The Massachusetts business closure and stay at home advisory has been extended through midnight of Monday, May 18. On Monday the Reopening Advisory Committee will give a report detailing the strategy that MA will take to reopen.
MA Reopening Information
MA Four Phase Reopening Approach
Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplaces
54 major Massachusetts employers have signed on to extend remote work protocols for the majority of their staff beyond May, which will both protect the safety of their employees and reduce the number of commuters and people working in densely populated offices by thousands across MA.
Massachusetts has a new website featuring all of the Covid-19 testing sites. View here: www.mass.gov/covid-testmap
Families of deceased veterans can apply for burial assistance through the city’s Department of Veterans’ Services.For more information contact the Holyoke Department of Veterans’ Services at 413-322-5630 or email Jesus Pereira at pereiraj@holyoke.org.
Massachusetts now is releasing a comprehensive “dashboard” to illustrate the spread of this virus across regions and demographics. You can view today’s here: https://www.mass.gov/doc/covid-19-dashboard-may-15-2020/download
Testing has a turnaround time of 1 – 4 days and many cases are being clinically diagnosed (no testing or reporting involved). All are advised to behave as though they are carriers of Covid-19.
734 Holyoke residents have been confirmed positive by testing.
5,038 confirmed cases in Hampden County (1% increase)738 in Hampshire (2% increase)
304 in Franklin (<1% increase)
491 in Berkshire county (<1% increase)
The curve we need to flatten: County numbers graphed over time can be found here: https://www.wmasscovid.com/
Massachusetts has now experienced a total of 5,592 deaths connected to Covid-19
Please be advised that you may be contacted by Public Health officials as part of the COVID-19 Contact Tracing Initiative sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or were exposed to someone who has tested positive, you may receive a call from your local Board of Health or from the MA Department of Public Health. The call will only take a few minutes and is a necessary step to limit the spread of the virus. Your information will not be shared with any other agencies and these officials will never ask for your social security number or health insurance information. If you have any questions about a call you received, contact us at coronaresponse@holyoke.org