25 Hillcrest Ave.
Holyoke, MA 010040
Ward 3 City Councilor
David K. Bartley
Councilor Bartley represents Ward 3 which consists of the Elmwood and Elmwood Heights sections of Holyoke. Within Ward 3 are the Soldiers’ Home, Crosier Field, Metcalf School, Blessed Sacrament Church and Mayer Field. Councilor Bartley is now serving his 7th term and was first elected in 2011. He is former Chair and Vice Chair of the Development and Governmental Relations Committee, former vice-chair and current member of the Ordinance Committee, and former member of the Public Safety committee and Public Service Committee.
Councilor Bartley’s education includes: Holyoke High School, Northfield Mt. Hermon School (P.G.), UMass-Amherst (B.A.), UMass-Amherst (M.P.A.), Western New England University (J.D.) As an attorney, Councilor Bartley is in private practice and his office is located in Ward 3.