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Attention Holyoke residents, the current parking ban will conclude on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 6am. Please be advised that starting at 8:00am on Monday, February 17, 2025, a reverse parking ban will be enforced, prohibiting parking on the EVEN side of the street and on cul-de-sacs until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Atención residentes de Holyoke, la actual prohibición de estacionamiento concluirá el lunes 17 de febrero de 2025, a las 6am. Les informamos que a partir de las 8am del 17 de febrero, comenzará una prohibición de estacionamiento inversa, prohibiendo estacionarse en el lado PAR de la calle y en las calles sin salida hasta nuevo aviso. Gracias por su cooperación.

Holyoke City Council Meeting March 10, 2020

Mar 10 2020

7:00 pm City Hall Holyoke

536 Dwight St, Holyoke 01040

March 10,2020


1. From Brenna Murphy McGee, City Clerk MMC and Ryan Allen, Admin. Asst to City Council minutes of December 17, 2019 and February 4, 2020.




2. From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter appointing Ms. Christine K. Berge, 87 Beech St. to serve on the Holyoke Historic District Commission effective January 30, 2020: Ms. Berge will serve a three year term; said term will expire on January 30, 2023.

3. From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter appointing Jose L. Bayron, 610 county Rd. Unit 2, to serve as a commissioner of the Parks & Recreation Department for the City of Holyoke: Mr. Bayron will replace Mr. Robert Lastowski and will serve a 3 year term; said term will expire on June 30, 2023.

4. From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter appointing Ms. Elana Aubrey, 68 Nonotuck St. to serve as a member of the Historical Commission for the City of Holyoke: Ms. Aubrey will replace Ms. Alexandra Puffer and will serve a three-year term; said term will expire on March 2023.

5. From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter re-appointing Mr. Carl Eger 1966 Northampton St. to serve as a member of the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority; Mr. Eger will serve a five-year term; said term will expire on November 1, 2025.

6. From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter appointing Fire Chief Jeffery Przekopowski to serve as the Emergency Management Director for the City of Holyoke: Chief Przekopowski will serve a one-year term; said term will expire January 2021.

7. From City Solicitor Crystal Barnes, Memorandum of Agreement between City of Holyoke and International Brotherhood of Police Officers Local 388.

8. Appointment of Tax Collector Katherine Jackowski, 198 Allyn St. for a three year term Expires January 2023

9. From Brenna Murphy McGee, City Clerk MMC and Ryan Allen, Admin. Ass’t. to City Council minutes of February 18, 2020.

10. Communication from David Bartley regarding Propane Rollover truck.

11. From Board of Health minutes of January 9, 2020.

12. From Board of Fire Commission minutes of January 16, 2020.


13. Petition for a special permit for Mill Town Agriculture LLC for a Marijuana Manufacturing Establishment at 1 Cabot St.

14. Petition of Tiger Town LLC. for a new special permit for a Retail Marijuana Establishment at 56 Jackson St.

15. Petition for a special permit to Amazon for a Long term Storage and tent at 489 Whitney Ave.

16. Petition for Pole and Wire Locations for the Gas and Electric Department requests permission to locate a line of wires, cables, poles and fixtures, including the necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures, along and across the following public way or ways:

One (1) pole on Russell Terrace, Holyoke, MA.

17. Petition for Pole and Wire locations the Gas and Electric Department requests permission to locate a line of wires, cables, poles and fixtures, including the necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures, along and across the following public way or ways:

One (1) pole between property line of 63 & 65 Nonotuck St. Holyoke, MA

18. Petition for Pole and Wire Locations for the Gas and Electric Department requests permission to locate a line of wires, cables, poles and fixtures, including the necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures, along and across the following public way or ways:

One (1) pole between property line of 18 & 24 Parker St. Holyoke, MA

One (1) pole on corner of Parker St. & Beacon Ave. Holyoke, MA

19. Petition of Lisa Silvestri, for a Street Vendor License at the corner of Hampden/Maple.




20. Ordinance Committee Reports (if any)

21. Finance Committee Reports (if any)

21A. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order  that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS RECOVERY PROGRAM MUNICIPAL (SMRP)” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant. Recommend that the order be adopted

21B. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “THE NATURE CONSERVACY MATCHING FUNDS FOR THE FY2020 EEA MUNICIPAL VULNERABILITY PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant. Recommend that the order be adopted

21C. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order  that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, NINETEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY DOLLARS AND 00/100 Dollars ($19,580.00) as follows:

8810-10400       STABILIZATION                         $19,580.00
TOTAL: $19,580.00
12101-51505      TIME OWED BUYBACK-POLICE                       $19,580.00
TOTAL: $19,580.00 Recommend that the order be adopted

21D. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order  that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, SEVENTEEN THOUSAND FORTY SIX  AND 00/100 Dollars ($17,046.00) as follows:

8810-510400      STABILIZATION                         $17,046.00
TOTAL: $17,046.00
12101-51500      VACATION BUYBACK – POLICE                        $17,046.00
TOTAL: $17,046.00 Recommend that the order be adopted

21E. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order  that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FIFTY EIGHT AND 01/100 Dollars ($35,358.01) as follows:

8810-10400       STABILIZATION                         $35,358.01
TOTAL: $35,358.01
12201-51510      SICK LEAVE BUYBACK-FIRE DEPARTMENT                $35,358.01
TOTAL: $35,358.01 Recommend that the order be adopted

21F. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order  that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, THIRTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($30,000.00) as follows:

8810-10400       STABILIZATION                         $30,000.00
TOTAL: $30,000.00
12102-52410      R & M – MOTOR VEHICLES-POLICE                  $30,000.00
TOTAL: $30,000.00 Recommend that the order be adopted

21G. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, EIGHT THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($8,000.00) as follows:

8810-10400       STABILIZATION                         $8,000.00
TOTAL: $8,000.00
12102-54830      SUPPLIES – MOTOR VEHICLE-POLICE                         $8,000.00
TOTAL: $8,000.00 Recommend that the order be adopted

