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Attention Holyoke residents, the current parking ban will conclude on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 6am. Please be advised that starting at 8:00am on Monday, February 17, 2025, a reverse parking ban will be enforced, prohibiting parking on the EVEN side of the street and on cul-de-sacs until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Atención residentes de Holyoke, la actual prohibición de estacionamiento concluirá el lunes 17 de febrero de 2025, a las 6am. Les informamos que a partir de las 8am del 17 de febrero, comenzará una prohibición de estacionamiento inversa, prohibiendo estacionarse en el lado PAR de la calle y en las calles sin salida hasta nuevo aviso. Gracias por su cooperación.

City Council Orders September 1, 2022


Title Initial Status Final Status Notes
3. Holyoke Gas & Electric -- Petition to locate a line of wires, cables, poles and fixtures for One (1) 35’ pole in the Essex St alley way between Beech St & Oak St Public hearing set for October 4, 2022 CC meeting Adopted 10-4-22

Committee Reports

Clicking on reports will link back to original filing of orders (back to 1-1-21)

1. An order to amend Holyoke Zoning Ordinances to correct the site plan review process in Section 2. An order that no funds be spent on new public buildings until public officials hold neighborhood meeting 4A. AACO Realty Corp - letter regarding 380 Dwight St. Holyoke 420 LLC (failure to enforce city ordinances-Complaint)
4B. An order to remove handicap sign at 326 Elm St 4C. Special Permit Application - Carefully Curated at 420 Race Street 4D. An order to amend ordinances adding positions of Assistant Procurement officer and Grant Manager for the Police Department
4E. An order to examine Ordinance 26-33 Emergency Management Director 4F. An order to remove 2-hour parking ordinance on Northampton St. near Corser St. 4G. An order to amend section 7.10 to add definitions of marijuana establishments
4H. An order to discuss odor mitigation at marijuana entities 4I. An order to remove handicap sign at 402 Pleasant St 4J. Zone Change Application - Dennis Bolduc at 474 Pleasant St from R-2 to B-H
5A. Stabilization accounts recent statements 5B. An order to accept 2022 MASSTRAILS GRANT 5C. An order to accept FFY19 PROJECT SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS PROGRAM, $64,850, NO MATCH grant
5D. An order to accept FY2023 STATE 911 DEPARTMENT SUPPORT AND INCENTIVE GRANT 5E. An order to accept PVPC FY23 CT RIVER CLEANUP FUNDING grant 5F. An order to transfer $150,000 from Patrolmen to Overtime
5G. An order to transfer $12,500 from Cannabis Impact & Innovation Fund as match to the MassTrails Grant 5H. An order to use $2,017,526.96 of the ARPA revenue loss as a funding source to the FY2023 budget 6A. An order for Fire Chief and Commission to provide information on personnel working second jobs
6B. An order to repaint lines on Rt 202 going toward Westfield 7A. Appointment letter for Beth Gosselin to serve on the Local Historic Commission (Fairfield Avenue) 7B. Appointment letter for Lauren Niles to serve as an Alternate of the Planning Board
7C. Appointment letter for Lauren Niles to serve on the Local Historic District Commission (Fairfield Avenue) 7D. Appointment letter for Jessica Lebron-Martinez to serve as a member on the Commission on Disabilities 7E. An order to appoint a City Councilor to the Tourism Advisory Committee
7F. An order to interview candidates for Interim Treasurer 8A. Special Permit Application - Betlai, LLC c/o Edison Yee (White Hut) 825 Hampden St

New Orders

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
9. JOURDAIN, MCGIVERIN -- An order that HG&E report on progress to end gas moratorium Referred Finance 9-12-22 Complied with Complied with 10-4-22
10. VACON -- An order DPW and Auditor provide financial review for sewer enterprise fund Referred Ordinance and Finance 6-7-23 Complied with Complied with 6-20-23
11. VACON -- An order to give mayor authority to hire DPW director above max with CC approval Referred Ordinance 9-27-22 Approved Adopted 10-4-22
12. A MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept FY23 BEST PRACTICES COMPACT PROGRAM:  EMPLOYEE BENEFIT COSTS EVALUATION & RECOMMENDATION $25,000 grant Referred Finance 9-12-22 Approved Adopted 10-4-22
13. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept FY23 BEST PRACTICES COMPACT PROGRAM:  MUNIS EMPLOYEE SELF SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION, $29,475 grant Referred Finance 9-12-22 Approved Adopted 10-4-22
14. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $62,000 from Pay Local Building Inspector and Pay Property Maint/Demo Super to Pay-Zoning Officer and Pay-Building Commissioner Referred Finance 9-12-22 Approved 10-17-22 Return to Auditor Returned to Auditor 10-18-22 Referred back to Finance 10-4-22
15. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $1,000 from Substitute Nurses to Overtime Referred Finance 9-12-22 Approved Adopted 10-4-22
16. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $5,203.74 from Firefighter and Lieutenant to Injured On Duty Adopted Adopted 9-1-22
17. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $1,181.09 from Firefighters to Injured On Duty Adopted Adopted 9-1-22
18. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $18,322.10 from Lieutenant, Sergeant, and Patrolmen to Injured On Duty Adopted Adopted 9-1-22
19. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $20,316.45 from Lieutenant, Sergeant, and Patrolmen to Injured On Duty Adopted Adopted 9-1-22
20. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept FY23 LIBRARY SERVICES & TECHNOLOGY ACT (LSTA) - STRENGTH IN FAMILIES, $10,000 grant Referred Finance 9-12-22 Approved Adopted 10-4-22


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