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Attention Holyoke residents, the current parking ban will conclude on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 6am. Please be advised that starting at 8:00am on Monday, February 17, 2025, a reverse parking ban will be enforced, prohibiting parking on the EVEN side of the street and on cul-de-sacs until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Atención residentes de Holyoke, la actual prohibición de estacionamiento concluirá el lunes 17 de febrero de 2025, a las 6am. Les informamos que a partir de las 8am del 17 de febrero, comenzará una prohibición de estacionamiento inversa, prohibiendo estacionarse en el lado PAR de la calle y en las calles sin salida hasta nuevo aviso. Gracias por su cooperación.

Holyoke City Council Meeting August 4, 2020

Aug 4 2020

7:00 pm Remote by Zoom



August 4, 2020





The Gas and Electric Department requests permission to locate a line of wires, cables, poles and fixtures, including the necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures, along and across the following public way or ways:

One (1) pole on Russell Terrace, Holyoke MA One (1) pole between property line of 78 Allyn St. & 58 Waldo St. Holyoke MA

One (1) pole between property line of 63 & 65 Nontuck St. Holyoke MA

One (1) pole between property line of 18 & 24 Parker St. Holyoke MA

One (1) pole on corner of Parker St. & Beacon Ave, Holyoke MA



4.A Meeting will take place remotely and can be accessed via Meeting ID:838 2953 1338 Meeting Password: 531123 or by call in at 1 (929)205-6099 with same Meeting ID and Password. ***



5.A From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter appointing Helene J. Busby, 90 Brookline Ave. to serve as a Commissioner of the Parks & Recreation for the City of Holyoke: Ms. Busby will replace Ms.Libby Hernandez and will serve a 2 Year term; said term will expire on June 30, 2022.

5.B From City Clerk Brenna McGee, minutes from the Budget Meeting

5.C From Michael McManus, Superintendent of the DPW, City Hall Update

5.D From Board of Fire Commission Meeting Minutes from May 21, 2020

5.E From Parks and Recreation Commission, meeting minutes from October 24, 2019

5.F From the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust, request for Public Comment

5.G From JSH Nominee Trust, Michael J. Kane, Trustee, protest again the Zone Change Petition

5.H From Exotica Farms LLC, Notice of Community Outreach Meeting

5.I From Jasarah Burgos application and resume for consideration for membership on the Holyoke Community Preservation Committee.

5.J From Luis Salazar, cover letter and resume seeking appointment to the CPAC



6.A Petition from Thomas and Paul Lucchesi for 19 pool tables and 1 Billard table at 151 Chestnut St.

6.B Renewal for second hand license for Mimi Mai at 324 Appleton St.

6.C New Second hand application for Jonathan Maldonado located at 385 Main St.

6.D Petition from Buudha Brothers Sargent Street Facility for a Special Permit for a Recreational Marijuana Cultivation and Manufacturing Establishment at 90 Sargent St.

6.E From Abby Property Management Inc. for a new special permit for a Registered Marijuana Retail Establishment (RMRE) at 40 Lyman St.

6.F Zone Change application for Dennis Croteau from R1A to BL for 83 Lwr. Westfield Rd.

6.G From One Holyoke Community Development Corp. zone change from BL to DR for 125Sargeant St.

6.H From One Holyoke Community Development Corp. Zone change from BL to DR for 414 Maple St.

6.I Petition of Buudha Brothers for a Special Permit for a Marijuana Manufacturing Establishment at 606 Main St. in Holyoke.

6.J Petition from Eric Taub for a Special Permit for Construction of a new duplex at 102 Beech St.

6.K From Board of Trustees, Holyoke Community Charter School a new special permit for Long Term Storage Unit (7.2.12) at 2200 Northampton St





