City Clerk
The City Clerk Office serves as a document and information resource to the Council, all City departments, and the citizens of our city. The City Clerk is elected every four years and is responsible for the due, proper and faithful performance of all operational matters of City Council.
As the official keeper of municipal records, the Clerk oversees various certificates and licenses, such as birth, death, or marriage. Businesses may register newly formed sole proprietorships and partnerships and renew previously granted licenses. Also, dog licenses are obtained here.
In Holyoke, the position of City Clerk has three additional duties; Clerk of the Council, Elections, and the Registrar of Voters.
As Clerk to the City Council, the clerk keeps records and recordings of all City Council meetings, prepares the agenda, and records all votes and roll call as well as performs special duties.
- The City Council meets every first and third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm.
- The agendas for City Council Meetings may be obtained via our on-line calendar or through the City Clerk's Office on the Friday before the meeting.
- The minutes of the City Council meetings may be obtained through the City Clerk's Office 10 days after approval by City Council and in order for the Mayor to sign the orders.
- The clerk in conjunction with Holyoke Media provide access to live streaming and archived meetings.
- Records of Legislation are kept in the City Clerk's Office.
Disclosure of commissions and compensation: Broker of record report of disclosure report of all commissions or other forms of compensation received from any source related to their service to the city.