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Attention Holyoke residents, the current parking ban will conclude on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 6am. Please be advised that starting at 8:00am on Monday, February 17, 2025, a reverse parking ban will be enforced, prohibiting parking on the EVEN side of the street and on cul-de-sacs until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Atención residentes de Holyoke, la actual prohibición de estacionamiento concluirá el lunes 17 de febrero de 2025, a las 6am. Les informamos que a partir de las 8am del 17 de febrero, comenzará una prohibición de estacionamiento inversa, prohibiendo estacionarse en el lado PAR de la calle y en las calles sin salida hasta nuevo aviso. Gracias por su cooperación.

City Council Orders September 7, 2021

Communications & Petitions

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
7. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter appointing Chelsea Gazillo to serve as a member of the Conservation Commission Referred Public Service 10-4-21 Confirmed Confirmed 10-5-21
8. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter nominating Victor Machado to Serve on the citizens advisory Committee (CAC) Referred Public Service 2-9-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to Withdraw 2-15-22
9. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter to nominate Terry Gibson to serve on the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Referred Public Service 2-9-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to Withdraw 2-15-22
10. Brenna Murphy McGee MMC & Jeffery Anderson-Burgos, Admin. Ass't - 8-3-21 City Council Meeting Minutes Received Received 9-7-21
11. Acting City Solicitor Lisa Ball - legal opinion on Sewer Rate Received Received 9-7-21
12. Acting City Solicitor Lisa Ball - legal opinion on amending zoning ordinances by automatic right Referred Ordinance
13. Acting City Solicitor Lisa Ball - legal opinion on tabling an agenda item Referred Charter & Rules 9-30-21 Received
14. OPED - Letter regarding ACMJ 532 Main St Referred Ordinance
15. OPED - Letter regarding First City Provisions 89 South St Referred Ordinance
16. FFY2021 Spreadsheet, American Rescue Plan Act Received Received 9-7-21
17. Board of Fire Commission - 6-17-21 and 7-29-21 meeting minutes Received Received 9-7-21
18. Residents of Norwood Terrace - Petition for improvements to the east sidewalks on the dead end portion of the street. Referred Public Safety
19. Whalley Communications - Managed IT support and Monitoring Statement of Work Received Received 9-7-21
20. Lawrence J. Farber, Esq. for Open Square - Legal objections to MME at 109 Lyman Referred Ordinance
21. Department of Labor Relations - Letter regarding petition for certification by Written Majority Authorization Referred Finance 9-29-21 Tabled
22. Petition for a new second hand license at 50 Holyoke St. for GameStop #4391 Referred Finance 9-29-21 Approved Approved 10-5-21
Late File B. Legal forms for Indigenous Peoples Day ordinance Referred Ordinance 9-14-21 Tabled Copied to the Law Department
Late File C. License Agreement between City of Holyoke and Edward A. Owen Referred DGR 9-27-21 Approved 12-1-21 Approved, amended Adopted with amendments 12-7-21 Referred back to DGR 11-16-21
Late File F. Library Director Maria Pagan - Letter detailing grant award from Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners Referred Finance
Late File G. CPC Administrator Amy Landau - HOLYOKE CPA ANNUAL BUDGET ARTICLE 2022 Referred DGR 9-27-21 Approved Approved 10-5-21
Late File H. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter appointing Willy Spradley to serve as a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Referred Public Service 2-9-22 Leave to Withdraw Leave to Withdraw 2-15-22

Committee Reports

Clicking on reports will link back to original filing of orders (back to 1-1-21)