9.A The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that the handicap sign placed at550 South Summer St. for Marilyn Vazquez be removed she has moved. Recommend that the order be adopted.
9.B The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that a handicap sign be removed from 3 Laurel St. for Adelaida Ramos.
Recommend the order be adopted.
9.C The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that parking on South Race Street from 45 feet south of Jackson Street intersection on the east side of the street to a point 105 south of the intersection be posted as 30 minute parking from 9am until 7pm daily. Ordinance to take effect July 1, 2020.
Recommend the order be approved
9.D The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that a no parking be allowed on the west side of South Race Street from the intersection with Jackson Street to a point 180 feet south. This is to assure fire apparatus can easily maneuver through the street. Ordinance to take effect July 1, 2020.
Recommend the order be approved
9.E The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that the Handicap space at 266 Walnut St. be removed. The resident needing the space has moved.
Recommend the order be approved.
9.F The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that the following handicapped parking ordinances be repealed and the parking signs be removed once repealed. The tenants no longer live in the buildings. Idalis Osorio, 588 So. summer St. #1613 and Maridelva DeJesus, 588 So. Summer St. #1612.
Recommend the order be approved
9.G The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred a Special Permit application of Tigertown LLC to operate an RME 7.10.6 Adult Use Retail Marijuana facility at 56 Jackson St.
Recommend that the Special Permit application be approved with the following conditions:
1. That the owner of the building always pay commercial property tax rate to the extent allowed by Federal, State, and Local Laws for the duration of the Special Permit
2. That the business retain a minimum 30% Holyoke residents for of non-security jobs
3. That hiring preference be given to security personnel that are retired Holyoke Police or area retired member of another police department that now lives in the City of Holyoke
4. There shall be no marijuana consumption to be allowed on site
5. There shall be no deliveries of retail or medical marijuana from the site to individual homes, residences or people

6. That hours of operation be 8:00am to 8:00pm Monday through Saturday and 8:00am to 5:00pm on Sunday.
7. asphalt sidewalk constructed south of the building to abutting property line to provide safe travel way.
8. That setback requirement reliefs being sought are granted by ZBA

9.H The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred a Special Permit application amendment for a Marijuana Manufacturing Establishment of Mill Town Agriculture LLC: Sp. Permit would allow for a marijuana manufacturing, cultivation, and extraction facility at 1 Cabot St. Holyoke MA (Map 048 Block 01 Parcel 010)
Recommend that the Special Permit application be approved with the following conditions:
1. That the owner of the building always pay commercial property tax rate to the extent allowed by Federal, State, and Local Laws for the duration of the Special Permit
2. That the business retain a minimum 30% Holyoke residents for of non-security jobs
3. That hiring preference be given to security personnel that are retired Holyoke Police or area retired member of another police department that now lives in the City of Holyoke
4. There shall be no marijuana consumption to be allowed on site
5. There shall be no deliveries of retail or medical marijuana from the site to individual homes,residences or people
6. That hours of operation be 8:00am to 8:00pm Monday through Saturday and 8:00am to5:00pm on Sunday.
7. formal documentation that locates existing sanitary sewer service and confirms it is separate from any roof or storm drains.

9.I The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred a Special Permit application of Bold Coast Solutions LLC to establish a legal cannabis product manufacturing facility (MME) at 28DAppleton St., Suite #4, Holyoke MA.(Map 32 Block 1 Parcel 1)
Recommend that the Special Permit application be approved with the following conditions:
1. That the owner of the building always pay commercial property tax rate to the extent allowed by Federal, State, and Local Laws for the duration of the Special Permit
2. That the business retain a minimum 30% Holyoke residents for of non-security jobs
3. That hiring preference be given to security personnel that are retired Holyoke Police or area retired member of another police department that now lives in the City of Holyoke
4. There shall be no marijuana consumption to be allowed on site
5. There shall be no deliveries of retail or medical marijuana from the site to individual homes,residences or people
6. That hours of operation be 8:00am to 8:00pm Monday through Saturday and 8:00am to 5:00pm on Sunday.
7. Formal documentation that locates existing sanitary sewer service and confirms it is separate from any roof or storm drains

9.J The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred a Special Permit application of Victoria Frost LLC to establish a legal cannabis product cultivation, manufacturing, and dispensary facility (MME, RME) at 679-689 Main St. and 0 Beaulieu St. Holyoke MA (Map 55 Block 0Parcel 9/Map 55 Block 0 Parcel 9.2/ Map 55 Block 0 Parcel 9.1)
Recommend that the Special Permit application be approved with the following conditions:
1. That the owner of the building always pay commercial property tax rate to the extent allowed by Federal, State, and Local Laws for the duration of the Special Permit
2. That the business retain a minimum 30% Holyoke residents for of non-security jobs
3. That hiring preference be given to security personnel that are retired Holyoke Police or area retired member of another police department that now lives in the City of Holyoke
4. There shall be no marijuana consumption to be allowed on site
5. There shall be no deliveries of retail or medical marijuana from the site to individual homes,residences or people
6. That hours of operation be 8:00am to 8:00pm Monday through Saturday and 8:00am to5:00pm on Sunday.
7. That site plan review be completed with the Planning Board and that all traffic issues are mitigated to the City Engineer’s satisfaction.

