Today Massachusetts released enhanced support for testing at nursing homes. The program allows for safe, onsite sample collection by either medical personnel at the facility or trained personnel from the Massachusetts National Guard.
Friday is the final day that The Holyoke Police Department will be conducting a community wide collection of personal hygiene items and sanitizing products for our senior citizens. They will be accepting donations at The Holyoke Council on Aging and Senior Center located at 291 Pine Street. Donations can be dropped off between the hours of 10am and 2pm. If you are a resident of Holyoke and you are not leaving your home, you can still donate by calling the Holyoke Police Department’s non emergency number of 322-6900. We will arrange for a pickup during those same hours.
Testing remains limited with a turnaround time of 1 – 4 days and many cases are being clinically diagnosed (no testing or reporting involved). Testing will be dramatically increasing in the coming days which will cause a large spike in numbers. All are advised to behave as though they are carriers of Covid-19.
219 Holyoke residents have been confirmed positive by testing.
1276 confirmed cases in Hampden County (18% increase)
177 in Hampshire (8% increase)
128 in Franklin (8.5% increase)
304 in Berkshire county (8% increase)
The curve we need to flatten: County numbers graphed over time can be found here: https://www.wmasscovid.com/
There have been 503 deaths connected to Covid-19 in Massachusetts.
* When recovery counts become available and reported by the state, we will include those as well.
MEMA Command Center Site Report