER — With community support, order that the City of Holyoke establish, in the Schedule A, a Homeless and Housing Liaison position.

44. GIVNER — With community support, order that city council meetings be regulated to 2.5 hours or 150 minutes. AND that a majority vote be required to continue meetings beyond 150 minutes, adding an additional 15 minutes no more than twice, capping meetings at 180 minutes. This with the intention of encouraging a broader participation of Holyoke’s public through meeting efficiency and limited repetition of comments. The most common critique by Holyoke residents regarding City Council meetings is that they are too long, continue too late, and are dominated by lengthy repetitive commentary.

45. GIVNER — With community support, order that a 30min public comment period be added to City Council meetings, in an effort to give the public a true platform in person, written, and/or remote as long as a remote option for council meetings exists. Consideration should be given to having meetings begin earlier in an effort to accommodate Holyoke residents and inspire participation.

46. GIVNER — With community support, order that No truck signs be placed at beginning, end, and along Beacon street as needed to avoid tractor trailers from using this neighborhood as a pass through for deliveries. Residents complain of noise and difficulty navigating on Beacon St. while tractor trailers are attempting to pass through.

47. JOURDAIN — “That Cook and Company be invited to a future finance subcommittee meeting to review their recent health insurance analysis for the city.”

48. MCGEE — Order that a light be installed over the new playground at Kennedy field/park.  Currently, there is a light on the older playground but not the newly installed one.

49. MCGEE, JOURDAIN — Order that city council rule 7b be amended to add to the end : that 10 minutes of response time will be allowed for councilors to address and answer questions or comments, no councilor shall have more than 2 minutes of response time.

50. MCGEE — Order that the Edward Kennedy’s monument plaque be redone/invest in a new upright granite monument along with a listing of his heroic acts and participation in the 82nd Airborne’s biggest operation, including Market Garden where he was gravely wounded.

51. MCGEE — Order the DPW repaint the blue line/crosswalk in front of police station.

52. MCGEE — Order that the DPW replace the no parking signs that are down near Slainte on Jarvis.

53. MCGEE — Order that DPW repair the play area and swing set area at Kennedy field.  Also, that wood chips be redone in both areas.

54. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, FORTY EIGHT THOUSAND FORTY FIVE AND 00/100 Dollars ($48,045) as follows:

8811-10400 CAPITAL STABILIZATION $48,045
TOTAL: $48,045
14302-52410 REFUSE-R&M VEHICLES $48,045
TOTAL: $48,045

55. MCGIVERIN — that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “FFY20 PROJECT SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS (PSN), $87,392, NO MATCH” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.

56. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, ONE HUNDRED TWENTY ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY NINE AND 00/100 Dollars ($121,879) as follows:

12101-51510 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK $121,879
TOTAL: $121,879
12101-51103 CAPTAIN $121,879
TOTAL: $121,879

57. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ELEVEN AND 58/100 Dollars ($25,511.58) as follows:

12101-51105 SERGEANT $11,542.48
12101-51107 PATROLMEN 13,969.10
TOTAL: $25,511.58
12101-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $25,511.58
TOTAL: $25,511.58

58. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, NINE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FIFTY TWO AND 4/100 Dollars ($9,952.04) as follows:

12101-51105 SERGEANT $3,497.74
12101-51107 PATROLMEN 6,454.30
TOTAL: $9,952.04
12101-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $9,952.04
TOTAL: $9,952.04

59. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY THREE AND 90/100 Dollars ($2,293.90) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTER (PAY PERIOD #1) $2,293.90
TOTAL: $2,293.90
12201-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $2,293.90
TOTAL: $2,293.90

60. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY THREE AND 90/100 Dollars ($2,293.90) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTER (PAY PERIOD #2) $2,293.90
TOTAL: $2,293.90
12201-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $2,293.90
TOTAL: $2,293.90

61. MCGIVERIN — that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “(REVISED PER FINANCE COMMITTEE) MASSACHUSETTS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FFY2022 EMPG, $20,150, IN KIND MATCH $20,000” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.

62. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, NINETEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY AND 00/100 Dollars ($19,450) as follows:

8811-10400 CAPITAL STABILIZATION $19,450
TOTAL: $19,450
TOTAL: $19,450

63. MCGIVERIN, RIVERA_J — The DPW install a crosswalk for the city parking lot on N. Canal St. across from GTI.

64. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI — Ordered, that the City Council approves the Resolution for the Certified Project Application and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Agreement with Sublime Systems LLC for the purpose of the company’s acquisition, development and investments at properties on Water Street.  The properties are identified as Water St. Parcel 002A, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22-24 and 26 Water St., (Board of Assessors Map 044, Block 01, Parcel 00A, Map 042, Block 01, Parcel 004, Map 044, Block 01, Parcel 002,  Map 051, Block 01, Parcels 005, 010, 004, 003 and 009).

65. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI — Ordered, that the City Council approves the Amendment to the Special Tax Assessment (STA) Agreement with Aegis Energy Services, Inc., Aegenco, Inc. and Jackson Canal, LLC, for the development that occurred at 55 Jackson Street and 84 Sargeant Street (now known as 59 Jackson Street).  The STA was originally approved by the City Council on January 19, 2016.

66. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI — Ordered, that the City Council hereby decertifies the Certified Project and the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Agreement with Canal Row, LLC and request decertification of the Certified Project by the Massachusetts Economic Assistance Coordinating Council.  The Certified Project and TIF Agreement were originally approved by the City Council on October 5, 2021 for the planned commercial development on land bound by Race and Main Streets (Assessors Map  030, Block 06, Parcels 001, 002, 004, 005, 006, 013 and 014).

67. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI — Ordered, that the City Council hereby decertifies the Certified Project and the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Agreement with AACO Realty Corporation and request decertification of the Certified Project by the Massachusetts Economic Assistance Coordinating Council.  The Certified Project and TIF Agreement were originally approved by the City Council on November 7, 2016 for the planned redevelopment project known as The Canal Gallery at 380 Dwight Street (Assessors Map  021, Block 01, Parcels 003).

68. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI — Ordered, that the City Council approves the Resolution for the Certified Project Application and Special Tax Assessment (STA) Agreement with Valley Malt LLC for the purpose of the company’s acquisition and expansion of 4 North Bridge St. Holyoke, MA 01040 (Assessors Map 042, Block 01, Parcel 005).

69. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI — The Honorable City Council, in accordance with the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority’s urban renewal plan as amended entitled, “Connect. Construct. Create. – A Plan for the Revitalization of Center City Holyoke” which was originally approved by the Holyoke City Council on December 4, 2012, and by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development on February 5, 2013, vote to approve the transfer of the properties listed below to the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority for consideration of $1.00. ( see attached chart)

70. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI — The Honorable City Council, extend the order approved by the City Council on August 2, 2016 and reapproved on October 16, 2018, which authorized the transfer of the properties (listed below) to the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority for consideration of $1.00. The authorization would not be applicable to the property at 160 Middle Water Street as this property was sold. The original transfer authorization and subsequent extensions are in accordance with the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority’s urban renewal plan as amended entitled, “Connect. Construct. Create. – A Plan for the Revitalization of Center City Holyoke” which was originally approved by the Holyoke City Council on December 4, 2012, and by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development on February 5, 2013, vote to reauthorize the transfer of the properties listed below to the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority for consideration of $1.00. ( see attached chart)

71. PUELLO — That a handicap sign be placed in front of 36A Resnic Blvd. for Margaret Colon, Placard #PL2290916.

72. PUELLO — That a handicap sign be placed in front of 565 So. Canal St. for Miguel Maysonet, Placard # PL 1400890.

73. PUELLO — That Nueva Esperanza please be invited to present their plans to the public for their 150,000 dollar ARPA award and “El Mercado“ space renovation/tracking.