9.K The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred a Special Permit application of Exotica Farms LLC to establish Marijuana Manufacturing Establishment (MME) at 5 Appleton St.Holyoke MA (Map 049 Block 01 Parcel 006)Awaiting disposition.





11.A The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the stop sign facing north at the intersections of Portland St and Mackenzie Ave be made more visible to traffic moving north on Portland St, or that it be moved to the other side of the street. High bushes and parked vehicles re concealing the sign creating a dangerous situation.
Recommend the order be complied with

11.B The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the DPW installs a light on the American flag at Highland Park.
Recommend the order be complied with





13.A The Committee on Development and Government Relations to whom was referred a Special Permit application from Cynthia & Michael Yelle for a 4.7.2 Non-conforming use to operate a dog grooming business at 1 Martin St.
Recommend the order be adopted with the following condition:
1. Hours of operation are Monday thru Friday from 8am-4pm and (2) Saturday’s a month from 8am-4pm

13.B The Committee on Development and Government Relations to whom was referred a Special Permit Application from Vitaliy Gladysh for approval of a driveway in the front yard ( at73 Taylor St.
Recommend the application be approved with the following conditions:
Applicant must comply with bullet point two from the 7/17/20 letter from the City Engineer as follows: “Approve the driveway as currently constructed. Note, the driveway width at the street exceeds DPW standards (12-ft maximum at the sidewalk) and would also require approval of the Board of Public Works.”

13.C The Committee on Development and Government Relations to whom was referred a Special Permit Application from Amazon for a temporary storage unit in accordance with zoning ordinance 7.2.12 at 489 Whitney Ave.
Recommend the application be approved. The Special Permit will expire on September 30,2021

13.D The Committee on Development and Government Relations to whom was referred a Special Permit Application from Holyoke Landing, LLC for a Drive-Thru Facility (Bank-Drive-Up Teller and ATM) in accordance with zoning ordinance 7.1.6
Recommend the application be approved with the following conditions:
1. Drive-thru hours for bank building are 7am-6p, Sunday thru Saturday and ATM 24 hours
2. Drive-thru hours for 2 ATM building (coffee and restaurant) to be 5am-11pm Monday thru Saturday and 6am-9pm Sunday
13.E The Committee on Development and Government Relations to whom was referred a communication from the Office of the Attorney General, Open Meeting Law Complaint.Recommend order be complied with amended letter#2, 3, 4 should be incorporated into a revised letter to be sent to full CC prior to 08/04/2020 meeting. See Atty C. Barnes

13.F Ordered, that a the DG&R committee invite Suez project Manager Michael Williams to a meeting to discuss their Holyoke operations, including street sweeping, catch basin cleaning,and other issues and services provided within their contract.
Recommend order is complied with.







16.A (Lebron-Martinez) A request that speed traffic study be done on Cabot Street from Lawrence School unto the Beech Street intersection per constituents request due to speeding vehicles and children living in this area.

16.B (Lebron-Martinez) That the city begins to find ways to address the appearance of High Street with the blighted building and other open space abandonment, this has been the constituents request.

16.C (Lebron-Martinez) That the City including not limited to the Boards of Health, HPD, Department of public works take serious measures specially during the COVID-19 epidemic and beyond in regards to the sex trafficking activities, Jons surrounding the corridor of Maple Street, Cabot Street, Chestnut Street, Essex, Appleton, Dwight Street and last but not least Elm Street. That DPW places receptacle trash around these street listed areas for litter left behind.

16.D (Lebron-Martinez) That the city grants resident parking for 340 Hampden Street.

16.E (Lisi) Ordered that the City Council place the following ballot question and summary on the ballot for the November, 2020 election:
Ballot Question
Shall the City of Holyoke adopt the optional form of municipal administration summarized as follows, according to the provisions of chapter forty-three C of the General Laws providing for optional plans of municipal administration?
Summary of Question
On August ______, 2020, the Holyoke City Council adopted by a call of the roll yeas ____ and nays ____ to place a question on the ballot which will allow the voters to decide whether or not to accept Section 11 of Chapter 43C of the General Laws of Massachusetts. The question will be approved and the statute accepted if a majority of the voters voting on the ballot question vote “yes.”The acceptance of Section 11 shall allow the legislative body (City Council), subject to allapplicable provisions of the city charter, authority to adopt an ordinance providing for aconsolidated department of municipal finance.

