The City of Holyoke and the Holyoke Public Schools (HPS) are excited to receive an invitation from the MSBA into their Accelerated Repair Program. In a recent letter to Mayor Alex B. Morse, MSBA Executive Director John K. McCarthy shared, “The MSBA’s Board of Directors voted to invite the City of Holyoke into the Accelerated Repair Program to collaborate with the MSBA in conducting a Schematic Design Study at the E.N. White Elementary School, Lt. Clayre P. Sullivan School, and Maurice A. Donahue Elementary School for potential roof replacement projects. I look forward to continuing working with you as part of the MSBA’s Accelerated Repair Program.” The MSBA will provide up to eighty percent (80%) reimbursement for the cost of these efforts based on Holyoke’s per capita income. “Roof replacement at these three school buildings is essential, and we are beyond delighted that the MSBA has invited our City to participate in its Accelerated Repair Program and reimburse the City of Holyoke for eighty percent (80%) of the costs,” stated Mayor Alex B. Morse. “The roofs are over thirty years old, are at the end of their useful lives, and numerous repairs continue to be made. I want to thank the MSBA for their commitment and belief in our great community.”
“We are grateful to the MSBA, Mayor’s Office, and City Council for their support, and we look forward to their collaboration in conducting the Schematic Design Study for these roof replacement projects,” stated Dr. Alberto Vázquez Matos. “This is a valuable opportunity for the City to obtain the maximum reimbursement for these much-needed restorations of our school buildings.”
On January 19th, the City Council approved $270,000 for the Schematic Design process. This will allow the City to take the next steps with formal design and specification, and estimate the total anticipated costs of the projects for presentation to the MSBA. After an MSBA review, we anticipate permission to proceed with repairs subject to the City funding its twenty percent (20%) share of the costs. The projects are anticipated to begin during the summer of 2022 and conclude in the fall. “We are excited to support the process of obtaining this invitation to participate in the MSBA Accelerated Repair Program,” stated City Council President Todd McGee. “This gives the City the ‘biggest bang for the buck’ to restore our buildings at a fraction of the cost of the project’s value. I’m delighted to bring forth this opportunity with unanimous approval from the rest of the Council.” “A pathway for every student”
The MSBA and the City of Holyoke have partnered together on many projects over the past five years, all aimed at restoring and renovating Holyoke’s school buildings. These projects have included:
● 2009-2011 – renovation of Holyoke High School, approximately $22 million
● 2013 – build 3 new science labs (Science Lab Initiative) at Dean Technical High School, approximately $7.2 million
● 2014 – new boilers at Morgan and EN White School, approximately $1.2 million
● 2018 – new boilers at Kelly and new windows and exterior doors at Kelly, Sullivan, and Morgan schools, approximately $13 Million
If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact HPS Maintenance Administrator Whitney Anderson wanderson@hps.holyoke.ma.us.