On Saturday June 6, 2020 Governor Baker will announce the starting date of Phase 2 of the state’s reopening plan. At the start of Phase 2 restaurants will be able to start providing outdoor dining in accordance with these state issued regulations. At this point the Holyoke Board of Health is responsible for enforcing these regulations but does not plan on placing any additional restrictions.
Restaurants with a food permit from the Board of Health that already have common victualler/alcohol licenses allowing for outdoor service of food and alcohol as part of their licensed premises are able to serve without any additional permitting from the state or city.
Restaurants with a food permit from the Board of Health and a common victualler’s license and/or on-premises liquor license that seek to expand their existing permitted outdoor service area, or create an outdoor service area on private property will need to amend their licensed premises for their liquor license and/or common victualler’s license. Applications for an amended common victualler’s license premises can be found here, and applications for an amended liquor license premises can be found here. There are no fees associated with these amendments and our Local License Board will be expediting requests.
Restaurants with a food permit from the Board of Health, that seek to create an outdoor service area on public property, such as a sidewalk or parking area, will need an additional Tables and Chairs license and should contact the Holyoke License Board at 413-322-5575 or wiemannc@holyoke.org.
Any restaurant that seeks to have a tent erected will need to obtain a temporary structure permit and should contact the Building Department at 413-322-5600.
It is the responsibility of the restaurant owner to ensure any expanded dining area, including streets and sidewalks, is clean at all times.
For general questions please contact coronaresponse@holyoke.org.