Fire Department
Fire Department
The Holyoke Fire Department is an all-hazards fire department that responds to incidents including fires, automobile accidents, medical emergencies, hazardous materials response, technical rescues and much more. We pride ourselves in emergency response, fire prevention and a variety of life safety education programs.
Our Mission:
The Holyoke Fire Department exists to provide a professional level of fire safety, life safety, and pre-hospital emergency medical care to the people and property of the City of Holyoke.
We accomplish our mission through prevention, education, engineering, fire suppression, medical services and other related and non-related emergency activities with dedicated personnel committed to excellence.
NOTICE: Open Burning in the City of Holyoke is Prohibited - Open Burning Law
Fire Chief John Kadlewicz reminds residents that Holyoke is among 22 cities and towns in the state where all open burning is prohibited because of the density of population and the close proximity of buildings.
Open burning, the burning of any material out-of-doors, releases large amounts of carbon monoxide and other gaseous and solid substances directly into the atmosphere, causes air pollution and aggravates respiratory problems.
Under poor atmospheric conditions, open burning creates a smoke and odor nuisance – as well as a health threat to area residents, especially in densely populated areas according to the Department of Environmental Protection which regulates open burning in MA. For these reasons, open burning is prohibited in Holyoke. The state no-open-burning list also includes Chicopee, Springfield and West Springfield.
All complaints of open burning will be responded to and extinguished along with fines levied on the homeowner. Chief Kadlewicz asks that everyone obey the law and help keep the City of Holyoke safe.