21H. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, ONE HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED NINETY SIX AND 00/100 Dollars ($101,696.00) as follows:

8810-10400       STABILIZATION                         $101,696.00
TOTAL: $101,696.00
12101-51510      SICK BUYBACK – POLICE                     $101,696.00
TOTAL: $101,696.00 Recommend that the order be adopted

21I. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS/100 Dollars ($2,000.00) as follows:

60402-52420      R&M SEWERS              $1,500.00
60402-53430      ADVERTISING              500.00
TOTAL: $2,000.00
60401-51999      RETIREMENT & BENEFITS                   $2,000.00
TOTAL: $2,000.00 Recommend that the order be adopted

21J. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($118,000.00) as follows:
8810-10400 STABILIZATION $118,000.00
TOTAL: $118,000.00

12101-51107 PATROL- SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER $118,000.00
TOTAL: $118,000.00 Recommend that the order be denied

21K. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($50,000.00) as follows:
8810-10400 STABILIZATION $50,000.00
TOTAL: $50,000.00

10002-59720 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND $50,000.00
TOTAL: $50,000.00\ Recommend that the order be denied

22. Public Safety Committee Reports (if any)

22A. The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the city engineer investigate the traffic patterns around Northampton & South St to determine if any changes need to be made.  Residents have been complaining about the traffic building up in the left turn lane onto South St from Northampton St southbound, in particular.   Recommend that the order has been complied with

22B. The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order Ordered that the DPW address the stairs and walk ways around city hall, the parking deck, Annex, and walk ways near the court house during storm times.  DPW to appear before the public safety committee to discuss the issue. Recommend that the order has been complied with

22C. The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the DPW superintendent report to the city council regarding who is responsible for clearing sidewalks after a storm.  The public sidewalks at Crosier Field on Northampton St as well as the sidewalks at Whiting Farms Rd from Northampton St to Gordon Drive and the sidewalk from McDonald’s to St Vincent St are snow filled for ice-covered for days.  This is unacceptable especially in light of state law requiring landlords to clear it sidewalks within 24 hours after a storm.  Further, please explain why neither Brightwood Ave nor Oakwood Ave were not plowed even one time after the most recent storm. Recommend that the order has been complied with

22D. The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the DPW work with the city council to develop a process for residents to request tree pits on city sidewalks near their home.  There may also be a fee associated with this process. Recommend that the order has been complied with

22E. The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the public safety committee meet with the city engineer, the superintendent of the DPW, and representatives from Hazen Paper and Sunoco Products, to resolve the issue of unsafe roads on South Water Street both to and from those respective businesses Recommend that the order has been complied with

22F. The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the public safety committee meet with the mayor, the law department, the building commissioner, the health director, the planning director, and the emergency management director to review what happened at 145 Essex St.  The goal would be to review any legal obligations that the landlord has, and if the city or state has any legal obligations.  In addition to that, to discuss whether we can work with non-profit housing agencies to provide immediate shelter until the building is ready for occupancy again.  A plan of action should also be implemented to get tenants back into their apartments to get necessary items such as medicines, clothes, and pets. Recommend that the order has been complied with

23. Public Service Committee Reports (if any)

24. Development and Governmental Relations Committee Reports (if any)

24A. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order FFY 2020 Community Development Block Grant allocations Recommend that the recommendations of the DGR Committee be adopted

24B. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that the Development and Govt. Relations Committee host a U.S. Census employee at an upcoming meeting to learn more about the Census and to learn about job opportunities for Holyoke residents. Recommend that the order has been complied with

24C. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order “Order that the Honorable City Council, in accordance with the Massachusetts General Laws and the City of Holyoke Code of Ordinances, vote to approve the Order of Taking for certain takings in fee, permanent easements and temporary easements and thus acquire by right of eminent domain, in consideration for just compensation unless previously waived, parcels identified as PE-1 and TE-1 on said plan titled “Easement Plan Jackson Street Area Sewer Separation Project for the public purpose of the completion of the Jackson Street Area Sewer Separation Project.” Recommend that the order be adopted

25. Charter and Rules Committee Reports (if any)

26. Joint City Council and School Committee Reports (if any)


27. MCGEE — that Ordered, that the City Council vote to approve an exemption from MGL Ch. 268A, Sec. 20(b), the Conflict of Interest Law, for Bruce Frey, an employee of the Holyoke Public Schools, to work as a contracted employee for the Council on Aging.

28. MCGEE — That a handicap sign be removed from 3 Laurel St. for Adelaida Ramos.

29. MCGEE — that the city council request the mayor to support using CDBG money to remove and replace the Boiler at the Holyoke Boys and Girls Club. The HBGC has not requested these funds in 20 years and the boiler is from 1968.  An inspection has been performed and the HBGC has been informed that the boiler has less than 12 months of life left.   The HBGC serves over 350 kids per day.

30. MCGEE — Order that the mayors office provide the contractual agreement between the city and Mass DOT for the use of city hall space.  Please send to city council in 2 weeks.

31. MCGEE — Order that the mayors office and personnel department please provide the city council with the approval notice from the council with regard to the moving of the office.

32. MCGEE — Order that the mayors office provide the contract between the city and the coffee shop located in city hall.

33. MCGEE — Order that DPW remove and replace the city council chamber rug

34. MCGEE — Order that DPW look into replacing the city council desks and chairs.  Please provide quotes to the city council in 4 weeks.

35. MCGEE — Order that DPW give an updated report on the city council pictures and timeline as to when they will be placed back on the walls. Please report back to council in 2 weeks

36. MCGEE — Order that DPW look into replacing the tree surrounds on High Street with the use of Flexipave.  Please provide the city council with a cost estimate for doing the work and if any grants can be used for such a product?

37. MCGEE — Order that the legal dept, police chief, Fire chief, Board of Health, and state officials be invited into Public Safety Committee to discuss and implement a plan or procedure to deal with negligent landlords in the city.

38. MCGEE — The Mayor and City Council consider using $100,000 of overlay money to purchase new voting machines. The city is in dire need of new equipment, especially with 2020 bringing multiple elections, including the Presidential Election.

39. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND 00/100 Dollars ($9,300.00) as follows:

16301-51103 RECREATION COORDINATOR $9,300.00
TOTAL: $9,300.00
16302-53190 EDUCATION & TRAINING 550.00
16301-51240 PAY-TEMPORARY/SEASONAL 8,000.00
TOTAL: $9,300.00

40. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, FOUR THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY TWO AND 08/100 Dollars ($4,742.08) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTER $2,121.32
12201-51104 LIEUTENANT 2,620.76
TOTAL: $4,742.08
12201-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $4,742.08
TOTAL: $4,742.08

41. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY ONE AND 32/100 Dollars ($2,121.32) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTER $2,121.32
TOTAL: $2,121.32
12201-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $2,121.32
TOTAL: $2,121.32

42. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, ONE THOUSAND TWENTY AND 00/100 Dollars ($1,020.00) as follows:

12101-51204 PAY-PT SENIOR CLERK-POLICE $1,020.00
TOTAL: $1,020.00
12101-51110 PAY-SR CLERK-POLICE $1,020.00
TOTAL: $1,020.00

43. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, FOURTEEN THOUSAND SIX DOLLARS AND 66/100 Dollars ($14,006.66) as follows:

12101-51107 PAY-PATROL OFFICERS $14,006.66
TOTAL: $14,006.66
12101-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $14,006.66
TOTAL: $14,006.66

44. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, TWO HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED NINETY ONE AND 00/100 Dollars ($210,391.00) as follows:

8810-10400 STABILIZATION $210,391.00
TOTAL: $210,391.00
12101-51107 PAY- PATROL OFFICERS $131,176.00
12101-51900 IN-SERVICE TRAINING 2,473.00
12101-51920 EDUCATION PLAN – QUINN 7,095.00
12101-51915 EDUCATION PLAN – CONTRACT 37,474.00
12101-51400 LONGEVITY 2,296.00
12101-51410 HOLIDAY 15,103.00
12101-51300 OVERTIME 12,700.00
12101-51590 COURT APPEARANCE 1,290.00
12101-51440 SICK LEAVE BONUS 784.00
TOTAL: $210,391.00

45. MURPHY — that the following handicapped parking ordinances be repealed and the parking signs be removed once repealed.  The tenants no longer live in the buildings.  Idalis Osorio, 588 S Summer St, 1613 & Maridelva de Jesus, 588 S Summer St, 1612.

46. MURPHY — that once a new handicapped parking ordinance is adopted, the DPW paint the restricted parking area when the signage is being put in place.

47. MURPHY — that for all current handicapped parking signs approved, the DPW try to paint the restricted park areas so that other vehicles will not leave so little space that the person with the disability is unable to get into the parking spot.

48. VACON — that street vendors who have received a special permit may be granted a renewal of the special permit for the same location without a hearing when all required approvals are presented with the application and any required fees/taxes are paid.

49. VACON — that any transfers from personnel budget lines to overtime (51300-51399) require approval by the CIty Council.

50. VACON — that DPW/Suez repair the sunken manhole covers on Kane Road.

51. BARTLEY — In keeping with a tradition city council started in 2016, Order that the members of the St. Patrick’s Parade Committee be invited to a special presentation from the City of Holyoke at the first regular city council meeting in March.  Please invite the Parade Committee board, the 2020 Grand Marshall Atty. John J. Driscoll, Grand Colleen and her court including the Bonnie Baker Award Winner and the 2020 Parade committee award winners.  A special invitation is hereby made to Holyoke native James Kelly, President and CEO of Polish National Credit Union, the 2020 Parade Marshall from the City of Chicopee.  (Re-Order of 1/21/20)

52. HERNANDEZ — Ordered that the Handicap space at 266 Walnut St. be removed: The resident needing the space has moved.

53. LEAHY — Ordered, the General Superintendent of the Department of Public Works, and our contact at Suez, appear before the Public Service Sub-Committee in March to review a prepared plan for spring street sweeping that will ensure that all city streets are swept in a timely fashion, residents are properly advised of when not to park on streets before sweeping, police are engaged to move vehicles that have not moved after notice.  The superintendent should be prepared to review this plan in a manner that ensures compliance of all city contractors to ensure that our streets are cleaned thereby presenting a clean image and ensuring the prevention of long-term damage to our storm drain system.

54. LEAHY — Ordered, that the General Superintendent of Public Works coordinate with Representative Vega and Mass Highway to develop a plan to ensure litter remediation in all ingress and egress areas of I 91 and I 391.  These areas appear to have high amounts of litter at all of our gateways.  With a likely surplus in snow remediation budgets, our hope is that resources can be dedicated to this endeavor and report back on a plan of action by March 30.



The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting.
Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law

City Clerk

May 4, 2020
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March 10,2020

The meeting was called to order by President McGee at 07:05 PM.

The Clerk called the roll. Absent members: 0 Present Members 13 (Anderson-Burgos, Bartley, Greaney, Hernandez, Leahy, Lebron-Martinez, Lisi, McGee, McGiverin, Murphy, Sullivan, Tallman, Vacon).