16.F (McGiverin) Ordered, that in accordance with M.G.L Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “PVPC/CRCC” grant. and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of allresources associated with the administration of said grant.

16.G (McGiverin) Ordered, that in accordance with M.G.L Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “CANAL SYSTEMS INDUSTRIAL AREA” grant. and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.

16.H (McGiverin) Ordered, that in accordance with M.G.L Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the FY2020 Masstrails/CT River Pathway project grant. andauthorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.

16.I (McGiverin) Ordered, that in accordance with M.G.L Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “IMLS Cares Act Grant entitled Vitual Programming for Distance Learning.” and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.

16.J (McGee/Anderson-Burgos) Ordered, That HG & E install a street light on the corner of Old Jarvis and Bassett Rd.

16.K (McGee) Ordered that the City Clerk’s Office establish/install a secure drop box for ballots.

16.L (McGee) Ordered that the Board of Health come before the Public Safety Committee todiscuss an update the Committee on COVID-19 procedures for City Hall employees/departments.

16.M (McGee) Ordered that the DPW trim the tree near 20 Linden St.

16.N (McGee) That the ordinance committee review the draft Telecommunication ordinance changes. This is being filed on behalf of a constituent request.

16.O (McGee) That the State Primaries for the nomination of candidates of Political Parties for offices to be filled at the State primary in 2020, be and they are hereby called to be held in the City of Holyoke on Tuesday, September 1, 2020 in the several polling places as designated by the City Council. The polls will be opened at 7:00AM, and remain open continuously thereafter until 8:00PM when the polls will be closed, and all voters of political parties will in the several polling places in which they are entitled to vote, between said hours, give in their votes for the nomination of candidates of political parties for the following offices:
Que las Primarias del Estado para la nominacion de candidatos del Partido Politico para lasoficinas que seran ocupadas en las Primarias Estatales en el ano 2020, sea y illos de por estemedio llamado a que lleve a cabo en la Ciudad de Holyoke el Jueves, Septiembre, 1, 2020, enlos varios lugares de votacion, como designado por el concejo municipal. Las urnas seran abiertas a las 7:00AM, y permanaceran abiertas continuamente de alli en adelante hasta las8:00PM cuanda las urnas sean cerrada, y todas los votantes de los partidos politico en losvarios lugares de votacion en el cual ellos tienen derecho a votar, entredicha horas ceder susvotos para la nominacion de candidatos del partido politico para las siguentes oficinas:
Senator in Congress – Senador en el Congreso
Representative in Congress – Representante en el Congreso
Councilor – Concejal
Senator in General Court – Senador de la Legislatura Estatal
Representative in General Court – Representante de la Legislatura Estatal
Register of Probate – Registrador Testamento

16.P (McGee) Ordered, that the City Council meeting for September 1, 2020 be rescheduled due to the State Primary on that day.

16.Q (McGee) That the Polling Places for each of the voting precincts in the City of Holyoke for the State Primary to be held Tuesday, September 1, 2020, be and the same are hereby designated as follows:
ORDENA, que los lugares para cada recinto en la Ciudad de Holyoke para las Elecciones Estatal
Primarias Esta que se llevaran a cabo el Martes, 1 ro de Septiebre 2020, sea y al igual, por estemedio designado lo siguente:
PRECINCT A – Rosary Towers Recreation Room 21 Bowers St..
RECINTO A—Rosary Towers Recreation Room 21 de la Calle Bowers
PRECINCT B—Holyoke City Hall, 536 Dwight St.RECINTO B—City Hall, 536 Dwight St.
PRECINCT A—Morgan School Gym, South Bridge St. Entrance only

RECINTO A—Gimnasio de la Escuela Morgan, en la Calle So. Bridge solamente

PRECINCT B – Falcetti Towers, 475 Maple St.

RECINTO B – Falcetti Towers, 475 de la Calle Maple
PRECINCT A – Metcalf School, 2019 Northampton St.

RECINTO A – Escuela Metcalf, 2019 de la Calle Northampton

PRECINCT B – Metcalf School Gym, 2019 Northampton St.

RECINTO B –Gimnasio de la Escuela Metcalf, 2019 de la Calle Northampton
PRECINCT A& B – St. Paul’s Church Parish Center, Appleton St.

