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Attention Holyoke residents, the current parking ban will conclude on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 6am. Please be advised that starting at 8:00am on Monday, February 17, 2025, a reverse parking ban will be enforced, prohibiting parking on the EVEN side of the street and on cul-de-sacs until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Atención residentes de Holyoke, la actual prohibición de estacionamiento concluirá el lunes 17 de febrero de 2025, a las 6am. Les informamos que a partir de las 8am del 17 de febrero, comenzará una prohibición de estacionamiento inversa, prohibiendo estacionarse en el lado PAR de la calle y en las calles sin salida hasta nuevo aviso. Gracias por su cooperación.

Holyoke City Council Meeting February 5, 2019

Feb 5 2019

7:00 pm City Hall Holyoke

536 Dwight St, Holyoke 01040

February 5,2019


1. From Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC, minutes of regular meeting December 18, 2018 and Special Meeting January 8, 2019.




2. From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter reappointing Ms. Kelly Curran, 230 South St. to serve as a member on the Library Board of Directors for the City of Holyoke: Ms. Curran will serve a three-year term; said term will expire on February 2022.

3. From Gina Paro Assistant City Solicitor letter re: Collective Bargaining Agreement with Local 1459, DPW. and Memorandum of Agreement.

4. From Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC minutes of January 15, 2019.

5. From Alicia M. Zoeller, Administrator Office for Community Development, Re: FFY2019 Community Development Block Grant Applications.

6. From Massachusetts School Building Authority, letter re: Holyoke Third Amendment to the Feasibility Study Agreement H.B. Lawrence School (MSBA project No. 201701370010).

7. From Citizens of Holyoke petition in support the addition of this non binding ballot question. A Yes vote supports HG &E offering fiber optic internet for purchase by residents and implores HG & E to conduct feasibility studies for a gradual rollout. The findings of this study are to be presented at a City Council meeting by April 2022 or sooner.

8. Board of Fire Commission minutes of December 19, 2018.

9. From Thomas J. O’Connor Animal Control and Adoption Center, minutes of November 14, 2018 and information & charts.


10. Petition of Charliza Silvestry/ The Grill for a Street vendor license on Hampden and Chestnuts sts.

11. Petition of Paul J. Wanat, President United Tractor Trailer School, Inc. for a temporary Storage unit at 50 Holyoke St. (White Lot)




12. Ordinance Committee Reports (if any)

13. Finance Committee Reports (if any)

13A. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order, that the amount of TWO HUNDRED EIGHTEEN AND 40/100 Dollars ($218.40) be authorized from the OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Department’s DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS (11212-57300) appropriation in fiscal year 2019 for services rendered in fiscal year 2018 which were unencumbered at the 2018 fiscal year end Recommend that the order be adopted

13B. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order Ordered, that there be and is hereby raised and appropriated in the fiscal year 2019, EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN AND 00/100 DOLLARS/100 Dollars ($8,487.00) as follows:

*****-*****           FREE CASH                 $8487.00
TOTAL: $8,487.00
11381-*****        PURCHASING               $1,545.00
11461-*****        TAX COLLECTOR                     1,692.00
11451-*****        TREASURER                680.00
15431-*****        VETERANS                   1,374.00
11631-*****        VOTER             862.00
16931-*****        WAR MEMORIAL                      629.00
16911-*****        WISTARIAHURST                      1,705.00
TOTAL: $8,487.00 Recommend that the order be adopted

13C. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby raised and appropriated in the fiscal year 2019, FORTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SEVEN AND 00/100 DOLLARS/100 Dollars ($40,207.00) as follows:

*****-******         FREE CASH                 $40,207
TOTAL: $40,207.00
11411-*****        ASSESSOR                  $1,597.00
11351-*****        AUDITOR                      810.00
12401-*****        BUILDING                     1,686.00
14221-*****        CITY HALL CUSTODIANS                     1,243.00
11611-*****        CITY CLERK                 2,321.00
12401-*****        CODES & INSPECTIONS                       2,768.00
15101-*****        HEALTH                        8,527.00
16301-*****        PARKS & REC.             810.00
11751-*****        PLANNING                    2,316.00
12101-*****        POLICE                        18,129.00
TOTAL: $40,207.00 Recommend that the order be adopted

13D. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “FY2019 SENATOR CHARLES E. SHANNON, JR., COMMUNITY SAFETY INITIATIVE (SHANNON CSI)” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant. Recommend that the order be adopted

13E. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “STUDENT AWARENESS OF FIRE EDUCATION & SENIOR AWARENESS OF FIRE EDUCATION (S.A.F.E.)” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant. Recommend that the order be adopted

13F. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred a REVISION TO PREVIOUS BOND APPROVAL IN CITY COUNCIL 9/5/18: Ordered that the sum of $2,600,000 is appropriated to pay the costs of purchase for two (2) Aerial Ladder Trucks, one (1) Quint Truck, two (2) Command Vehicles and the purchase of all tools, equipment, training, etc, for vehicles.  These funds will also cover the 10% match in the amount of $88,636 for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant program (total grant awarded $975,000) for the City of Holyoke Fire Department, and the payment of all costs incidental and related hereto, and that to meet this appropriation, the Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor, is authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7(1) of the General Laws, or pursuant to any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the City therefore; that the Mayor is authorized to contract for and expend any state aid available for the project; and that the Mayor is authorized to take any other action necessary to carry out this project. Recommend that the order be adopted