74. PUELLO, RIVERA_I — That the DPW please draft a plan or update on current actions taken on the Emerald Ash Borer tree infestation emergency affecting South Holyoke’s Green Ash trees.

75. RIVERA_J — That a handicap sign be placed in front of 19 Worcester Place for Mya Williams, PL 5160992. Exp: April 12. 2024.

76. RIVERA_I — that the city of Holyoke form a working group focused on developing solutions to mitigate rampant ongoing issues of vagrancy on High st. It has been recently brought to my attention that a bus shelter will be removed due to some of these ongoing issues. How many more bus shelters will get removed?

77. RIVERA_I — that representatives of the Holyoke mall come into public safety and talk about what they are doing to address safety concerns of residents regarding the back upper parking deck. Residents have been complaining of feeling the deck shake, and as of recent noticing a gap between cement panels that seems to be growing.

78. RIVERA_I — Order that the parks and rec and the mayors prioritize repairs/improvements to the following splash pads in the next round of cdbg, or CPA funding cycles.

Carlos Vega park
Community Field
Pulaski Park
Springdale park

79. RIVERA_I — that parks and rec explore what it would cost to add a picnic area adjacent to pouliot pool.

80. RIVERA_I — that parks and rec explore costs of adding more shade providers to protect visitors from the sun at pouliot pool. Currently many families huddle under the few ones that are provided.

81. RIVERA_I — that reps of Holyoke Housing come in and provide and update to residents at Toeofert apartments regarding a letter residents received about the possible removal or remodel of the parks in the area.

82. RIVERA_I — that the city of Holyoke partner with a local university or college to research where city tax dollars are spent within the city compared to where federal funding is spent within the city. This would provide the city with a better understanding of where constituent tax dollars are being allocated compared to where federal funding is allocated.

83. RIVERA_I — that parks and rec seek funding to install a fish net at Myriam Miranda basketball to deter basketballs falling into the neighbors yard, as promised to the neighbor during the  community engagement  process undertaken to remodel the court.

84. RIVERA_I — that the grass lot on the corner of Lyman and No. summer be mowed. For the last several years my self and constituents have had to call to make sure this parcel is mowed.

85. RIVERA_I — that the city’s law department along with public health come in and elaborate on the status of the property in the corner of Lyman and No. Summer.

86. RIVERA_I — that the mayor and DPW devise a system that would incentivize volunteers that register to clean up Holyoke. Incentives could be in the form of stipends, tax deductions, etc… similar to the senior citizen tax work off program.

87. TALLMAN — That the DPW paint Crosswalks at the corner of Howard and Hampden Sts. Because of high traffic volume, it is difficult for residents to cross Hampden St at this area.

88. TALLMAN — That the DPW/Engineer consider putting stop signs at Joanne/Bemis, Drake/Bemis, Mt. Tom/Bemis and West Meadowview/Bemis.

89. TALLMAN — The Police Department put out Radar Trailer at the corner of Drake and Bemis Rds. Many vehicles are going more than 25mph and there are several children and dogs in this area.

90. TALLMAN — The Personnel Department consider a 1 hour diversity training before a future city council meeting.

91. VACON — that the City Council adopts a resolution seeking
BARTLEY our State Delegation to support the reinstatement
PUELLO of no electronic tolls from Westfield to West Springfield
to create an
incentive for tractor trailer drivers
to travel on the Mass Pike and to alleviate the increasingly
heavy tractor trailer traffic on Homestead Avenue
in Holyoke.

92. ANDERSON-BURGOS — Ordered, that Linden Street at the intersection with Beech Street be repaved and then left and right turn lanes and arrows be painted. Drivers making a left often stop at the light in the right lane when this is a one way street.

