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Resources for Property Owners, Businesses and Residents

The Office for Community Development funds several programs offering assistance to homeowners, rental property owners, small businesses and developers. Check here for a program that may help you.

Impacted by COVID-19 and having trouble paying rent or mortgage?

Holyoke renters and homeowners should contact Valley Opportunity Council for assistance with rent and mortgage payments.  Way Finders also has rental assistance available.

Is assistance available to HOMEOWNERS for improvements?

Not at this time.  Check back for updates.

Call 413-322-5610 or send an email to Alicia and ask to be placed on the homeowner rehab contact list.

Is assistance available to RENTAL PROPERTY OWNERS for improvements?

Not at this time.  Call 413-322-5610 or send an email to Alicia and ask to be placed on the rental property rehab contact list.

Is assistance available to DEVELOPERS?

At least once a year, the OCD issues a Request for Proposals (RFP) for housing development under the federal HOME program. HOME provides direct funding for new construction and rehabilitation of housing. If you are interested in knowing more about HOME program funding or the RFP, please contact our office.

In need of educational services, summer camp, child care, food, employment training or other services?

The Community Development Block Grant Program funds a variety of public services for the Holyoke community. Please see the Community Development Public Services 2019 for additional information about available services funded through our office.

For food, please see the Food Pantry List.

Concerned about conditions in your house or apartment?

The City of Holyoke Office for Community Development funds Code Enforcement Officers dedicated to improving the housing, building, and living conditions of residents in the CDBG-eligible Census Tracts.  To file a complaint or request assistance, please call the Board of Health at 413-322-5595 or the Building Department at 413-322-5600 for assistance.

Looking for small business assistance?

The City of Holyoke Office for Community Development is not currently accepting applications for small business assistance.

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