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A public survey is open for community feedback about wayfinding signage that may inform the development of design-related components of future signs in the City!

Effective and distinct wayfinding signage plays an important role in supporting Downtown Holyoke’s economy and vitality. The City has been working to develop a wayfinding plan for the downtown, an effort which began in October, 2024. The intent of the plan is to establish an updated approach for the wayfinding signage system that could replace the existing (City-owned) signs over a period of time. The new system would create a more navigable downtown for users of all travel modes using a simple but distinct and cohesive signage strategy. The City will be using this wayfinding plan to develop and fabricate simple signs in the near future for downtown Holyoke.

The project goals include:

  • Better direct visitors to key destinations downtown
  • Create a sense of arrival for visitors using various modes of travel
  • Use historical context, visual influences, and community input to inform the development of an authentic City brand
  • Create cohesion and consistency of the Town brand in signage and digital formats
  • Establish an inventory of signage to help inform future wayfinding needs and priorities
  • Develop a strategy for integrating or improving the unity of existing wayfinding

The City of Holyoke is committed to facilitating a robust process of community engagement relating to its Downtown wayfinding strategy, including in-person and virtual options for a Wayfinding Advisory Committee, community stakeholders, and the public to provide feedback.

On February 26, 2025 the City hosted stakeholder discussions and the first of two public meetings as part of the project process. The public meeting presentation is available to view. A second public meeting will be identified later this summer to present the proposed wayfinding sign designs and overall strategy.

Images from February 26, 2025 Wayfinding Plan Public Meeting

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