The name of Councilor McGee was drawn to head the roll call voting.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take item 51 out of order:
BARTLEY Ordered, that In keeping with a tradition city council started in 2016, Order that the members of the St. Patrick’s Parade Committee be invited to a special presentation from the City of Holyoke at the first regular city council meeting in March.  Please invite the Parade Committee board, the 2020 Grand Marshall Atty. John J. Driscoll, Grand Colleen and her court including the Bonnie Baker Award Winner and the 2020 Parade committee award winners.  A special invitation is hereby made to Holyoke native James Kelly, President and CEO of Polish National Credit Union, the 2020 Parade Marshall from the City of Chicopee.  (Re-Order of 1/21/20)
—> Received and adopted.
The Holyoke Caledonian Pipe Band played music for the entrance of the Holyoke St. Patrick’s Parade Committee and honored guests to the City Council.
Proclamations were given to honorees, award winners and colleens from the Holyoke St. Patrick’s Parade Committee. Councilor McGee spoke and thanked Councilor Bartley for coordinating with the Holyoke Caledonian Pipe Band and Councilor McGee welcomed everyone to the meeting. Councilor Bartley spoke and thanked the guests and on the tradition of the Holyoke St. Patrick’s Parade. Marc Joyce spoke and thanked Councilors for the honor and noted that the though the St. Patrick’s Parade and road race would be cancelled this year due to the COVID-19 virus there would still be some events taking place. Mr. Joyce stated that events that would take place and thanked everyone on the Parade Committee and the public for supporting the efforts of the committee.
Proclamation was also given to Mr. Ronald Dietrich for his sixty years of service to the Holyoke Auxiliary Police. Councilor McGee spoke and stated what a tremendous service Mr. Dietrich has rendered to the City of Holyoke and the Auxiliary Police and wished him well in his retirement.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take item 27 out of order:
MCGEE Ordered, that Ordered, that the City Council vote to approve an exemption from MGL Ch. 268A, Sec. 20(b), the Conflict of Interest Law, for Bruce Frey, an employee of the Holyoke Public Schools, to work as a contracted employee for the Council on Aging.
—> Received and adopted.


From Brenna Murphy McGee, City Clerk MMC and Ryan Allen, Admin. Asst to City Council minutes of December 17, 2019 and February 4, 2020.
—> Approve December 17, 2020 and Feb. 4, 2020 laid on the table.

Lisa Sylvestri spoke on and referred to Item 19: Mrs. Sylvestri spoke and stated that she has been operating a food cart and that she is before the City Council seeking a renewal. Mrs. Sylvestri stated that her food cart is doing well and that she was hoping to expand her work week by adding one more day.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take item 19 out of order:
Petition of Lisa Silvestri, for a Street Vendor License at the corner of Hampden/Maple.
Amend petition for four days from 10am-3pm.
Under discussion:
It was noted that days would be expanded from Monday through Wed. to Monday through Thursday with the hours being 10am to 3pm.
—> Received and adopted.


From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter appointing Ms. Christine K. Berge, 87 Beech St. to serve on the Holyoke Historic District Commission effective January 30, 2020: Ms. Berge will serve a three year term; said term will expire on January 30, 2023.
—> Received and referred to the Public Service Committee.

From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter appointing Jose L. Bayron, 610 county Rd. Unit 2, to serve as a commissioner of the Parks & Recreation Department for the City of Holyoke: Mr. Bayron will replace Mr. Robert Lastowski and will serve a 3 year term; said term will expire on June 30, 2023.
—> Received and referred to the Public Service Committee.

From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter appointing Ms. Elana Aubrey, 68 Nonotuck St. to serve as a member of the Historical Commission for the City of Holyoke: Ms. Aubrey will replace Ms. Alexandra Puffer and will serve a three-year term; said term will expire on March 2023.
—> Received and referred to the Public Service Committee.

From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter re-appointing Mr. Carl Eger 1966 Northampton St. to serve as a member of the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority; Mr. Eger will serve a five-year term; said term will expire on November 1, 2025.
—> Received and appointment confirmed.

From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter appointing Fire Chief Jeffery Przekopowski to serve as the Emergency Management Director for the City of Holyoke: Chief Przekopowski will serve a one-year term; said term will expire January 2021.
—> Received and referred to the Public Service Committee.

From City Solicitor Crystal Barnes, Memorandum of Agreement between City of Holyoke and International Brotherhood of Police Officers Local 388.
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

Appointment of Tax Collector Katherine Jackowski, 198 Allyn St. for a three year term Expires January 2023
—> Motion was made to move to the first ballot for the appointment of Tax Collector.
Katie Jackowski was appointed Tax Collector for another three year term.

From Brenna Murphy McGee, City Clerk MMC and Ryan Allen, Admin. Ass’t. to City Council minutes of February 18, 2020.
—> Received and adopted.

Communication from David Bartley regarding Propane Rollover truck.
Under discussion:
Councilor Bartley spoke on propane trucks in the City and how they are now needed in the City in order to take care of the City energy needs because of the gas pipe moratorium. Councilor Bartley stated that the propane needed to supply businesses is a fossil fuel that is dirtier than regular gas.
—> Received.

From Board of Health minutes of January 9, 2020.
—> Received.

From Board of Fire Commission minutes of January 16, 2020.
—> Received.

Presidents Report:

Council President thanked the Council for donating from the Flower Fund to for the Holyoke Caledonian Pipe band to play for the meeting. Councilor McGee stated that unfortunately the Holyoke Road Race and Parade has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 virus. Councilor Leahy spoke and gave numbers showing how much revenue the Road Race and Parade pumps into the local economy. Councilor Leahy spoke and noted that it is sad that these events have needed to be cancelled. Councilor McGiverin spoke and saluted the St. Patrick’s parade committee and the St. Patrick’s Committee president. Councilor McGiverin asked that people support the committee events that are still going on in order to support them and to get them through this difficult time. Councilor McGee spoke and commended the St. Patrick’s parade committee and all the work they do throughout the year. Moment of silence was held for the loss of Mayor Morse’s brother and the loss of former Councilor Bresnahan’s brother. Councilor McGee read thank you letter from the family of Matthew Allen for the beautiful flowers given by the City Council.


Petition for a special permit for Mill Town Agriculture LLC for a Marijuana Manufacturing Establishment at 1 Cabot St.
—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.

Petition of Tiger Town LLC. for a new special permit for a Retail Marijuana Establishment at 56 Jackson St.
—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.

Petition for a special permit to Amazon for a Long term Storage and tent at 489 Whitney Ave.
—> Received and referred to the Development and Governmental Relations Committee.

Petition for Pole and Wire Locations for the Gas and Electric Department requests permission to locate a line of wires, cables, poles and fixtures, including the necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures, along and across the following public way or ways:
One (1) pole on Russell Terrace, Holyoke, MA.
—> Received and set up public hearing for April 7, 2020.