13G. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred Memorandum of Agreement between City of Holyoke and NAGE R1-180 Clerical Union Recommend that the order has been complied with

13H. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred a Communication dated 1/1/19 from OPED Director Marcos Marrero RE: “opinion on the possible effects of a debt exclusion override on the existing business community and the consequences for new business attraction” Recommend that the order has been complied with

14. Public Safety Committee Reports (if any)

15. Public Service Committee Reports (if any)

16. Development and Governmental Relations Committee Reports (if any)

16A. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred . that in accordance with M.G.L. ch. 30B and the Holyoke Code of Ordinances procurement ordinance, the City Council declare two parcels on James Street as surplus property available for disposition. The parcels are identified as follows:
2 James Street, Assessors Map 082, Block 00, Parcel 059, consisting of a vacant 1,512 single family style building which is more particularly described in a deed recorded at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 11719, Page 67.  On October 30, 2018 the property was awarded to the City via Land Court Decree with a final judgment recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 22423, Page 460.  The property is zoned Downtown Residential (DR) and has an assessed value of $82,900.
James Street, Assessors Map 082, Block 00, Parcel 060, consisting of approximately 8,500 square feet of land and is more particularly described at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 6025, Page 217.  On May 15, 2018 the property was awarded to the City via Land Court Decree with a Judgment recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 22172, Page 578.  The property is zoned as Downtown Residential (DR) and has an assessed value of $4,700. Recommend order be adopted

16B. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. ch. 30B and the Holyoke Code of Ordinances procurement ordinance, the City Council declare the parcel at 106-108 Main Street as surplus property available for disposition. Said parcel is identified by the Holyoke Board of Assessors records as Map 006, Block 08, Parcel 012, consisting of a vacant 7,020 square foot apartment style building with 4 – 8 units which is more particularly described in a deed recorded at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 13618, Page 243. On November 9, 2018 the property was awarded to the City via Land Court Decree with a final judgment recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 22440, Page 85.  The property is zoned Highway Business (BH) and has an assessed value of $112,000.  Recommend order be adopted

16C. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order Ordered that the City Council approve a set of license agreements between Action Ambulance and the City of Holyoke for use of garaging facilities at Holyoke Fire Department Stations 1, 3 and 5 and the former station at 490 South Street.  Draft language for Action Ambulance is attached hereto and will be distributed to all city councilors. Recommend that the order be adopted

16D. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. ch. 30B and the Holyoke Code of Ordinances procurement ordinance, the City Council declare properties located on Chestnut and Elm Streets as surplus properties available for disposition. The properties are identified as follows: 255 Chestnut Street, Assessors Map 004, Block 01, Parcel 001, consisting of approximately 12,807 square feet of land and is more particularly described at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 16371, Page 323.  On July 31, 2001 the property was awarded to the City via Land Court Decree with a Final Judgment recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 11851, Page 415.  The property is zoned as Downtown Residential (DR) and has an assessed value of $31,200. AND Elm Street, Assessors Map 004, Block 01, Parcel 003, consisting of approximately 9,148 square feet of land and is more particularly described at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 5631, Page 390.  On June 14, 1984 the property was awarded to the City via Land Court Decree with a Final Judgment recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 15874, Page 589.  The property is zoned as Downtown Residential (DR) and has an assessed value of $29,900. Recommend that the order be adopted

16E. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that the Honorable City Council, in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Holyoke and the Holyoke Housing Authority dated December, 2018, approve to transfer ownership of the parcels of land at 255 Chestnut Street (Assessors Map 004, Block 01, Parcel 001) and Elm Street Parcel 003 (Assessors Map 004, Block 01, Parcel 003) to the Holyoke Housing Authority for consideration of $1.00.
Recommend that the order be adopted

16F. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that The City Council invite a representative from Mt. Holyoke College to appear at a Development and Governmental Relations (DGR) meeting.  The ties between our city and this legendary college should be exploited and strengthened.    Recommend that the order has been complied with

16G. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that the Board of Health and Building Dept review 15 Shepard Drive and the concerns about expanding their driveway and excessive parked cars on property and report back finds to DG&R. Recommend that the order has been complied with

16H. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that the City Council invite in Mr. Barry Feingold, the new President of the Holyoke Chamber of Commerce. Recommend that the order has been complied with

17. Charter and Rules Committee Reports (if any)

18. Joint City Council and School Committee Reports (if any)


19. LEAHY — Order that the DPW installs/Paints  a Don’t Block the Box at the intersection of Southampton Road and Easthampton Road.

20. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, FIFTEEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE AND 26/100 Dollars ($15,355.26) as follows:

12101-51107 PATROLMEN $15,355.26
TOTAL: $15,355.26
12101-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $15,355.26
TOTAL: $15,355.26

21. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY FIVE AND 74/100 Dollars ($8,195.74) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTERS $8,195.74
TOTAL: $8,195.74
12201-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $8,195.74
TOTAL: $8,195.74

22. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND 00/100 Dollars ($2,300.00) as follows:

11511-51101 PAY-SOLICITOR $2,300.00
TOTAL: $2,300.00
11512-53010 SPECIAL COUNSEL SERVICES $2300.00
TOTAL: $2,300.00

23. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($100,000.00) as follows:

11452-57950 LAND TAKINGS & EASEMENTS $100,000.00
TOTAL: $100,000.00
11512-53010 SPECIAL COUNSEL SERVICES $80,000.00
19412-57630 CLAIMS 15,000.00
11512-57600 LITIGATION 5,000.00
TOTAL: $100,000.00

24. MURPHY — Ordered that the department of public works upgrade the playing surface at the James Jackson basketball courts on South Canal Street to make them more level and safe for playing competitive basketball.   We are hoping to work with the Safe Neighborhood Initiative group to host some tournaments/events during the summer months.

25. MURPHY — Ordered that the department of public works repave and level the sidewalks on the east side of Chestnut Street from Franklin Street to Sargeant Street.  This has become a difficult walk for elderly persons and persons with disabilities to use.

26. MURPHY — Ordered that the department of public works look to install an ADA compliant ramp on Chestnut Street in front of the door to Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish.  The current situation prevents persons in wheelchairs from gaining access without personal assistance.

27. MURPHY — Ordered that the superintendent of the department of public works, the city engineer, and someone from the police department meet with the pubic safety committee of the city council to discuss the continuing problem of excessive speeding on Main Street from Springdale Park to the traffic light going on Route 5.  One of the goals would be to set up speed humps if possible on the street before the Dean crosswalk on both sides of the street.  Another would be to have more frequent radar enforcement at random times.  In addition, please consider posting electronic signage letting drivers know their speed as compared with the limit.

28. MURPHY — Ordered that the department of public works and the engineer look to see if installing a sidewalk on the northwest corner of St Vincent and Main Street is feasible up to the driveway entering the Dean School parking lot.  The current sidewalk only begins at the western entrance to the parking lot.

29. MURPHY — Ordered that the Director of the Parks and Recreation and representatives from the police department meet with the public safety committee to discuss past safety issues at the South Chestnut Street park, and to plan for a safer program for both neighborhood youngsters and parks department employees.  Also to be discussed, have there safety concerns at other playgrounds or parks.

30. MURPHY — Ordered that the department of public works add Main Street from just south of Jed Days Landing to the route 5 traffic lights for paving this spring.

31. MURPHY — Ordered that either the public safety committee or the development and government relations committee meet with representatives from Womanshelter/Companeras, Western Mass Elder Services, the police department, the district attorney’s office, the mayor’s office, the school department and staff from the offices Representative Vega and Senator Humason to discuss the issue of domestic violence with the following goals:
1. Seek some money related to domestic violence from the money the governor has added to combat continued violence in order to provide more direct one on one support services and guidance to victims.
2. Seek ways to expand the number of confidential beds available to abuse victims.  Currently, the demand unfortunately exceeds the supply of shelter.  Seek legislator’s assistance to secure more funding from Dept of Public Health.
3. Working with the police department and the district attorney’s office, seek ways to reduce the potential for continued repeat offenders.
4. Develop and promote mentoring opportunities for teenagers especially to reduce the potential of teen dating violence.

32. VACON — that a No Parking sign be placed near the driveway with an arrow toward the driveway of 16 Dale St. on the side near Cherry St. Drivers are parking so close to the driveway that the homeowners are having difficulty entering and exiting safely.

33. VACON — that DPW resolve the the water issue of water pooling and ice forming on Primrose Road by installing a catch basin on Kane at the corner of Primrose or by some other corrective steps as the engineer may determine.  This is a safety issue on Primrose.

34. VACON — That our Auditor report to City Council on a quarterly basis ( or more frequently if needed ) on the financial status of our city, including but not limited to total debt and debt expense, bond rating, revenue and cash projections and updates on any financial plan development as recommended by Cinder, our financial consultant.

35. VALENTIN — that a handicap sign be placed in front of 127 Beech St. for Fredy Rodriguez.



The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting.
Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law

City Clerk

February 5,2019

The meeting was called to order by President McGee at 07:05 PM.

The Clerk called the roll. Absent members: 0 Present Members 13 (Anderson-Burgos, Bartley, Brenshan, Leahy, Lebron-Martinez, Lisi, McGee, McGiverin, Murphy, Sullivan, Tallman, Vacon, Valentin).

The name of Councilor Anderson-Burgos was drawn to head the roll call voting.

Moment of silence was held for former City Councilor Tim Purington whom had passed away.


From Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC, minutes of regular meeting December 18, 2018 and Special Meeting January 8, 2019.
Amendment was offered to include a motion that was made and seconded that ultimately failed for lack of votes for an alternative sewer rate
—> Approved as amended. Amendments were made to the final minutes

Laura Clampitt spoke in favor of a petition that was before the City Council and in favor of a ballot to demonstrate interest and demand for a roll out of fiber optic internet for residential customers in the City of Holyoke. Mrs. Hymat noted that it would seem a ballot question would be a great way to gauge the citizens of the City and allow their voices to be heard on whether this would be a good step for the HG&E moving forward.

Ken Lefebve spoke and endorsed the petition and putting a ballot question to the voters to weigh public opinion on rolling out fiber optic service to Holyoke residents.

