Finance Committee Meeting 5/27/20
6:00 pm Remote by Zoom
Holyoke Massachusetts
Notice of City Council Committee Meeting
There will be a regular meeting of the committee on FINANCE
Meeting to take place remotely with Zoom Meetings due to COVID-19 Precautions
Wed. May 27th, at 6:00PM
Per order of the Chair: Joseph McGiverin
Item 1: 3/10/20: MOA Between City of Holyoke and International Brotherhood of Police Officers (Local 388)
Item 2: McGiverin 3/10/20: MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, TWO HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED NINETY ONE AND 00/100 Dollars ($210,391.00) as follows:
8810-10400 STABILIZATION $210,391.00
TOTAL: $210,391.00
12101-51107 PAY- PATROL OFFICERS $131,176.00
12101-51900 IN-SERVICE TRAINING 2,473.00
12101-51920 EDUCATION PLAN – QUINN 7,095.00
12101-51915 EDUCATION PLAN – CONTRACT 37,474.00
12101-51400 LONGEVITY 2,296.00
12101-51410 HOLIDAY 15,103.00
12101-51300 OVERTIME 12,700.00
12101-51590 COURT APPEARANCE 1,290.00
12101-51440 SICK LEAVE BONUS 784.00
TOTAL: $210,391.00
Item 3: McGiverin 3/10/20: Financial Transfer request of $1,020 FROM: Pay PT Senior Clerk-Police TO: Pay SR Clerk Police
Item 4: Sullivan 5/5/20: Ordered that the CC approve the recommendation of the CPAC award of $104,500 to Wistariahurst Museum for electrical upgrades.
Item 5: Sullivan 5/5/20: Ordered that the CC approve the recommendation of the CPAC award of $25,000 for a restoration of Lady Liberty (Veteran’s Park)
Item 6: Sullivan 5/5/20: Ordered that the CC approve the recommendation of the CPAC award of $120,000 to the Holyoke Housing Authority in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity on Jackson St. Total cost $714,000. Homes to be sold to First Time Homebuyers for $150,000 each.
Administrative Assistant: Ryan M. Allen
The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law. Also one or two items may require the committee to enter into executive session at this meeting.