City of Holyoke Seeks Citizens Advisory Committee Members
July 29, 2021
The City of Holyoke seeks residents to serve on the volunteer Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) to assist the Office for Community Development in identifying community development and housing needs in the City and to review federal grant applications and make funding recommendations to the Mayor and City Council for the upcoming fiscal year.
The CAC is an opportunity to actively participate in local government, to learn about government processes and to make meaningful decisions that impact the lives of Holyokers. In particular, Mayor Murphy seeks community members who have personal experience with the services provided by federally funded community development activities like community health centers, food pantries or community meals, homeless services, addiction services, DV services, affordable housing and Holyoke Housing Authority residents, youth or elderly facilities or programs, young parents, first time homeowners, renters, adult educational services, or small business development services. Low-moderate income residents, residents of low-moderate income neighborhoods, and those from groups underrepresented in local government are strongly encouraged to apply.
CAC members meet in the evenings approximately five times per year. Training and professional staff support is provided.
Interested residents should submit a letter of interest and resume (if available) to: Acting Mayor Terry Murphy, City of Holyoke, Room 1, Holyoke MA 01040 or by email to ortizn@holyoke.org by August 20, 2021. Please contact Alicia M. Zoeller, Office for Community Development Administrator at 413-322-5610 or zoellera@holyoke.org with any questions.
20 Korean Veterans Plaza – Room 400 – Holyoke, MA 01040-5036
Phone (413) 322-5610 Fax: (413) 322-5611 Email: zoellera@holyoke.org
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