Helene Florio spoke and stated as president of Holyoke Tax Payers Association she would like to speak against the debt exclusion override for the schools because of the toll it would be take on tax payers. Helene Florio stated that this move would take the commercial tax rate over 40 dollars and that this would crunch businesses too much and cause businesses in the City to leave. Helene Florio spoke on the need to keep business tax rates reasonable to attract businesses, and to expand the tax base in the City.


From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter reappointing Ms. Kelly Curran, 230 South St. to serve as a member on the Library Board of Directors for the City of Holyoke: Ms. Curran will serve a three year term; said term will expire on February 2022.
—> Received and appointment confirmed.

From Gina Paro Assistant City Solicitor letter re: Collective Bargaining Agreement with Local 1459, DPW. and Memorandum of Agreement.
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

From Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC minutes of January 15, 2019.
—> Approved.

From Alicia M. Zoeller, Administrator Office for Community Development, Re: FFY2019 Community Development Block Grant Applications.
—> Received and referred to the Development and Governmental Relations Committee.

From Massachusetts School Building Authority, letter re: Holyoke Third Amendment to the Feasibility Study Agreement H.B. Lawrence School (MSBA project No. 201701370010).
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

From Citizens of Holyoke petition in support the addition of this non- binding ballot question. A Yes vote supports HG &E offering fiber optic internet for purchase by residents and implores HG & E to conduct feasibility studies for a gradual roll out. The findings of this study are to be presented at a City Council meeting by April 2022 or sooner.
—> Received and referred to the Charter and Rules Committee.

Board of Fire Commission minutes of December 19, 2018.
—> Received.

From Thomas J. O’Connor Animal Control and Adoption Center, minutes of November 14, 2018 and information & charts.
—> Received.

City Council President Todd McGee spoke and noted that the Holyoke Tax Payer Association has sent out invitations to the City Council to attend a luncheon on Feb 21 at Gary Rome Hyundai at 11:30AM


Petition of Charliza Silvestry/ The Grill for a Street vendor license on Hampden and Chestnuts sts.
—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.

Petition of Paul J. Wanat, President United Tractor Trailer School, Inc. for a temporary Storage unit at 50 Holyoke St. (White Lot)
—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.


The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order, that the amount of TWO HUNDRED EIGHTEEN AND 40/100 Dollars ($218.40) be authorized from the OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Department’s DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS (11212-57300) appropriation in fiscal year 2019 for services rendered in fiscal year 2018 which were unencumbered at the 2018 fiscal year end
(Recommended by the Mayor)
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
James M. Leahy
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
Todd McGee
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin spoke and stated that the order was a request from the Mayor’s Office to pay last year’s bill with funds from the current fiscal year. It was noted that the money would be for dues and subscriptions line item and would pay subscription for the Daily Republican.
—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 12–Nays 0–Absent 1 (Bresnahan).
Approved by the Mayor.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take items 13B, 13C & 13G
The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order Ordered, that there be and is hereby raised and appropriated in the fiscal year 2019, EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN AND 00/100 DOLLARS/100 Dollars ($8,487.00) as follows:
*****-*****           FREE CASH                 $8487.00
TOTAL: $8,487.00
11381-*****        PURCHASING               $1,545.00
11461-*****        TAX COLLECTOR                     1,692.00
11451-*****        TREASURER                680.00
15431-*****        VETERANS                   1,374.00
11631-*****        VOTER             862.00
16931-*****        WAR MEMORIAL                      629.00
16911-*****        WISTARIAHURST                      1,705.00
TOTAL: $8,487.00
(Recommended by the Mayor)

have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
James M. Leahy
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
Todd McGee
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin spoke and gave information on the orders. It was noted that the order represented financial transfers that would pay for the collective bargaining agreement for the positions listed. It was noted that the union involved is the NAGE Clerical Union. Councilor McGiverin stated that the Law Dept. and the Clerical Union both had representatives at the Finance meeting to explain the contract to Councilors and answer any questions. Co. McGiverin detailed the wage increases included in the MOA. Councilor McGiverin noted that the Finance Committee voted 5-0 to approve the orders because the terms seemed reasonable and it seemed that the contract was executed in good faith.
—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 12–Nays 0–Absent 1 (Bresnahan).
Approved by the Mayor.

The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby raised and appropriated in the fiscal year 2019, FORTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SEVEN AND 00/100 DOLLARS/100 Dollars ($40,207.00) as follows:
*****-******         FREE CASH                 $40,207
TOTAL: $40,207.00
11411-*****        ASSESSOR                  $1,597.00
11351-*****        AUDITOR                      810.00
12401-*****        BUILDING                     1,686.00
14221-*****        CITY HALL CUSTODIANS                     1,243.00
11611-*****        CITY CLERK                 2,321.00
12401-*****        CODES & INSPECTIONS                       2,768.00
15101-*****        HEALTH                        8,527.00
16301-*****        PARKS & REC.             810.00
11751-*****        PLANNING                    2,316.00
12101-*****        POLICE                        18,129.00
TOTAL: $40,207.00
(Recommended by the Mayor)
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
James M. Leahy
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
Todd McGee
—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 12–Nays 0–Absent 1 (Anderson-Burgos).
Approved by the Mayor.

