Date and time: Location: Soldiers Memorial Commission Meeting January 14, 2024Department: Soldiers Memorial Commission Meeting January 14, 2024 Minutes Roll Call: Laddy Rua Kevin Thomas Ken Harstine Rick Purcell Guests via Zoom: Jorge Santiago Joseph Zurhiede Old Business Building Status: DAV and VFW have been relocated. Rooms have been painted and windows cleaned. Room 201 … Continued
Date and time: 2024-12-10 06:00 pmLocation: Holyoke War Memorial BuildingDepartment: Soldiers Memorial Commission Minutes November 12th Minutes Present: Don Andrejczyk Present Ken Harstine Present Rick Purcell Present Laddy Rua Absent Kevin Thomas Present Joseph Zurheide. From Re-Entry Proposal Pledge of Allegiance October Minutes accepted No new information on Re-Entry Proposal. Moving in mid December … Continued
Date and time: 2024-11-07 06:00 pmLocation: Holyoke MediaDepartment: Mayor’s Office Agenda A G E N D A MAYOR’S OFFICE ALL BOARDS and COMMISSIONS MEETING This is a meeting scheduled with all local government boards and commission members that are appointed by the Mayor to serve on respective municipal boards. A list of the different of … Continued
Date and time: 2024-11-12 06:00 pmLocation: Holyoke War Memorial BuildingDepartment: Soldiers Memorial Commission Minutes October 8th Minutes: Present Don Andrejczyk Ken Harstine Rick Purcell Laddy Rua Mayor Joshua Garcia Jorge Santiago, Veterans Services Wilfredo Phil Kevin Thomas Evalese Gonzales Jorge presenting on 65th Infantry Regiment. Strictly Puerto Rican memberships. April 2016 presented the unit the … Continued
Date and time: 2024-10-08 06:00 pmLocation: Holyoke War Memorial BuildingDepartment: Soldiers Memorial Commission Minutes September 10th Minutes: Rick Purcell Present Don Andrejczyk Present Ken Harstine Present Laddy Rua Present Budget complete: Budget for events $2400+$1000 from wrestling and LGBTQ events. Requesting confirmation of funds with Mayor. Need access to city funds for general cleanup, and … Continued
Date and time: 2024-09-10 06:00 pmLocation: Holyoke War Memorial BuildingDepartment: Soldiers Memorial Commission Agenda Old Business: Report on wrestling event. Budget Report Commission account balance. Commissioner removal process report. Commissioner hours proposal from Laddy. Report on new Veterans affairs manager Jorge Santiago. In building WIFI report. Parking lot management report. Old Business Tabled: Sound System … Continued
Date and time: 2024-08-13 12:10 pmLocation: Holyoke War Memorial BuildingDepartment: Soldiers Memorial Commission Minutes July 9th Minutes Pledge Don Andrejczyk Richard Purcell Ken Harstine Laddy Rua (Remote) July 21st event. Championship Wrestling. Lewis. Seeking to set up a tent and sell food. will grass by alley. Not catered food. Three people cooking. Getting a … Continued
Date and time: 2024-07-09 06:00 pmLocation: Holyoke War Memorial BuildingDepartment: Soldiers Memorial Commission Agenda Old Business: Sound System Quotes New DPW manager? DPW Memorials disposition Elevator Status Roof Leaks Status Steam Pipe Repair Status Room Air Conditioners Room Blind Replacement Room Painting Room Identification Signage New VA Director? Building WiFi Summer meeting schedule Minutes Minutes … Continued
Date and time: 2024-06-11 06:00 pmLocation: Holyoke War Memorial BuildingDepartment: Soldiers Memorial Commission Agenda TBD Minutes Minutes for May 14th Meeting: Present: Don Andrejczyk, Rick Purcell, Ken Harstine, Lady Rua Pledge of allegiance. May 29th, Wednesday at 6pm is City Council Budget Meeting. Old Business. Corn Hole Proposal. Cost of hosting makes it difficult for … Continued
Date and time: 2024-05-14 06:00 pmLocation: Holyoke War Memorial BuildingDepartment: Soldiers Memorial Commission Minutes Rick Purcell Laddy Rua Ken Harstine Don Andrejczyk Shaun Sheedy, City Building Maintenance Supervisor Randy Goldberg with 413 Cornhole Wayne, Veterans Cemetery and Patriotic Committee Accepted minutes from the 13th. Fundraiser Proposal: Randy with Holyoke Auxiliary from 2017. In Holyoke since … Continued