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Attention Holyoke residents, the current parking ban will conclude on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 6am. Please be advised that starting at 8:00am on Monday, February 17, 2025, a reverse parking ban will be enforced, prohibiting parking on the EVEN side of the street and on cul-de-sacs until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Atención residentes de Holyoke, la actual prohibición de estacionamiento concluirá el lunes 17 de febrero de 2025, a las 6am. Les informamos que a partir de las 8am del 17 de febrero, comenzará una prohibición de estacionamiento inversa, prohibiendo estacionarse en el lado PAR de la calle y en las calles sin salida hasta nuevo aviso. Gracias por su cooperación.

HRA Projects

Projects Supported by the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority


Holyoke Armory Study

This study of the Castle of the Holyoke Armory (the building), the portion that remains standing at 163 Sargeant Street in Holyoke, MA, is intended to be used by representative of the City of Holyoke to determine the future of the building, which is not currently occupiable. The study launched with the purpose of answering the threshold question: What, if any, of the existing building can be reused and at what cost? Following the initial site visit, it became clear that the three historic exterior walls can be reused, but not any of the interior floors, spans, or structure (see Part 2 Existing Conditions). The threshold question was therefore refined: What might be the interest among developers to keep the three walls of the existing building?

Holyoke Armory Final Study Report

South Holyoke Housing Development

South Holyoke Homes

This area includes the central portion of the South Holyoke neighborhood around the Morgan School. Recommended actions in the area build off of the recommendations in the South Holyoke Revitalization Strategy prepared with neighborhood input in 2008. Actions include 5 buildings and 18 land acquisitions resulting in redevelopment, new open space, new housing, roadway improvements and neighborhood retail. Mixed use housing and affordable home ownership will be the priority for housing development. To pursue these goals, the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority secured $150,000 of predevelopment funds through the Urban Agenda grant program through the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). The HRA contracted with the Holyoke Housing Authority to coordinate the work.



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