93. ANDERSON-BURGOS — Ordered, that when the use a building is changing requiring permits from city departments but not City Council approval, a communication be sent to the City Council informing of the change. This can help councilors keep constituents informed so that concerns can be addressed.. Refer to Ord. Copy to Legal


A. JOURDAIN — Ordered, that the City Council review and adopt the Mayor’s proposal for the city’s financial policies by ordinance.”
*Updated August 1, 2023, 12:19 PM

B. MCGEE — that the treasurer and Mass Munifin come before the finance committee to update on the overall progress of the department and the scope of service work being done.
*Updated August 1, 2023, 12:19 PM

C. MCGIVERIN — That the DPW paint a crosswalk at the corner of Jarvis Ave. and West Cherry St, crossing over Jarvis Ave.
*Updated August 1, 2023, 12:19 PM

D. From Atty Kathleen Degnan, Asst City Solicitor, home rule petition for appointed treasurer.
*Updated August 1, 2023, 4:11 PM



A. From Kathleen Degnan, Assistant City Solicitor, OPEB Declaration of Trust Agreemenr

B. RIVERA_J — Ordered, That the city review and recommend 3-way or 4-way stop signs at all these intersections Samosett & Bower Streets, Samosett & West Streets, Samosett & Center Streets, Samosett & North East Streets, Bower & East Dwight Streets, Bower & Mosher Streets, Bower & Lyman Streets, Lyman & Grover Streets, Lyman & Center Streets, Lyman & Northeast Streets due to the ongoing traffic issues.
Holyoke Police Department do a review of all the intersections for all ongoing traffic issues.

C. MCGIVERIN — Ordered, that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “MASSACHUSETTS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FFY2022 EMPG, $20,150, NO MATCH” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.

D. MCGIVERIN, TALLMAN, VACON — Ordered, That the City Council adjust the Sewer Rate ordinance.

E. MCGIVERIN — Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2023, FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($50,000) as follows:
8812-10400 SEWER STABILIZATION $50,000
TOTAL: $50,000
60402-53011 SEWER PROF SERV: LEGAL COUNSEL $50,000
TOTAL: $50,000

F. MCGIVERIN — Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2023, ONE HUNDRED TWENTY SIX THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND 00/100 Dollars ($126,500) as follows:
8812-10400 SEWER STABILIZATION $126,500
TOTAL: $126,500
..-.. DEFICIT ..
TOTAL: $126,500

G. MCGIVERIN — Ordered, That there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024 from fiscal year 2023 free cash a sum of FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($50,000) as follows:
FROM: FY2023 Free Cash
TO: 11212-53009 Mayor’s Contracted Services: Ongoing Support for Treasurer’s Office- 2 months

H. MCGIVERIN — Ordered, That there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024 from fiscal year 2023 free cash a sum of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($250,000) as follows:
FROM: FY2023 Free Cash
TO: 8810-10400 City Stabilization: Anticipated Appropriation for Mayor’s Contracted Services-Ongoing Support for Treasurer’s Office

I. MCGIVERIN — Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($100,000) as follows:
8812-10400 SEWER STABILIZATION $100,000
TOTAL: $100,000
60402-53011 SEWER PROF SERVICES: $100,000
TOTAL: $100,000

J. RIVERA_I — Ordered, Order for the city engineer to install 2 raised crosswalks on Samosett St., neighbors are complaining about speeding up and down Samosett St.

K. From the Law Department, Update on Properties

L. Street Vendor License Application, Aime Matos at 363 Main St for food truck

M. JOURDAIN — Ordered, DPW please remove some of the tree branches on Rte 5 south at the crossroad with Main Street. One of the traffic lights on the right hand side is not visible until the last second.

N. JOURDAIN — Ordered, DPW please remove the shrubs at the traffic island at the intersection of Rte 5 and Ingleside St it is affecting driver visibility at this intersection.

O. JOURDAIN — Ordered, DPW please repair the very deep dangerous potholes on Route 5 Southbound in front of MiraVista.

The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting.
Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law

City Clerk

July 6, 2023
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Jeffery Anderson-Burgos
Administrative Assistant to the City Council

Holyoke City Hall
536 Dwight St, Room 10
Holyoke, MA 01040
Regular hours 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Meeting days 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
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