The Committee on Finance to whom was referred Memorandum of Agreement between City of Holyoke and NAGE R1-180 Clerical Union
have considered the same and Recommend that the order has been complied with .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
James M. Leahy
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
Todd McGee
—> Report of Committee received and recommendation adopted.

The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “FY2019 SENATOR CHARLES E. SHANNON, JR., COMMUNITY SAFETY INITIATIVE (SHANNON CSI)” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.
(Recommended by the Mayor)
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
James M. Leahy
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
Todd McGee
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin explained the Shannon Grant and noted that the grant comes through annually and goes a long way. Councilor McGiverin noted that Sgt. Hart explained the grant in full and noted that Holyoke Boys and Girls Club is one of the benefactors of the grant. Councilor McGiverin stated that the grant is for approximately $434,000.
—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 11–Nays 0–Absent 1 (Bresnahan). Councilor Lebron-Martinez did not vote or participate in discussion on this item.
Approved by the Mayor.

The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “STUDENT AWARENESS OF FIRE EDUCATION & SENIOR AWARENESS OF FIRE EDUCATION (S.A.F.E.)” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.
(Recommended by the Mayor)
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
James M. Leahy
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
Todd McGee
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin explained the SAFE Grant. It was noted that Fire Chief Pond and Maria Pelchar were present to give information about the grant noting that money would go to fire and safety education in public schools, home visits for the elderly to install smoke detectors, car seat check-ups, etc. It was noted that the grant is very good for public outreach and fire deterrence.
—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.
Approved by the Mayor.

The Committee on Finance to whom was referred a REVISION TO PREVIOUS BOND APPROVAL IN CITY COUNCIL 9/5/18: Ordered that the sum of $2,600,000 is appropriated to pay the costs of purchase for two (2) Aerial Ladder Trucks, one (1) Quint Truck, two (2) Command Vehicles and the purchase of all tools, equipment, training, etc, for vehicles.  These funds will also cover the 10% match in the amount of $88,636 for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant program (total grant awarded $975,000) for the City of Holyoke Fire Department, and the payment of all costs incidental and related hereto, and that to meet this appropriation, the Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor, is authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7(1) of the General Laws, or pursuant to any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the City therefore; that the Mayor is authorized to contract for and expend any state aid available for the project; and that the Mayor is authorized to take any other action necessary to carry out this project.
(Recommended by the Mayor)
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
James M. Leahy
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
Todd McGee
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin spoke and stated that the bond request for the items was taken up last year in December. Councilor McGiverin spoke and gave some status up-date for the HPD motor fleet. Noting further upgrades and improvements that needed to be made. It was noted that voting for this order would allow for the updates and improvements and would include language that dictates that the money can only be spent the way specifically approved by the City Council. It was noted that the order would add two command vehicles to the original bond for vehicles in the HPD.
—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 11–Nays 2 (Lisi, Vacon)–Absent 0.
Approved by the Mayor.


The Committee on Finance to whom was referred a Communication dated 1/1/19 from OPED Director Marcos Marrero RE: “opinion on the possible effects of a debt exclusion override on the existing business community and the consequences for new business attraction”
have considered the same and Recommend that the order has been complied with .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
James M. Leahy
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
Todd McGee
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin spoke and gave information on the order noting that Marcos Marrero had sent a communication answering the order to the best of his ability and also attended the Finance meeting to answer the order and engage in a discussion with the Finance Committee and the City Council. Councilor McGiverin gave a summary overview of the discussion that took place in the Committee.
Councilor Sullivan spoke on the letter from Marcos Marrero and noted that the conclusion of the letter does not address the fundamental question that he had in his order and stated that the question was how the business community would be impacted. Councilor Sullivan question some of the findings from the study done by Mr. Bluestone. Councilor Sullivan stated that the City is very unique and therefore cannot be adequately compared to other communities. Councilor Sullivan also spoke on the day time and night time population for the City of Holyoke and noted that there were flaws in the information presented. Councilor Sullivan noted that mall pays about 10 million dollars in taxes and that Pyramid would end up paying around $800,000 more per year if the City passed the debt exclusion override. Councilor Sullivan stated that the business community would take a major hit if the city passes the override and cautioned Councilors to look for other ways to fund the new schools. Councilor Vacon spoke on TIF agreements in the City and stated that the reason for TIF agreements are because Cities have bad tax policies.
—> Report of Committee received and recommendation adopted.

The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred . that in accordance with M.G.L. ch. 30B and the Holyoke Code of Ordinances procurement ordinance, the City Council declare two parcels on James Street as surplus property available for disposition. The parcels are identified as follows:
2 James Street, Assessors Map 082, Block 00, Parcel 059, consisting of a vacant 1,512 single family style building which is more particularly described in a deed recorded at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 11719, Page 67.  On October 30, 2018 the property was awarded to the City via Land Court Decree with a final judgment recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 22423, Page 460.  The property is zoned Downtown Residential (DR) and has an assessed value of $82,900.
James Street, Assessors Map 082, Block 00, Parcel 060, consisting of approximately 8,500 square feet of land and is more particularly described at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 6025, Page 217.  On May 15, 2018 the property was awarded to the City via Land Court Decree with a Judgment recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 22172, Page 578.  The property is zoned as Downtown Residential (DR) and has an assessed value of $4,700.

have considered the same and Recommend order be adopted.

