Mayor Murphy is inviting 50 business Leaders to a listening session next Friday, April 23rd, at 1:30 PM at the City Hall Auditorium. This listening session is intended to give business leaders the opportunity to meet the new Mayor as well as have their voices heard when it comes to the challenges and needs they currently face.
“I extend this invitation to alert all Holyoke businesses- as well as those considering Holyoke that the Mayor’s Office is open for business.” Said Holyoke Mayor Terry Murphy “One of my goals for this listening session, is to create a roadmap that would make the process of investment and development in our City more efficient, easier, and faster.”
This listening session is limited to 50 people, with a strict adherence to the CDC & Board of Health guidelines.
Those interested should email mayorsoffice@holyoke.org with their contact information to register.
The Holyoke Chamber of Commerce & the Holyoke Taxpayers Association will have representatives attending as well.