Petition for Pole and Wire locations the Gas and Electric Department requests permission to locate a line of wires, cables, poles and fixtures, including the necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures, along and across the following public way or ways:
One (1) pole between property line of 63 & 65 Nonotuck St. Holyoke, MA
—> Received and set up public hearing for April 7, 2020.

Petition for Pole and Wire Locations for the Gas and Electric Department requests permission to locate a line of wires, cables, poles and fixtures, including the necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures, along and across the following public way or ways:
One (1) pole between property line of 18 & 24 Parker St. Holyoke, MA
One (1) pole on corner of Parker St. & Beacon Ave. Holyoke, MA
—> Received and set up public hearing for April 7, 2020.



The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order  that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS RECOVERY PROGRAM MUNICIPAL (SMRP)” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
James M. Leahy
David K. Bartley
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin spoke and stated that City engineer was in the Finance Committee to explain the $1,500 dollar grant. It was noted that the Committee unanimously supported the grant and that there was no match required from the City.
—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “THE NATURE CONSERVACY MATCHING FUNDS FOR THE FY2020 EEA MUNICIPAL VULNERABILITY PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
James M. Leahy
David K. Bartley
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin spoke and stated that the 25,000 grant was a required match from the City. It was noted that this was a grant already approved but that due to procedure there I a need for the Council to vote on this order. It was noted that the Finance Committee unanimously approved the order.
—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.
The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order  that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, NINETEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY DOLLARS AND 00/100 Dollars ($19,580.00) as follows:

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take items 21C, 21D, 21E, 21H as a package
8810-10400       STABILIZATION                         $19,580.00
TOTAL: $19,580.00
12101-51505      TIME OWED BUYBACK-POLICE                       $19,580.00
TOTAL: $19,580.00
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
James M. Leahy
David K. Bartley
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin spoke and noted that these orders all deal with contractual obligations for the public safety departments in the City 3 for the HPD and 1 for HFD. It was noted that these are retirements that took place over the last 2 to 3 months and that this money was owed to the retirees. It was noted that the other order was for buyback for the former Chief of the Fire Dept. It was noted that the Committee spoke to Chief Febo and Chief Przekopowski and that the Committee felt that each of these orders should be approved.
—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order  that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, SEVENTEEN THOUSAND FORTY SIX  AND 00/100 Dollars ($17,046.00) as follows:

8810-510400      STABILIZATION                         $17,046.00
TOTAL: $17,046.00
12101-51500      VACATION BUYBACK – POLICE                        $17,046.00
TOTAL: $17,046.00

have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
James M. Leahy
David K. Bartley

—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order  that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FIFTY EIGHT AND 01/100 Dollars ($35,358.01) as follows:

8810-10400       STABILIZATION                         $35,358.01
TOTAL: $35,358.01
12201-51510      SICK LEAVE BUYBACK-FIRE DEPARTMENT                $35,358.01
TOTAL: $35,358.01

have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adoped .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
James M. Leahy
David K. Bartley

—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, ONE HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED NINETY SIX AND 00/100 Dollars ($101,696.00) as follows:

8810-10400       STABILIZATION                         $101,696.00
TOTAL: $101,696.00
12101-51510      SICK BUYBACK – POLICE                     $101,696.00
TOTAL: $101,696.00

have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
James M. Leahy
David K. Bartley

—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take items 21F & 21G out of order:
The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order  that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, THIRTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($30,000.00) as follows:

8810-10400       STABILIZATION                         $30,000.00
TOTAL: $30,000.00
12102-52410      R & M – MOTOR VEHICLES-POLICE                  $30,000.00
TOTAL: $30,000.00

have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
James M. Leahy
David K. Bartley
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin spoke and noted that the Finance Committee met with Chief Febo and that he gave info on the two line items stating that they were cut by the Mayor. It was noted that this money is needed to improve the HPD fleet and to repair the aging vehicles. It was noted that these transfers should get the HPD through the rest of the fiscal year barring any unforeseen issues. Councilor Bartley spoke and stated that he would like to keep good track of these budget line items and to see if having the new full time mechanic for the HPD would have a positive impact on this aspect of the budget. Councilor Sullivan spoke and stated that the sick leave buyback that was just approved was for the Fire Chief and noted that the Mayor knew that Chief Pond was retiring and it still was not budgeted for. Councilor Murphy agreed and stated that the City Council needs to get a realistic budget from the Mayor that includes upcoming retirements.
—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, EIGHT THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($8,000.00) as follows:

8810-10400       STABILIZATION                         $8,000.00
TOTAL: $8,000.00
12102-54830      SUPPLIES – MOTOR VEHICLE-POLICE                         $8,000.00
TOTAL: $8,000.00

have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
James M. Leahy
David K. Bartley

—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS/100 Dollars ($2,000.00) as follows:
60402-52420      R&M SEWERS              $1,500.00
60402-53430      ADVERTISING              500.00
TOTAL: $2,000.00
60401-51999      RETIREMENT & BENEFITS                   $2,000.00
TOTAL: $2,000.00

have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
James M. Leahy
David K. Bartley
Under discussion:
It was noted that City Engineer Bob Peirent was present at the Finance Committee meeting and that the transfer represented a 2000 dollar retirement benefit that is owed. Mr. Peirent spoke for DPW it was noted that the transfer was needed to a small error that happened during budget time. It was noted that the order was supported by the Finance committee.
—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($118,000.00) as follows:
8810-10400 STABILIZATION $118,000.00
TOTAL: $118,000.00

12101-51107 PATROL- SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER $118,000.00
TOTAL: $118,000.00
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be denied .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
James M. Leahy
David K. Bartley
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin spoke and it was noted that this transfer is not needed. Councilor McGiverin noted that Anthony Soto was available along with Mike Bloomberg and Dr. Zrike for the Finance Committee meeting and that this order was unnecessary to pay for the School Resource Officer. It was noted that the City would not need to pay for the resource officer out of this line item and therefore the order should be denied. Councilor Bartley spoke and noted that previously the Mayor had tried to get the City to pay for the School Resource Officer and that it was denied by the Council at that time. Councilor McGee also stated that this line item does not belong on the City side of the budget and it is not the Councils responsibility to fund the position.
—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($50,000.00) as follows:
8810-10400 STABILIZATION $50,000.00
TOTAL: $50,000.00