RECINTO A&B – St. Paul’s Church Parish Center, en la Calle Appleton
PRECINCT A – Lt. Elmer J. McMahon School Gym, Kane Rd.

RECINTO A—Gimnasio de la Escuela McMahon, en la Calle Kane

PRECINCT B – Maurice A. Donahue School Gym, Whiting Farms Rd.

RECINTO B—Gimnasio de la Escuela Donahue, en la Calle Whiting Farms
WARD SIX BARRIO SEIS PRECINCT A&B –Sullivan School, 400 Jarvis Ave. RECINTO A&B – Escuela Sullivan, 400 de la Calle JarvisWARD SEVEN BARRIO SIETE PRECINCT A&B – E. N. White School Gym, 1 Jefferson St.
PRECINTO A&B– Gimnasio de la Escuela E. N. White, 1 de la Calle Jefferson

16.R (McGee) Ordered, that the Holyoke Police Department place the speed radar machine on Pleasant St. near Harvard St. Numerous complaints of speeding in the area. Please report back to the full City Council in 60 days.

16.S (McGee) Ordered that the DPW install raised crosswalks on Pleasant St. at the following locations: Harvard St., Radcliffe St., and Montgomery St.

16.T (McGee) Order that the city council appoint a new CPA member, replacing Elaine Pluta. Her term has expired and she is not seeking another term on the board.”

16.U (McGee) DPW remove the tree across from 45 Hillview St.

16.V (McGee) Order that DPW patch the raised sidewalk in front of 26 George Street

16.W (McGee) Order that DPW repave Whittier circle.

16.X (McGee/Anderson-Burgos) Order that the Public Safety Committee invite in the Board of Health to address and review the leash law.

16.Y (Murphy) That in order to assure efficient truck docking, no parking be allowed on the west side of Beaulieu Street at the intersection with Stebbins St. from the northwesterly corner to a point 30 feet farther north.

16.Z (Murphy) Ordered, that the Director of Planning and Economic Development meet with the DG&R Committee to discuss the future of the Armory Building sight. Does the City have any reputable offers for the property which can be implemented in the next couple of years? If not, would the demolition of the remaining structure create an opportunity to construct several new homes at that intersection?

16.AA (Murphy) That the public safety committee meet with the Police and Fire Chiefs, the Director of Ambulance service, and interested social service agencies to consider whether Holyoke should implement a 900 response program similar to the CAHOOTS (Crisis Assistance Helping Out on the Streets) program used in Eugene and Springfield, Oregon.

16.AB (Murphy) Ordered, that the public safety committee meet with representatives from any neighborhood watch programs to discuss any ideas about improving each program, and building an active cooperation with the police department.

16.AC (Murphy) Ordered, That the DG&R committee meet with the Mayor, the Director of Human Resources, and the Director of Womenshelter/Companeras to discuss if the current domestic violence leave policy effectively provides for the needs of abused employees.

16.AD (Murphy) Ordered that the DPW trim the tree in front of 322 Pine St so that it is no longer dangling on the home.

16.AE (Murphy) Ordered that the council vote to have the city take over ownership of South Water Street from the state. Once the transfer is completed, that the city pave at least the roadway connecting Main Street via South Water Street to the properties of Hazen Paper and Sunoco Paper. Estimated cost of repaving is $88,000, and these two business currently pay about $130,000 in taxes, as well as significant water and sewer payments. Each also employs a significant number of well paid employees. In addition, Sunoco has stepped up to accept paper recycling products, reducing the city’s recycling expense by around $50,000.

16.AF (Murphy/Lebron-Martinez) Ordered that the handicapped parking sign which is for 24 Hampden Street, be moved to the parking spot in front of that doorway, and be placed nearer the roadway. Currently, the sign is blocked by leaves as you approach, and it is difficult to determine which parking spot it covers.

16.AG (McGiverin) Ordered, that in accordance with M.G.L Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the City’s complete count grant progam and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.

16.AH (Murphy/Vacon) Ordered that the Director of Planning and Economic development meet with the DG&R committee to provide an update on the current plans for the former Geriatric Authority building. Are we planning to seek new proposals in the near future?

16.AI (Tallman) Ordered, that the City Council adopt the attached resolution regarding the Holyoke Soldier’s Home.

16.AJ (Vacon) Ordered, that a No Parking sign be added on Cherry Street between the Dale Street intersection and the next No Parking sign as you travel toward the Maple Crest Apartments.

