Board of Health Commission Meeting February 15, 2023
Feb 15 2023
6:30 pm Remote by Zoom
Agenda posted February 14, 2023, 9:15 AM
Please be advised that City Hall offices will be closed on Wednesday, January 1st, in celebration if the New Year's Day holiday
Notice is hereby given that
a Board Meeting of the
Holyoke Board of Health will be held on
Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 6:30 P.M.
via Zoom
Holyoke Board of Health Commissioners
Dr. Esteban A. Del Pilar-Morales, MD, Vice-Chair
Dalila Hyry-Dermith, Clerk
Nicole Arnold, RN, MSN
A. Call the Meeting to Order:
1. Dr. Esteban A. Del Pilar-Morales, MD Vice Chair call the meeting to order at __________ p.m.
B. New Business
C. COVID-19 Updates
Addendum: The listing of matters of those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may
be discussed at the meeting. Not all items may be discussed, and other items
not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.
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