1. An order for DPW install a stop sign at the end of Ridgeway St. at Lorraine St. 3. An order to place a no parking restriction at s shaped curve on O'Connor Ave 4. An order to raise the sewer fee to a minimum of $8.05 per 1000 gallons to avoid deficits and plan for improvements
5. An order to remove handicap sign in front of 7 Russell Terrace 6. An order that a handicap sign be removed from the front of 143 Oak St 23A. An order for no parking on section of Beaulieu St
23B. An order consider drop & pick up parking spots at 200-210 High for Vcare Adult program 23C. An order that the no parking sign in front of 982 Hampden street be removed 23D. An order to relocate "no parking" sign proximate to 282 Cabot St
23E. Zone Change Application from RO to DR for Gordon Alexander at 472, 474, and 476 Appleton Street 24A. Settlement Agreement by and Between the City of Holyoke and the Holyoke Professional Supervisor Association 24B. An order to accept provisions of "DIVERTING JUVENILES AND EMERGING ADULTS FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM INVOLVEMENT, $50,000, NO MATCH " grant
24C. An order to accept provisions of "FY20 MUNICIPAL VULNERABILITY PREPAREDNESS (MVP) - THE NATURE CONSERVANCY MATCH INCREASE, $22,097.50 " grant 24D. An order to accept provisions of "FY2022 STATE 911 DEPARTMENT SUPPORT AND INCENTIVE GRANT, $246,443, NO MATCH " grant 24E. An order to accept provisions of "FY2022 STATE 911 DEPARTMENT TRAINING GRANT, $17,900, NO MATCH" grant
24F. An order to accept provisions of "GREEN COMMUNITIES COMPETITIVE GRANT, $195,603, NO MATCH " grant 24G. An order to authorize the Treasurer to issue refunding bonds 24H. An order to appropriate $4,753.50 from CITY SOLICITOR Department's SPECIAL COUNSEL for services rendered in fiscal year 2021
24I. An order to appropriate $197,927.69 from the DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Department's VARIOUS for services rendered in fiscal year 2021 24J. An order to appropriate $1,380.00 from the from PERSONNEL Department's PROFESSIONAL SERVICES-EMPLOYEE TRAINING for services rendered in fiscal year 2021 24K. An order to That the City Council approve $9,610.00 from TNC-Rideshare for FY2021 Holyoke Share-ValleyBike Administration
24O. An order to meet with Whalley Computer Associates to review costs and impacts of services 25A. An order for the Chief of Police to discuss HPD plan for domestic terrorism, including any changes made due to Capitol Hill event on 1-6-21 27A. Proposals for the American Rescue Plan Act

New Orders


Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
30. SULLIVAN -- An order to approve funding of $18,000 in CPA funding for a Small Grant program Adopted Adopted 9-7-21
31. VACON -- An order to request a legal opinion to clarify if a deed for map 190 lot 30 on Mountain Road is grandfathered and remains a legal building lot Adopted Adopted 9-7-21 Copied to Law Department
32. VACON -- An order to amend the zoning ordinance to require residential zone construction be greater than 50% living space, or require special permit Referred Ordinance a. 11-23-21
b. 12-14-22
c. 2-22-22
d. 3-22-22
a. Public hearing opened, continued to 12-14-21
b. Continued to 2-22-22
c. Continued to 3-22-22
d. Continued to 5-24-22
a. 5-24-22
b. 6-8-22
c. 9-27-22
a. Continued to 6-8-22
Continued to 9-27-22
c. Public hearing closed, denied
Denied 10-4-22
33. VACON -- An order for calming measures for Bray Park Drive and access to the plaza Adopted Public Safety 3-6-23 Speed humps not recommended Adopted 9-7-21

Recommendation accepted 3-7-23

Copied to DPW, Engineer, Public Safety Committee
34. VACON -- An order for additional speed limit signs on Homestead Ave, north and south of 202 Referred Ordinance 1-25-22 Approved Adopted 2-1-22
35. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to install 2 blinking stop signs at the 3 way stop located where Claremont Ave and Hillside Ave intersect Adopted Adopted 9-7-21 Copied to DPW
36. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order that the DPW Superintendent provide the City Council with an update on the tree list. Update should include how trees are prioritized and the obstacles the DPW faces in addressing them Referred Public Safety 6-21-23 Complied with 6-7-23 (Finance) Complied with Complied with 6-20-23