10002-59720 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND $50,000.00
TOTAL: $50,000.00\

have considered the same and Recommend that the order be denied .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
James M. Leahy
David K. Bartley
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin spoke and gave information on the transfer request. It was noted that the auditor had created the special revenue fund for this order. Councilor McGiverin gave explanation of the transfer and discussion that took place in the Finance Committee: It was noted that DOR had stated that $50,000 could not be taken out of the revolving fund to be able to pay on this expense. It was noted that this was for off duty and auxiliary police to do traffic control and traffic direction. Councilor Bartley spoke and stated that the balance right now for $246,000 and noted that if the Council votes for this there will be insufficient funds for Item 44 and other financial transfer requests. Councilor Bartley commended Chief Febo for their presentation and state that he looks forward to seeing their presentation for this system during budget time,but stated that he would vote against approving the transfer. Councilor Murphy spoke and stated that the transfer seems like a good way to monitor the finances and noted that he would support the order because it was represented that the system would pay for itself and allow another police officer to be out on the streets instead of doing this work.
—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 8–Nays 5 (Hernandez, Leahy, Lebron-Martinez, Murphy, Tallman)–Absent 0.

The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the city engineer investigate the traffic patterns around Northampton & South St to determine if any changes need to be made.  Residents have been complaining about the traffic building up in the left turn lane onto South St from Northampton St southbound, in particular.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order has been complied with .

Committee Members:
Terence Murphy
Joseph M. McGiverin
Todd McGee
Michael J. Sullivan
Under discussion:
Councilor Murphy spoke and noted that DPW Superintendent spoke on the order and gave information for the left turn on to South St. and it was noted DPW is working on a few things including a road safety audit for the intersection. It was noted that by the beginning of June the DPW should have a better analysis of the road and that with that analysis a plan can be developed for better safety in the area. Motion was made and seconded that the order has been complied with.
—> Report of Committee received and recommendation adopted.

The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order Ordered that the DPW address the stairs and walk ways around city hall, the parking deck, Annex, and walk ways near the court house during storm times.  DPW to appear before the public safety committee to discuss the issue.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order has been complied with .

Committee Members:
Terence Murphy
Joseph M. McGiverin
Todd McGee
Michael J. Sullivan
Under discussion:
Councilor Murphy spoke and noted that DPW Director McManus was present along with Atty. Ianello who gave some anecdotal evidence on how bad the areas mentioned in the order have been due to snow and ice. It was noted that there seems to be a better job done in pre-treating this areas to prevent ice and snow build up and to make these areas safe for the pedestrians and workers that utilize these walkways. It was noted that there is concern about holding the contractors who are supposed to be clearing and treating these areas more accountable. It was also noted that a better job needs to be done in addressing complaints from the public and ensuring that tax payers and residents are being heard when they call for DPW with questions. Councilor McGiverin noted that these areas are important and that they need to be pre-treated and shoveled and cleared in the correct way. Councilor Sullivan also stated that having these areas not treated well causes long term structural problems with the buildings and the walkways.
—> Report of Committee received and recommendation adopted.

The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the DPW superintendent report to the city council regarding who is responsible for clearing sidewalks after a storm.  The public sidewalks at Crosier Field on Northampton St as well as the sidewalks at Whiting Farms Rd from Northampton St to Gordon Drive and the sidewalk from McDonald’s to St Vincent St are snow filled for ice-covered for days.  This is unacceptable especially in light of state law requiring landlords to clear it sidewalks within 24 hours after a storm.  Further, please explain why neither Brightwood Ave nor Oakwood Ave were not plowed even one time after the most recent storm.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order has been complied with .

Committee Members:
Terence Murphy
Joseph M. McGiverin
Todd McGee
Michael J. Sullivan
Under discussion:
Councilor Murphy spoke and stated that the DPW director Mike McManus reviewed the concerns of constituents about sidewalks and roads not being cleared in the most recent snow storm. It was noted that the storm was very irregular in its pattern and that it really was a two day storm that was not forecasted originally. It was noted that there are plans to potentially incorporate ROCA to help with some of the sidewalks that the City has responsibility for.
—> Report of Committee received and recommendation adopted.

The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the DPW work with the city council to develop a process for residents to request tree pits on city sidewalks near their home.  There may also be a fee associated with this process.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order has been complied with .

Committee Members:
Terence Murphy
Joseph M. McGiverin
Todd McGee
Michael J. Sullivan
Under discussion:
Councilor Murphy noted that DPW Director Mike McManus stated that the process for this is pretty simple and that if someone wants a tree planted they should visit the City tree nursery and touch base with the City. It was noted that a resident should touch base with the City to get a tree planted and that the resident’s only responsibility would be watering the tree. It was also noted that there are certain planters that allow for the protection of the sidewalks and protect them from cracking.
—> Report of Committee received and recommendation adopted.

The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the public safety committee meet with the city engineer, the superintendent of the DPW, and representatives from Hazen Paper and Sunoco Products, to resolve the issue of unsafe roads on South Water Street both to and from those respective businesses
have considered the same and Recommend that the order has been complied with .

Committee Members:
Terence Murphy
Joseph M. McGiverin
Todd McGee
Michael J. Sullivan
Under discussion:
Councilor Murphy noted that the DPW Director and City Engineer both gave information at the meeting and noted that there are discussions about having the state take over the road. It was noted that the road is in very bad condition and that major renovations if not a full replacement would be needed. It was noted that the cost of repair was estimated at $88,000 which is an expensive endeavor. Councilor Murphy stated that he would be willing to talk to Hazen Paper and Sunoco to see if they can contribute any funding to getting the street repaired. Councilor Murphy stated that there needs to be some more detailed plans and ideas in addressing the issue.
—> Report of Committee received and recommendation adopted.

