Veterans Lunch St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
JanJanuary 9 2025

Weekly Veterans Meal Program
Transportation available through the Holyoke Veterans’ Services Department 413-322-5630What are we doing?Community Roots Neighborhood Services, Inc. has partnered with St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and St. Peter’s Lutheran Church , to establish a Free Weekly Meal Program for Veterans’ and their immediate adult family members. Lunches began on September 22, 2016 in the auditorium at St. Paul’s Church, 485 Appleton Street, Holyoke, Ma. 01040. This weekly program, centers around a communal table. The meal is the jump off point into conversation, camaraderie and healing among people with the shared experience and trauma of war.Our Mission is to offer access to food, services and companionship to all Veterans.
We Envision a Veterans Community free from hunger, isolation and loneliness. We Vow to fulfill Lincoln’s promise to care for those who have borne the battle, by serving and honoring our Veterans. Who are we doing it for?All Hampden and Hampshire County Veterans in general and the 2,372 Veterans in the city of Holyoke in particular.
Why are we doing it?