Recordings of the May 5th City Council Meeting and Special Meeting can be found HERE courtesy of Holyoke Media.
During these difficult times, the Office for Community Development encourages residents to reach out for assistance for your own households, families or neighbors. For help obtaining food, rental or mortgage payment assistance, utility assistance, domestic violence counseling, landlord-tenant assistance, legal aid, elder services, or any other need, please email the Office for Community Development at zoellera@holyoke.org or mar
Brighton Marine, a network community for uniformed service member transitions and a resource hub of military, veteran and family services in the Greater Boston area, has donated iPads to the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home which will help residents to keep in touch with their loved ones via video conferencing.
Please help the MA COVID Team trace and slow the Spread of COVID-19 by making sure to answer calls coming from the Community Contact Tracing Collaborative. If someone tests positive for COVID-19, the Collaborative’s Contact Tracers will reach out by phone to that person, and their close contacts, to slow the spread of the virus. Contact Tracers will make sure residents are getting the medical attention and support they need during isolation and quarantine.
If you receive a call or message from the Holyoke Board of Health, please call back and follow their instructions in order to participate in the kind of community contact tracing which can contain the virus and save lives. The Holyoke Board of Health will never share your personal information or health status with any outside agency.
The City of Holyoke Office for Community Development has issued a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for Community Development Block Grant Funds for the purposes of preventing, preparing for or responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The application link will remain available until Monday May 11, 2020.
View the latest Town-by-Town numbers released by the State today: https://www.mass.gov/doc/confirmed-covid-19-cases-in-ma-by-citytown-january-1-2020-may-6-2020-0/download
Massachusetts now is releasing a comprehensive “dashboard” to illustrate the spread of this virus across regions and demographics. You can view today’s here: https://www.mass.gov/doc/covid-19-dashboard-may-6-2020/download
Testing has a turnaround time of 1 – 4 days and many cases are being clinically diagnosed (no testing or reporting involved). All are advised to behave as though they are carriers of Covid-19.
677 Holyoke residents have been confirmed positive by testing.