The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the public safety committee meet with the mayor, the law department, the building commissioner, the health director, the planning director, and the emergency management director to review what happened at 145 Essex St.  The goal would be to review any legal obligations that the landlord has, and if the city or state has any legal obligations.  In addition to that, to discuss whether we can work with non-profit housing agencies to provide immediate shelter until the building is ready for occupancy again.  A plan of action should also be implemented to get tenants back into their apartments to get necessary items such as medicines, clothes, and pets.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order has been complied with .

Committee Members:
Terence Murphy
Joseph M. McGiverin
Todd McGee
Michael J. Sullivan
Under discussion:
Councilor Murphy spoke and it was noted the order was filed to try to see about solutions for what took place at 145 Essex St. Councilor Murphy thanked Asst. City Solicitor Barnes for her work on the issue and for helping with contingency plans for housing the people that were displaced form the apartment complex. Councilor Murphy stated that there are a number of issues that take place and effet tenants in situations like this and that it is imperative to get support to the tenants in these situations. Councilor Murphy spoke on utilizing the War Memorial for shelter in these situations. Councilor Murphy noted that there is not an obligation for the City to assist these people but there is an absolute moral obligation to assist when needed. Councilor Murphy thanked everyone including HPD and Mayors office for the steps that were taken to assist the effected tenants. Councilor Murphy gave the status of the tenants and it was noted that all the tenants have re-entered their apartments.
—> Report of Committee received and recommendation adopted.

The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order FFY 2020 Community Development Block Grant allocations
have considered the same and Recommend that the recommendations of the DGR Committee be adopted .

Committee Members:
David K. Bartley
Michael J. Sullivan
Peter R. Tallman
Howard B Greaney, Jr.
Gladys Lebron-Martinez
Under discussion:
Councilor Bartley spoke and gave overview of the process noting that these recommendations are from the committee but that the Mayor can choose to allocate these funds as he sees fit. Councilor Bartley noted that the Citizens Advisory Committee also made recommendations that were considered in the DGR meeting. Councilor Bartley gave some of the rationale the DGR committee had for their recommendations and noted reasons for the suggested allocations. Councilor Bartley stated that the committee tried and stretched the dollars out as much as possible and made a real effort to equitably allocate the funds.
—> Report of Committee received and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that the Development and Govt. Relations Committee host a U.S. Census employee at an upcoming meeting to learn more about the Census and to learn about job opportunities for Holyoke residents.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order has been complied with .

Committee Members:
David K. Bartley
Michael J. Sullivan
Peter R. Tallman
Howard B Greaney, Jr.
Gladys Lebron-Martinez
Under discussion:
Councilor Bartley spoke and gave information that was relayed to the DGR Committee by Census representative Mrs. Susan Hagen. It was noted that Mrs. Hagen was from the NY regional office of the Census Bureau. It was noted that there is a complete count committee in the City of Holyoke that works hand in hand with the bureau to help get a full count for the City. Councilor Bartley gave relevant information on the census and noted some of the suggestions that were made to allow census workers to access the City and get as accurate a count as possible for the record. Councilor Bartley gave full rundown of the process that is implemented by the Census Bureau. It was noted that there was suggestions for census workers and organizers to work with landlords in order ensure that they could access the tenants and get them counted. It was noted that phone calls and knocks on the door is how the workers will get the census count. It was reiterated by Mrs. that these census counts are fully confidential and are used for the sole purpose of getting an accurate population count.
—> Report of Committee received and recommendation adopted.

The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order “Order that the Honorable City Council, in accordance with the Massachusetts General Laws and the City of Holyoke Code of Ordinances, vote to approve the Order of Taking for certain takings in fee, permanent easements and temporary easements and thus acquire by right of eminent domain, in consideration for just compensation unless previously waived, parcels identified as PE-1 and TE-1 on said plan titled “Easement Plan Jackson Street Area Sewer Separation Project for the public purpose of the completion of the Jackson Street Area Sewer Separation Project.”
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
David K. Bartley
Michael J. Sullivan
Peter R. Tallman
Howard B Greaney, Jr.
Gladys Lebron-Martinez
Councilor Bartley gave overview of the order noting that this was a public hearing that was advertised in the Republican newspaper. It was noted that all abutters were notified according to statute. Councilor Bartley gave a summary of the order of taking represented in the order noting that Bob Perient, the City Engineer gave a very thorough presentation of what would take place and why the eminent domain taking was necessary and beneficial to the City. It was noted that the land that was proposed to be takin by eminent domain was essentially donated by Sunoco to the City of Holyoke which made the transfer non-controversial. Councilor Bartley continued to give full overview of how the easement would function and how it would benefit the City.
—> Report of Committee passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.



MCGEE Ordered, that That a handicap sign be removed from 3 Laurel St. for Adelaida Ramos.

—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.

MCGEE Ordered, that the city council request the mayor to support using CDBG money to remove and replace the Boiler at the Holyoke Boys and Girls Club. The HBGC has not requested these funds in 20 years and the boiler is from 1968.  An inspection has been performed and the HBGC has been informed that the boiler has less than 12 months of life left.   The HBGC serves over 350 kids per day.
Motion was made and seconded that the order has been complied with.

—> Received and adopted.

MCGEE, Bartley Ordered, that Order that the mayors office provide the contractual agreement between the city and Mass DOT for the use of city hall space.  Please send to city council in 2 weeks.

—> Received and referred to the Public Service Committee.

MCGEE, Bartley, Greaney, Jr. Ordered, that Order that the mayors office and personnel department please provide the city council with the approval notice from the council with regard to the moving of the office.

—> Received and referred to the Public Service Committee.

MCGEE, Bartley Ordered, that Order that the mayors office provide the contract between the city and the coffee shop located in city hall.

—> Received and referred to the Public Service Committee.

MCGEE, Lisi Ordered, that Order that DPW remove and replace the city council chamber rug or have no rug. Consider applying for CPA funds.

—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW.

