Economic Development Department
Room 406
20 Korean Veterans Plaza
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
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Artist’s Rendition of Place- Making – Lloyd Dangle Source:
The mission of our Economic Development Department is to...
promote and maintain the economic health of commercial and industrial entities that contribute to the entire community’s quality of life and that fit within Holyoke’s social and physical environment.
Why Holyoke?
Holyoke has a vibrant business ecosystem.
Business support and development can be found through the Greater Holyoke Chamber of Commerce, EforAll Holyoke, and local workforce training resources at Holyoke Community College and MassHire Holyoke. Holyoke has a local vision for a renewed economy.
Holyoke can offer support for your business
Holyoke has several programs to help you launch and maintain your business in Holyoke.
Holyoke has Low Utility Rates
Holyoke has a municipal Gas & Electric Company (, which owns the dam off the Connecticut River, the downtown canal system, solar energy and other non-carbon entitlements. Taken together, Holyoke offers the lowest industrial energy rates in Massachusetts and one of the lowest in all of New England. Holyoke Gas & Electric also offers up to 20% discounts for the first three years of service to any new business locating in Holyoke. We also own 5 water reservoirs that provide millions of gallons of excess water capacity every day.
Holyoke offers the most space at the lowest cost for your business.
On average, companies in Holyoke pay 40% in electrical costs than their competitors in Springfield, 35% less in commercial rent than in Worcester, and 95% less on industrial acquisition costs than in Boston, all while enjoying the highest location quotient (.10) of skilled manufacturing labor of the three cities. Looking for a place to start?