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Conservation Commission Meeting December 12, 2024

DecDecember 12 2024

Holyoke Conservation Commission

December 12th, 2024

6:15 PM

This meeting will be held remotely, in accordance with temporary changes to Open Meeting Law. Access to this meeting is available to the public by computer or phone as follows:

– Computer Access:

– Phone Access: Call +1 301-715-8592 and enter the Meeting ID followed by #: 819 5348 1230

Contact Yoni Glogower for questions about meeting access: or 413-322-5615

(All meetings are recorded)

  1. Call to Order


  1. Request for Determination of Applicability ̶  Filed 11/26/24

Applicant: Holyoke Revolver Club

Representative: Goddard Consulting, LLC

Location: 431 West Cherry Street (MBP 200-00-001, 003)

Description: Proposed addition and expansion of parking areas within the Buffer Zone of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands and Isolated Vegetated Wetlands


  1. Public Hearing – Notice of Intent DEP WE# 186-0306 (continued from 10/24/24)

Applicant: Salmar Realty, Inc.

Representative: R. Levesque Associates

Location: 500 Easthampton Road (MBP 213-00-003, 212-00-001)

Description: Commercial redevelopment within the Buffer Zone of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands


  1. Public Hearing ̶  Notice of Intent DEP WE# 186-0309 (continued from 11/21/24)

Applicant: Holyoke Community College

Representative: Fuss and O’Neill

Location: 303 Homestead Avenue (MBP 155-00-004)

Description: Entrance drive improvements within the Buffer Zone of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands and Bank.


  1. Public Hearing ̶  Notice of Intent DEP WE# 186-0308 (continued from 11/21/24)

Applicant: LN Berneche, LLC.

Representative: R Levesque Associates, Inc.

Location: 37 Appleton Street (MBP 036-01-002)

Description: Proposed construction of a motor vehicle repair garage within the Buffer Zone to the Canal Wall of Land Under Water Bodies and Waterways.


  1. Public Hearing – Notice of Intent DEP WE# 186-0310

Applicant: Lightshift Energy

Representative: Tetra Tech

Location: 361 Whitney Ave (MBP 176-00-036)

Description: Proposed construction of a battery energy storage system (BESS) within the Buffer Zone of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands


  1. Enforcement Order and Administrative Hearing ̶  Issued 10/29/24

Location: 639 West Cherry Street (MBP 202-00-036)

Description: Clearing of mature canopy trees across within the Buffer Zone of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands without prior permitting or approval.


  1. Proposed Conservation Commission Meeting Schedule for 2025


  1. Formal Vote – Minutes from 11/21/24 Meeting


  1. Discussion – Upcoming Items for 1/9/25 Meeting


  1. Mail/other items not reasonably anticipated by the Chair


  1. Adjourn
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