MCGEE Ordered, that Order that DPW look into replacing the city council desks and chairs.  Please provide quotes to the city council in 4 weeks.

—> Received and referred to the Public Service Committee.

MCGEE Ordered, that Order that DPW give an updated report on the city council pictures and timeline as to when they will be placed back on the walls. Please report back to council in 2 weeks

—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW.

MCGEE Ordered, that Order that DPW look into replacing the tree surrounds on High Street with the use of Flexipave.  Please provide the city council with a cost estimate for doing the work and if any grants can be used for such a product?

—> Received and referred to the Public Service Committee.

MCGEE, Sullivan Ordered, that Order that the legal dept, police chief, Fire chief, Board of Health, and state officials be invited into Public Safety Committee to discuss and implement a plan or procedure to deal with negligent landlords in the city.

—> Received and referred to the Public Safety Committee.

MCGEE, Tallman Ordered, that The Mayor and City Council consider using $100,000 of overlay moeny to purchase new voting machines. The city is in dire need of new equipment, especially with 2020 bringing municipal elections, including the Presidential Election.

—> Received and adopted. Referred to the Mayor. Copy to Assessor.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND 00/100 Dollars ($9,300.00) as follows:

16301-51103 RECREATION COORDINATOR $9,300.00
TOTAL: $9,300.00
16302-53190 EDUCATION & TRAINING 550.00
16301-51240 PAY-TEMPORARY/SEASONAL 8,000.00
TOTAL: $9,300.00

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, March 10, 2020.

Alex B Morse, Mayor

—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, FOUR THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY TWO AND 08/100 Dollars ($4,742.08) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTER $2,121.32
12201-51104 LIEUTENANT 2,620.76
TOTAL: $4,742.08
12201-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $4,742.08
TOTAL: $4,742.08

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, March 10, 2020.

Alex B Morse, Mayor

—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY ONE AND 32/100 Dollars ($2,121.32) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTER $2,121.32
TOTAL: $2,121.32
12201-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $2,121.32
TOTAL: $2,121.32

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, March 10, 2020.

Alex B Morse, Mayor

—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, ONE THOUSAND TWENTY AND 00/100 Dollars ($1,020.00) as follows:

12101-51204 PAY-PT SENIOR CLERK-POLICE $1,020.00
TOTAL: $1,020.00
12101-51110 PAY-SR CLERK-POLICE $1,020.00
TOTAL: $1,020.00

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, March 10, 2020.

Alex B Morse, Mayor

—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, FOURTEEN THOUSAND SIX DOLLARS AND 66/100 Dollars ($14,006.66) as follows:

12101-51107 PAY-PATROL OFFICERS $14,006.66
TOTAL: $14,006.66
12101-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $14,006.66
TOTAL: $14,006.66

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, March 10, 2020.

Alex B Morse, Mayor

—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, TWO HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED NINETY ONE AND 00/100 Dollars ($210,391.00) as follows:

8810-10400 STABILIZATION $210,391.00
TOTAL: $210,391.00
12101-51107 PAY- PATROL OFFICERS $131,176.00
12101-51900 IN-SERVICE TRAINING 2,473.00
12101-51920 EDUCATION PLAN – QUINN 7,095.00
12101-51915 EDUCATION PLAN – CONTRACT 37,474.00
12101-51400 LONGEVITY 2,296.00
12101-51410 HOLIDAY 15,103.00
12101-51300 OVERTIME 12,700.00
12101-51590 COURT APPEARANCE 1,290.00
12101-51440 SICK LEAVE BONUS 784.00
TOTAL: $210,391.00

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, March 10, 2020.

Alex B Morse, Mayor

—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

MURPHY Ordered, that the following handicapped parking ordinances be repealed and the parking signs be removed once repealed.  The tenants no longer live in the buildings.  Idalis Osorio, 588 S Summer St, 1613 & Maridelva de Jesus, 588 S Summer St, 1612.

—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.

MURPHY Ordered, that once a new handicapped parking ordinance is adopted, the DPW paint the restricted parking area when the signage is being put in place.

—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW.

MURPHY Ordered, that for all current handicapped parking signs approved, the DPW try to paint the restricted park areas so that other vehicles will not leave so little space that the person with the disability is unable to get into the parking spot.

—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW.

VACON Ordered, that street vendors who have received a special permit may be granted a renewal of the special permit for the same location without a hearing when all required approvals are presented with the application and any required fees/taxes are paid.

—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.

VACON Ordered, that any transfers from personnel budget lines to overtime (51300-51399) require approval by the CIty Council.

—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

VACON Ordered, that DPW/Suez repair the sunken manhole covers on Kane Road.

—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW.


HERNANDEZ Ordered, that Ordered that the Handicap space at 266 Walnut St. be removed: The resident needing the space has moved.

—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.

LEAHY, Bartley, Tallman Ordered, that Ordered, the General Superintendent of the Department of Public Works, and our contact at Suez, appear before the Public Service Sub-Committee in March to review a prepared plan for spring street sweeping that will ensure that all city streets are swept in a timely fashion, residents are properly advised of when not to park on streets before sweeping, police are engaged to move vehicles that have not moved after notice.  The superintendent should be prepared to review this plan in a manner that ensures compliance of all city contractors to ensure that our streets are cleaned thereby presenting a clean image and ensuring the prevention of long-term damage to our storm drain system.

—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW, Suez, Mayor. Copy to Public Service.

LEAHY Ordered, that Ordered, that the General Superintendent of Public Works coordinate with Representative Vega and Mass Highway to develop a plan to ensure litter remediation in all ingress and egress areas of I 91 and I 391.  These areas appear to have high amounts of litter at all of our gateways.  With a likely surplus in snow remediation budgets, our hope is that resources can be dedicated to this endeavor and report back on a plan of action by March 30.

—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW, Suez, Mayor. Copy to Public Service.


Adjourn at 10:04 PM.
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Jeffery Anderson-Burgos
Administrative Assistant to the City Council

Holyoke City Hall
536 Dwight St, Room 10
Holyoke, MA 01040
Regular hours 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Meeting days 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
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