Committee Members:
David K. Bartley
Michael J. Sullivan
Jossie M Valentin
Peter R. Tallman
Terence Murphy
Under discussion:
Councilor Bartley spoke on the two parcels on James St. and gave information on both of them. It was noted properties are in the Springdale section of the City and that the plan is to put the properties out to RFP and see if there is any interest in getting the properties developed and back on the tax rolls. Councilor Murphy stated that the properties are in deplorable shape and that it would be good to see these properties become an asset to the community.
—> Report of Committee received and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.
Approved by the Mayor.

The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. ch. 30B and the Holyoke Code of Ordinances procurement ordinance, the City Council declare the parcel at 106-108 Pine Street as surplus property available for disposition. Said parcel is identified by the Holyoke Board of Assessors records as Map 006, Block 08, Parcel 012, consisting of a vacant 7,020 square foot apartment style building with 4 – 8 units which is more particularly described in a deed recorded at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 13618, Page 243. On November 9, 2018 the property was awarded to the City via Land Court Decree with a final judgment recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 22440, Page 85.  The property is zoned Highway Business (BH) and has an assessed value of $112,000.

have considered the same and Recommend order be adopted.

Committee Members:
David K. Bartley
Michael J. Sullivan
Jossie M Valentin
Peter R. Tallman
Terence Murphy
Under discussion:
Councilor Bartley spoke and noted that the order was amended state that the properties are for Pine St. Motion was made and seconded to amend the order to remove Main St. and add Pine St. amendment passed by voice vote. Councilor Bartley gave relevant info on the two parcels noting that the idea is to put the properties out to RFP and try to find developers to add the properties to the tax rolls.
—> Report of Committee received and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.
Approved by the Mayor.

The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order Ordered that the City Council approve a set of license agreements between Action Ambulance and the City of Holyoke for use of garaging facilities at Holyoke Fire Department Stations 1, 3 and 5 and the former station at 490 South Street.  Draft language for Action Ambulance is attached hereto and will be distributed to all city councilors.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
David K. Bartley
Michael J. Sullivan
Jossie M Valentin
Peter R. Tallman
Terence Murphy
Under discussion:
Councilor Bartley spoke and gave information on the license agreement that was taking place between the City of Holyoke and Action Ambulance for use of several City owned properties being used by Action Ambulance. Councilor Bartley noted that ordinance have been passed to ensure that any license agreement or lease agreement would need City Council approval. Councilor Bartley stated that the ordinance was deleted somehow from the books. Councilor Bartley noted that he agreement that is currently on the books between the City and Action Ambulance does not have City Council approval and that it would need this approval to be valid based on City ordinances. Councilor Bartley stated that upon review of the license agreement he felt that the agreement was fair. Co. Bartley stated that the moneys collected through the agreement would be received and put into a revolving fund for the HFD.
Amendment was made and seconded that the license agreement be confirmed contingent on the e City receiving all rent money due pursuant to the contract from May 2017 to present.
—> Report of Committee received and recommendation adopted.
Approved by the Mayor.

The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. ch. 30B and the Holyoke Code of Ordinances procurement ordinance, the City Council declare properties located on Chestnut and Elm Streets as surplus properties available for disposition. The properties are identified as follows: 255 Chestnut Street, Assessors Map 004, Block 01, Parcel 001, consisting of approximately 12,807 square feet of land and is more particularly described at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 16371, Page 323.  On July 31, 2001 the property was awarded to the City via Land Court Decree with a Final Judgment recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 11851, Page 415.  The property is zoned as Downtown Residential (DR) and has an assessed value of $31,200. AND Elm Street, Assessors Map 004, Block 01, Parcel 003, consisting of approximately 9,148 square feet of land and is more particularly described at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 5631, Page 390.  On June 14, 1984 the property was awarded to the City via Land Court Decree with a Final Judgment recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 15874, Page 589.  The property is zoned as Downtown Residential (DR) and has an assessed value of $29,900.