16.AK (Anderson-Burgos) Ordered, that the language in the Holyoke municipal code, Sec 14-5, (a),(1), a, be removed from the code. The language of this code reads as: “A dog may be off restraint if under adequate voice control of a person, and that person has a leash in their possession. A dog which does not respond to commands of the person in control of such animal is not under restraint.” This language, especially “if under adequate voice control,” is overly subjective and does nothing to protect another person or animal from injury should a dog owner not maintain control of their dog.

16.AL (Anderson-Burgos) Ordered, that a traffic study be done on Sargeant Street observing traffic between St. Jerome and Sycamore. Residents have mentioned several accidents in this area, possibly due the speed and obstructed views as vehicles travel around the bend. They have suggested a four way stop may be helpful at either Magnolia or Sycamore.

16.AM (Anderson-Burgos) Ordered, that a traffic study be done at the corner of West Franklin and St Jerome. Residents are concerned about vehicles traveling down West Franklin at high speeds and the potential for collision with vehicles with an obstructed view driving off of St Jerome because of the bend in the road. They are asking for either speed humps or a four way stop.

16.AN (Anderson-Burgos) The Greater Holyoke Council for Human Understanding has asked that City Council pass the following as a resolution for adoption, and to be forwarded to Governor Baker: In support of Armed Service Veterans and in gratitude for their service to our country which has allowed us all to live in freedom, the Greater Holyoke Council for Human Understanding extends its deepest sympathies to the families of those veterans who have lost their lives during the Covid 19 Pandemic. We recognize that this loss of life has been exacerbated by long standing policies ofthe Commonwealth of Massachusetts which has underfunded the Holyoke Soldiers Home for nearly all of the 68 years since its inception in 1952 and we, therefore offer our whole-hearted to support to the coalition of Veterans and their families which has made five requests to governing bodies. These include:
*First, the recommendation to Governor Charlie Baker that both the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke and the Soldiers’ Home in Chelsea be aligned under theMassachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Hospitals;
*Second, that there be changes to the Soldiers’ Homes’ Boards of Trustees and that the model for these Trustees be more closely examined and overhauled especially to include members with both veterans status and medical knowledge;
*Third, that personnel including a geriatric physician, geriatric nurse practitioner, and a psychiatric nurse practitioner be included in hiring in the near future to support the increased demand for such care for the population the Homes serve;
*Fourth, regarding the appointment of a Superintendent of the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home, the Coalition advocates the reinstatement of the original guidelines for the hiring and retention of the Superintendent thus removing this position from political appointment;
*And Fifth, the Coalition seeks a commitment from the Baker administration for the renovation and expansion of long-term care facilities at the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke maintaining, at a minimum, 250 long term beds, services for women veterans and creation of an Adult Day Care Center. The Council for Human Understanding is aware that a proposal for these building needs was approved by the U.S. Veteran’s Affairs Department in 2016 for $65 million and has been awaiting State Matching Funds of $35 million dollars since that time. We owe an unassailable debt to our Veterans for their unsurpassed gift of liberty to all and we thus, unequivocally, support these requests and recommendations.

16.AO (Anderson-Burgos) Ordered, that a Do Not Block Driveway sign be placed on the eastern side of the driveway located at 58 Beacon Ave. The constituent has had multiple issues with the driveway being blocked, including on an occasion when she could not get out to take her child to the Emergency Room.

16.AP (Bartley) The City of Holyoke accept Old Bassett Rd. as a public way. The Solicitor advised it is not an accepted street. The City Engineer advised the acceptance would, generally, be a plus for the city in terms of Chapter 90 funds. Finally, this is at the bequest of one of the street’s residents.

16.AQ (Bartley) Ordered, that the DPW paint “no parking” lines in roadway at top of Hitchcock St near Westfield Rd. This was recommened to the City Council by Holyoke P.D patrolman. This does not require an ordinance change. Receive and adopt.

16.AR (Bartley) Ordered, that the DPW install two temporary speed humps at Michigan Avenue as soon as possible. One should be installed near Erie Ave. Receive and Adopt. Please confer with Ward 3 Councilor who can arrange a neighborhood meeting in that area.

16.AS (Bartley) Ordered, that the DPW consider placing permanent traffic humps on Michigan Avenue
Refer to Ordinance.