Complied with 9-5-23
(Public Safety)

Copied to DPW, Finance Committee

City Council tabled 8-1-23


37. BARTLEY -- An order to accept the sale of 12, 22 and 24 Main Street for $31,900 to H&H Realty Holdings, LLC Referred DGR 10-4-21 Approved Adopted 10-5-21
38. BARTLEY -- An order to accept sale of 415 and 417 Main Street for $10,000 to Elliott Fire Sprinkler Systems, LLC Referred DGR 10-4-21 Approved Adopted 10-5-21
39. BARTLEY -- An order for an updated legal opinion and relevant exhibits regarding the city's supervisors association Referred Finance 1-17-24 Complied with Complied with 1-22-24 Copied to Law Department
40. BARTLEY -- An order to review the "access road" to Peck School for on street parking recommendation Referred Public Safety Copied to DPW
41. BARTLEY -- An order to name the "access road" leading to peck school off Chapin St Received Received 9-7-21 Copied to DPW Commissioners
42. BARTLEY -- An order to ordain 'right turn only' when exiting the parking area at Metcalf School Referred Public Safety 5-22-23 Complied with Complied with 6-6-23 Copied to DPW
43. BARTLEY -- An order for a review of public safety and traffic concerns near Metcalf School Referred Public Safety Copied to DPW
44. HERNANDEZ -- An order to ensure Everbridge announcements are provided in English and Spanish languages Referred Finance 9-29-21 Complied with Complied with 10-5-21
45. HERNANDEZ -- An order to address pedestrian safety at the crosswalk installed on Hampden Street next to Stop and Shop Referred Public Safety 5-22-23 Complied with, refer to mayor for funding of bulbouts Complied with and referred to mayor 6-6-23
46. HERNANDEZ -- An order to address pedestrian safety at the Clinton & Dwight street corner by adding crosswalk or light and raised bump Referred Public Safety 5-22-23 Complied with, referred to Mayor for funding Complied with and referred to mayor 6-6-23
47. HERNANDEZ -- An order review crosswalk, signage, or lights to address pedestrian safety at intersection of West Franklin and Linden Referred Public Safety 5-22-23 Tabled
48. HERNANDEZ -- An order to study a possible right turning only lane at Hampden onto Pleasant Referred Public Safety 5-22-23 Complied with Complied with 6-6-23
49. LEAHY -- An order to add video surveillance at the Holyoke High/Robert’s field Complex to prevent vandalism Adopted Adopted 9-7-21 Copied to Holyoke Police Department, School Department
50. LEBRON-MARTINEZ -- An order to approve Certified Housing Development Incentive Program Project and Local Tax Increment Exemption (TIE) Agreement with Canal Row, LLC at Race and Main Streets Referred DGR 10-4-21 Approved Adopted 10-5-21
51. LEBRON-MARTINEZ -- An order to approve Certified Project and the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Agreement with Canal Row, LLC at Race and Main Streets Referred DGR 10-4-21 Approved Adopted 10-5-21
52. MCGEE -- An order to call preliminary election on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 Adopted Adopted 9-7-21
53. MCGEE -- An order to set polling places for preliminary election on September 21, 2021 Adopted Adopted 9-7-21
54. MCGEE -- An order to reschedule Council meeting of September 21, 2021 due to election Adopted 9-7-21 September 21, 2021 meeting cancelled
55. MCGEE -- An order to assign Professional accountant in the Auditor's Department position to grade 10 in the salary schedule Referred Ordinance 9-28-21 Approved Adopted 10-5-21
56. MCGEE -- An order to draft home rule petition to remove residency requirement for City Solicitor Referred Charter & Rules 9-30-21 Approved, with amendment Adopted with amendment 10-5-21
57. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of the "FY2022 STATE PLAN FOR THE LIBRARY SERVICES AND TECHNOLOGY (LSTA)-ARPA, $50K, NO MATCH " grant Referred Finance 9-29-21 Approved Adopted 10-5-21
58. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of the "FY2022 CRCC/PVPC CSO, $745,000, NO MATCH" grant Referred Finance 9-29-21 Approved Adopted 10-5-21
59. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of the "ARSON WATCH REWARD PROGRAM, $1K, NO MATCH " grant Referred Finance 9-29-21 Approved Adopted 10-5-21
60. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of the "SFY2021 COMMONWEALTH SECURITY TRUST FUND, $11,720, NO MATCH" grant Referred Finance 9-29-21 Approved Adopted 10-5-21
61. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $61,993.88 from LIEUTENANT, SERGEANT and PATROLMEN to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 9-7-21
62. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $125,000 from RESERVES, COURT, DISPATCHER, PATROLMEN, and LIEUTENANT to OVERTIME Referred Finance 9-29-21 Approved Adopted 10-5-21
63. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $149,076 to SCHOOL - PERSONAL SERVICES, SCHOOL - OTHER EXPENSES, SPED - TUITION ASSESSMENT, and SCHOOL CHOICE ASSESSMENT Referred Finance 9-29-21 Approved Adopted 10-5-21
64. MCGIVERIN -- An order to appropriate $600.00 from PROFESSIONAL SERVICES-SPECIAL COUNSEL for services rendered in fiscal year 2021 Referred Finance 9-29-21 Approved Adopted 10-5-21
65. MURPHY -- An order to interview for Tax Collector. Referred Public Service 10-4-21 Complied with Confirmed appointment of Laura Wilson 10-5-21
66. MURPHY -- An order to study a possible right turning only lane at Hampden onto Pleasant Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 9-7-21 Duplicate to item 48
67. MURPHY -- An order to compare application and permitting process in neighboring communities with Holyoke. Referred Ordinance 5-11-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 5-17-22
68. MURPHY -- An order to file home rule petition to allow HPD to confiscate and destroy illegal dirt-bikes and OHV's Referred Ordinance 11-9-21 Approved, with amendment Adopted 11-16-21
69. MURPHY -- An order to prohibit gas stations from selling gas to illegal dirt bikers/OHV's Referred Ordinance a. 11-9-21
b. 11-23-21
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
a. 12-14-21
b. 1-25-22
a. Tabled for legal draft
b. Denied
Denied 2-1-22
70. MURPHY -- An order to establish fines for illegal operation of dirt bikes and OHV's Referred Ordinance a. 11-9-21
b. 11-23-21
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
a. 12-14-21
b. 1-25-22
a. Tabled for legal draft
b. Approved
Adopted 2-1-22
71. MURPHY -- An order to establish guidelines for flag raising events in the city Referred Ordinance 9-14-21 Tabled 5-11-22 Complied with 5-17-22
72. MURPHY -- An order to establish a formalized procedure for any request to have a street closing Referred Ordinance
73. MURPHY -- An order to discuss the administration and maintenance of the War Memorial building Referred DGR
Late File A. HERNANDEZ -- An order to establish Indigenous Peoples Day Referred Ordinance 9-14-21 Tabled 11-9-21 Approved Denied 12-7-21
Late File D. MCGIVERIN -- An order to appropriate $1,291.00 from the from CITY SOLICITOR Department's PROFESSIONAL SERVICES-SPECIAL COUNSEL for services rendered in fiscal year 2021 Referred Finance 9-29-21 Approved Adopted 10-5-21
Late File E. HERNANDEZ, TALLMAN -- An order to discuss agreement for parking spaces for Eddie's Furniture at 865 Hampden Street Referred Public Safety 2-16-22 Tabled 5-22-23 Complied with Complied with 6-6-23 Copied to Holyoke Police Department, DPW
Late File I. LISI -- An order to change rule to pass ordinances by simple majority Referred Charter & Rules a. 2-23-22
b. 4-12-22
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
6-14-22 Complied with Complied with 6-21-22


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