have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
David K. Bartley
Michael J. Sullivan
Jossie M Valentin
Peter R. Tallman
Terence Murphy
Under discussion:
Councilor Bartley spoke and gave information that was presented from OPED and Marcos Marrero. It was noted that the land is a lot where the former Perpetual Help was.
Councilor Bartley stated that the transaction is incredibly complicated and stated that he would do his best to explain all the facets of the agreement. Motion was made and seconded to take up Items 16D, 16E, and Late File A as a package. Councilor Bartley gave information on the purchase and sale agreement between the Holyoke Housing Authority and the Diocese of Springfield. Councilor Bartley also explained how the transaction ties in to the potential two new middle schools. Councilor Bartley went on record to state why he is in opposition to the order noting that the Diocese of Springfield mad a bad offer with tons of unfair restrictions for the sale of Mater Dolorosa Church. Councilor Bartley stated that he felt the Diocese of Springfield lied to the City Council in their dealings over the Church. Councilor Bartley stated that based on the way the Diocese has treated the City of Holyoke he would not vote to spend any of the City’s tax payer money to go to them. Councilors discussed the pros and cons of the transaction. Councilor Sullivan stated that what is before the City Council is one aspect of the deal and it is to allow property to be declared surplus and available for disposition.
—> Report of Committee received and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 11–Nays 2 (Bartley, Leahy)–Absent 0.
Approved by the Mayor.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take #47 from the October 2, 2018 meeting and refer it from the Finance Committee to the Ordinance Committee.
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Holyoke as follows:
SECTION 1. Division 4 entitled “City Auditor” of Article II entitled “Officers
and Employees Generally” of Chapter 2 entitled “Administration” of the Revised Code of
Ordinances of the City of Holyoke, Massachusetts, 1997, as amended, is hereby further
amended by the following:
At the end of Section 2-138(e) Departmental Revolving Funds
(e) Authorized Revolving Funds.
(9) Fire Department Stations Revolving Fund
(i) Fund Name. There shall be a separate fund called the Fire
Department Stations Revolving Fund for the use of the Holyoke
Fire Department.
(ii) Revenues. The city Auditor shall establish the Fire Department
Stations Revolving Fund as a separate account and credit to the fund
lease payments received from Action Ambulance providers for the
use of various fire department stations in the city.
(iii) Purposes and Expenditures. During each fiscal year, the Holyoke Fire
Chief may incur liabilities against and spend monies from the Fire
Department Stations Revolving Fund for the specific and sole purpose
of making necessary building repairs, and maintenance, and the
purchase of supplies and equipment for at fire department stations
throughout the city.
The limit on the total amount which may be expended from the fund
during the fiscal year shall be the lesser of actual receipts collected
during the fiscal year.
(iv) Fiscal Years. The Fire Department Stations Revolving Fund shall
operate for fiscal years that begin on or after July 1, 2018.
SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are
hereby repealed.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon passage.

The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that the Honorable City Council, in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Holyoke and the Holyoke Housing Authority dated December, 2018, approve to transfer ownership of the parcels of land at 255 Chestnut Street (Assessors Map 004, Block 01, Parcel 001) and Elm Street Parcel 003 (Assessors Map 004, Block 01, Parcel 003) to the Holyoke Housing Authority for consideration of $1.00.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
David K. Bartley
Michael J. Sullivan
Jossie M Valentin
Peter R. Tallman
Terence Murphy
—> Report of Committee received and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 9–Nays 4 (Bartley, Bresnahan, Leahy, Vacon)–Absent 0.

The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that The City Council invite a representative from Mt. Holyoke College to appear at a Development and Governmental Relations (DGR) meeting.  The ties between our city and this legendary college should be exploited and strengthened.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order has been complied with .

Committee Members:
David K. Bartley
Michael J. Sullivan
Jossie M Valentin
Peter R. Tallman
Terence Murphy
Under discussion:
Councilor Bartley spoke and gave summary of the meeting that took place with Alan Bloomgarden who gave information to the Committee on ways that Mt. Holyoke College is involved with the City of Holyoke. It was noted that there are multiple partnerships and that there is a Holyoke Bound program that takes place annually. Councilor Bartley stated that there needs to be better work on transportation for students getting students from Holyoke to South Hadley and also stated that there needs to be better housing opportunities. Councilor Bartley thanked commended the work being done and the partnership between Mt. Holyoke College and the City of Holyoke.
—> Report of Committee received and recommendation adopted.

The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that the Board of Health and Building Dept review 15 Shepard Drive and the concerns about expanding their driveway and excessive parked cars on property and report back finds to DG&R.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order has been complied with .

Committee Members:
David K. Bartley
Michael J. Sullivan
Jossie M Valentin
Peter R. Tallman
Terence Murphy
Under discussion:
Councilor Bartley spoke and gave information on 15 Shepard Dr. It was noted that he Building Commissioner attended the meeting and gave good information on the order and the property. It was noted that some neighbors expressed concern on the changing dynamic having a group home being installed at the location.
—> Report of Committee received and recommendation adopted.

The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that the City Council invite in Mr. Barry Feingold, the new President of the Holyoke Chamber of Commerce.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order has been complied with.

Committee Members:
David K. Bartley
Michael J. Sullivan
Jossie M Valentin
Peter R. Tallman
Terence Murphy
Under discussion:
Councilor Bartley gave overview of discussion that took place with Chamber of Commerce President Barry Feingold. It was noted that discussion surrounded various needs and wants of the business community and ways in which the City can support local businesses. It was noted that Mr. Feingold wanted to stress the importance of supporting the Hispanic businesses in the City. Councilor Bartley thanked Mr. Feingold for his commentary and for speaking to the committee.
—> Report of Committee received and recommendation adopted.