16.AT (Bartley) Ordered, that in accordance with M.G.L. Ch. 30B and the Holyoke Code of Ordinances procurement ordinance, the City Council declare 415 Main Street as surplus property available for disposition. Said parcel is identified by the Holyoke Board of Assessors records as Map 028, Block 07, Parcel 004, consisting of a vacant mixed use style building on an approximate 2,744 square foot lot. The property is more particularly described at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 16242, Page 457. The property was awarded to the City via a Land Court Decree with a Final Judgment recorded on March 3, 2020 in Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 23111, Page 441. The property is zoned Highway Business (BH) and has an assessed value of $122,300.

16.AU (Bartley) Ordered, that in accordance with M.G.L. Ch. 30B and the Holyoke Code of Ordinances procurement ordinance, the City Council declare 417 Main Street as surplus property available for disposition. Said parcel is identified by the Holyoke Board of Assessors records as Map 028, Block 07, Parcel 005, consisting of a vacant lot approximately 2,744 square feet in size. The property is more particularly described at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 16242, Page 457. The property was awarded to the City via a Land Court Decree with a Final Judgment recorded on March 3, 2020 in Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 23111, Page 441. The property is zoned Highway Business (BH) and has an assessed value of $13,100.

16.AV (Bartley) Ordered, that in accordance with M.G.L. Ch. 30B and the Holyoke Code of Ordinances procurement ordinance, the City Council declare 136 Cabot Street as surplus property available for disposition. Said parcel is identified by the Holyoke Board of Assessors records as Map 010, Block 01, Parcel 008, consisting of a vacant row house style building on an approximate 1,786 square foot lot. The property is more particularly described at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 5342, Page 217. The property was awarded to the City via a Land Court Decree with a Final Judgment recorded on August 17, 2016 in Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 21314, Page 280. The property is zoned General Industry (IG) and has an assessed value of $61,100.

16.AW (Bartley) Ordered, that in accordance with M.G.L. Ch. 30B and the Holyoke Code of Ordinances procurement ordinance, the City Council declare Cabot Street parcel identified bythe Holyoke Board of Assessors records as Map 010, Block 01, Parcel 002 as surplus propertyavailable for disposition. Said parcel consists of a vacant lot approximately 1,742 square feet insize. The property is more particularly described at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds inBook 6156, Page 444. The property was awarded to the City via a Land Court Decree with a Final Judgment recorded on October 29, 1986 in Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 22924, Page 533. The property is zoned General Industry (IG) and has an assessed value o f$11,800

16.AX (Bartley) Ordered, that in accordance with M.G.L. Ch. 30B and the Holyoke Code of Ordinances procurement ordinance, the City Council declare 525 Pleasant Street as surplus property available for disposition. Said parcel is identified by the Holyoke Board of Assessors records as Map 091, Block 00, Parcel 073, consisting of a vacant lot approximately 7,841 square feet in size. The property is more particularly described at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 2273, Page 304. The property was awarded to the City via a Land Court Decree with a Final Judgment recorded on March 3, 2020 in Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 23111, Page 440. The property is zoned Multi-Family Residence (RM-20) and has an assessed value of $36,400.

16.AY (Bartley) Ordered, that in accordance with M.G.L. Ch. 30B and the Holyoke Code of Ordinances procurement ordinance, the City Council declare 107 Clemente Street as surplus property available for disposition. Said parcel is identified by the Holyoke Board of Assessors records as Map 028, Block 03, Parcel 002, consisting of a vacant lot approximately 6,534 square feet in size. The property is more particularly described at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 8162, Page 162. The property was awarded to the City via a Land Court Decree with a Final Judgment recorded on July 2, 2013 in Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 19903, Page 535. The property is zoned Downtown Residential (DR) and has an assessed value of $32,600.

16.AZ(Bartley) Ordered, that the Honorable City Council accept the amendments to the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority’s Urban Renewal Plan, entitled “Connect. Construct. Create.: A Plan for the Revitalization of Center City Holyoke” as presented. The City Council also authorizes the HRA to approve minor, non-substantial language changes to the urban renewal plan amendments, if such changes are recommended by the Department of Housing and Community Development, such as clarification of actions mentioned throughout the plan, defining of terms, and amending grammar.




The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed atthe meeting.Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought upfor discussion to the extent permitted by law



City Clerk

July 27, 2020
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Jeffery Anderson-Burgos
Administrative Assistant to the City Council

Holyoke City Hall
536 Dwight St, Room 10
Holyoke, MA 01040
Regular hours 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Meeting days 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
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