LEAHY Ordered, that Order that the DPW installs/Paints  a Don’t Block the Box at the intersection of Southampton Road and Easthampton Road.
—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, FIFTEEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE AND 26/100 Dollars ($15,355.26) as follows:

12101-51107 PATROLMEN $15,355.26
TOTAL: $15,355.26
12101-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $15,355.26
TOTAL: $15,355.26

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, February 5, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 11–Nays 0–Absent 2 (Leahy, Valentin).
Approved by the Mayor.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY FIVE AND 74/100 Dollars ($8,195.74) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTERS $8,195.74
TOTAL: $8,195.74
12201-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $8,195.74
TOTAL: $8,195.74

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, February 5, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 11–Nays 0–Absent 2 (Leahy, Valentin).
Approved by the Mayor.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND 00/100 Dollars ($2,300.00) as follows:

11511-51101 PAY-SOLICITOR $2,300.00
TOTAL: $2,300.00
11512-53010 SPECIAL COUNSEL SERVICES $2300.00
TOTAL: $2,300.00

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, February 5, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($100,000.00) as follows:

11452-57950 LAND TAKINGS & EASEMENTS $100,000.00
TOTAL: $100,000.00
11512-53010 SPECIAL COUNSEL SERVICES $80,000.00
19412-57630 CLAIMS 15,000.00
11512-57600 LITIGATION 5,000.00
TOTAL: $100,000.00

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, February 5, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

MURPHY, Sullivan Ordered, that Ordered that the department of public works upgrade the playing surface at the James Jackson basketball courts on South Canal Street to make them more level and safe for playing competitive basketball.   We are hoping to work with the Safe Neighborhood Initiative group to host some tournaments/events during the summer months.
—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW.
Approved by the Mayor.

MURPHY Ordered, that Ordered that the department of public works repave and level the sidewalks on the east side of Chestnut Street from Franklin Street to Sargeant Street.  This has become a difficult walk for elderly persons and persons with disabilities to use.
—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW.
Approved by the Mayor.

MURPHY Ordered, that Ordered that the department of public works look to install an ADA compliant ramp on Chestnut Street in front of the door to Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish.  The current situation prevents persons in wheelchairs from gaining access without personal assistance.
—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW.
Approved by the Mayor.

MURPHY, Sullivan Ordered, that Ordered that the superintendent of the department of public works, the city engineer, and someone from the police department meet with the pubic safety committee of the city council to discuss the continuing problem of excessive speeding on Main Street from Springdale Park to the traffic light going on Route 5.  One of the goals would be to set up speed humps if possible on the street before the Dean crosswalk on both sides of the street.  Another would be to have more frequent radar enforcement at random times.  In addition, please consider posting electronic signage letting drivers know their speed as compared with the limit.
—> Received and referred to the Public Safety Committee. Copy to City Engineer, Police Department, and DPW.
Approved by the Mayor.

MURPHY, Lisi, Tallman Ordered, that Ordered that the department of public works and the engineer look to see if installing a sidewalk on the northwest corner of St Vincent and Main Street is feasible up to the driveway entering the Dean School parking lot.  The current sidewalk only begins at the western entrance to the parking lot.
—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW and City Enginner.
Approved by the Mayor.

MURPHY Ordered, that Ordered that the Director of the Parks and Recreation and representatives from the police department meet with the public safety committee to discuss past safety issues at the South Chestnut Street park, and to plan for a safer program for both neighborhood youngsters and parks department employees.  Also to be discussed, have there safety concerns at other playgrounds or parks.
—> Received and referred to the Public Safety Committee. Copy to Parks and Rec.

MURPHY Ordered, that Ordered that the department of public works add Main Street from just south of Jed Days Landing to the route 5 traffic lights for paving this spring.
—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW.
Approved by the Mayor.

MURPHY Ordered, that Ordered that either the public safety committee or the development and government relations committee meet with representatives from Womanshelter/Companeras, Western Mass Elder Services, the police department, the district attorney’s office, the mayor’s office, the school department and staff from the offices Representative Vega and Senator Humason to discuss the issue of domestic violence with the following goals:
1. Seek some money related to domestic violence from the money the governor has added to combat continued violence in order to provide more direct one on one support services and guidance to victims.
2. Seek ways to expand the number of confidential beds available to abuse victims.  Currently, the demand unfortunately exceeds the supply of shelter.  Seek legislator’s assistance to secure more funding from Dept of Public Health.
3. Working with the police department and the district attorney’s office, seek ways to reduce the potential for continued repeat offenders.
4. Develop and promote mentoring opportunities for teenagers especially to reduce the potential of teen dating violence.
—> Received and referred to the Public Safety Committee.

VACON Ordered, that a No Parking sign be placed near the driveway with an arrow toward the driveway of 16 Dale St. on the side near Cherry St. Drivers are parking so close to the driveway that the homeowners are having difficulty entering and exiting safely.
—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.

VACON Ordered, that DPW resolve the water issue of water pooling and ice forming on Primrose Road by installing a catch basin on Kane at the corner of Primrose or by some other corrective steps as the engineer may determine.  This is a safety issue on Primrose.
—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW.
Approved by the Mayor.

VACON Ordered, that That our Auditor report to City Council on a quarterly basis ( or more frequently if needed ) on the financial status of our city, including but not limited to total debt and debt expense, bond rating, revenue and cash projections and updates on any financial plan development as recommended by Cinder, our financial consultant.
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee. Copy to Auditor.

VALENTIN Ordered, that a handicap sign be placed in front of 127 Beech St. for Fredy Rodriguez.
—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.


Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Roman Catholic Bishop and Holyoke Housing Authority.
—> Received.


Adjourn at 10:42 PM.
A true record

City Clerk

Jeffery Anderson-Burgos
Administrative Assistant to the City Council

Holyoke City Hall
536 Dwight St, Room 10
Holyoke, MA 01040
Regular hours 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Meeting days 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
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