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City Council Orders May 4, 2021

Communications & Petitions

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
GAS AND ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT request for one pole on Valley Heights near 36 & 39 Valley Heights
Referred Public Safety 5-12-21 Complied with Leave to withdraw, without prejudice 6-15-21 Public hearing on May 18th continued to June 1st,
continued to June 15th
Verizon New England, Inc. and Holyoke Gas & Electric Department request for five jointly owned poles on Valley Heights street at various points
Referred Public Safety 5-12-21 Complied with Leave to withdraw, without prejudice 6-15-21 Public hearing on May 18th continued to June 1st,
continued to June 15th
12. Acting Mayor Terry Murphy - letter re-appointing Richard A. Ahlstrom to serve as a member of the Historical Commission Adopted Adopted 5-4-21
13. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter reappointing Preston Macy to serve as the Republican Member for the Board of Registrars Adopted Adopted 5-4-21
14. Todd McGee, Acting Mayor - letter regarding Temporary Appointment as City Solicitor for Attorney Lisa Ball Adopted Adopted 5-4-21 Copied to Public Service Committee
15. Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC and Jeffery Anderson-Burgos - 4-20-21 City Council Meeting Minutes Adopted Adopted 5-4-21
16. Anthony Soto, Acting Superintendent/ Receiver - letter regarding verdict of Officer Derek Chauvin Referred Joint Committee of CC and SC 11-30-21 Received
17. David Conti, Manager of the Holyoke Water Works - letter regarding American Rescue Plan Referred Public Service
18. Uriel Molina, Census Specialist, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Census Division - information on Local Re-Precincting and Reprecincting in Massachusetts Referred DGR
19. Riverside Cannabis, LLC - Community Outreach Meeting for May 5, 2021 at 1 Cabot St Referred Ordinance
20. Thomas J. O'Connor - Director's report-First Quarter Referred DGR
21. Board of Fire Commission - 3-18-21 Meeting Minutes Received Received 5-4-21
22. Sec. of the Commonwealth William Galvin - Local process for re-precincting Referred DGR
23. Petition of David Greenberg - renewal of a pawnbroker license at 448 Appleton St. (Pawn Depot) Adopted Adopted 5-4-21
24. Petition of David Greenberg - renewal of a second hand license at 448 Appleton St Adopted Adopted 5-4-21
25. Petition of ECOATM, LLC - new second hand license at 2261 Northampton St Referred Finance 5-10-21 Approved Adopted 5-18-21
26. Petition of ECOATM, LLC - new second hand license at 250 Westfield Rd Referred Finance 5-10-21 Approved Adopted 5-18-21
27. Petition of ECOATM, LLC - renewal of a second hand license at 50 Holyoke St Adopted Adopted 5-4-21
28. Petition of Hampden Papers Rise Holdings Inc - modification of a Special Permit for a Marijuana Manufacturing Establishment at 28 Appleton St Referred Ordinance 6-22-21 Approved, with conditions Adopted with conditions 8-3-21
29. Petition of Hampden Papers Rise Holdings Inc - Special Permit application for a Marijuana Manufacturing Establishment at 100 Water St Referred Ordinance 6-22-21 Approved, with conditions Adopted with conditions 8-3-21
Late File A. Linda Vacon - Communication regarding rules for passage of financial transfers Tabled
Late File C. Mackenzie Stadium Lease Agreement Referred Finance 5-10-21 Approved Adopted 5-18-21

Committee Reports

Clicking on reports will link back to original filing of orders (back to 1-1-21)

30A. An order to rezone various Main St parcels from BH to BC 30B. An order to condense Ivy Ave handicap spaces to one space  30C. An order to review and amend marijuana ordinances
30D. An order to adopt truck exclusion law for West Franklin  30E. An order to adopt truck exclusion law for sections of Washington Ave and Chapin St 30F. An order to create a revolving fund for marijuana impact fees
30G. An order to petition General Court for legislaiton on marijuana consumption 31A. An order to accept provisions of COVID-19 VACCINATION CAPACITY AND CONFIDENCE IN PRIORITY COMMUNITIES RESPONSE, $151,192, NO MATCH" grant 31B. An order to accept provisions of FY2021 FIREFIGHTER SAFETY EQUIPMENT GRANT PROGRAM, $19,512.22, NO MATCH" grant
31C. An order to accept provisions of MASSDOT SHARED WINTER STREETS AND SPACES PROGRAM, $72,000, NO MATCH" grant 31D. An order to transfer $100,000 from PATROLMEN to OVERTIME 31E. An order to transfer $1,000.00 from PAY-LOCAL BUILDING INSPECTOR to PAY-OVERTIME
31F. An order to transfer $200,000 from PATROLMEN, TRAINING, COURT, and INCENTIVE to OVERTIME 33A. Acting Mayor Todd McGee - letter appointing Brian G. Smith to serve as a member of the Retirement Board 33B. Acting Mayor Todd McGee - letter appointing Patricia C. Devine to serve as a member of Commission for DPW
33C. An order for Holyoke Rows and Parks & Rec to develop a plan to allow more youth to participate in summer programming

New Orders


Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
37. VACON -- An order to repair and resurface the end of Rock Valley Rd from Southampton Rd Adopted Adopted 5-4-21 Copied to DPW
38. VACON -- An order to invite conservation, state officials, and other parties to discuss Appalachian trail signs and hiker parking issues on Route 202 Referred Public Safety 5-12-21 Complied with Adopted 5-18-21
39. VACON -- An order for DPW to determine start date for Sunset/Ashley road project Adopted Adopted 5-4-21 Copied to DPW, Acting Mayor
40. VACON -- An order for Acting Mayor and City Council President to plan for reopening and holding meetings at City Hall Referred Public Safety 5-12-21 Tabled 3-29-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 4-5-22
41. BARTLEY -- An order for a No Left Turn sign into the former K-Mart Plaza from Whiting Farms Rd Referred Ordinance 5-11-21 Approved Adopted 5-18-21
42. BARTLEY -- An order for an age-appropriate sign for the adult resident with autism living near 236 South St Adopted Adopted 5-4-21 Copied to DPW, Disabilities
43. BARTLEY -- An order for disabilities commission to create signage that is age-appropriate for residents who require it. Referred Public Safety 5-12-21 Complied with Adopted 5-18-21
44. MCGIVERIN -- An order to amend loan of $1,216,500 adopted on March 2nd to also permit the expenditure of excess funds to purchase a front end loader Referred Finance 5-10-21 Approved Adopted 5-18-21 Copied to Acting Mayor, Bond Counsel
45. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $15,173.35 from LIEUTENANT and PATROLMEN to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 5-4-21
46. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $4,391.81 from FIREFIGHTER to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 5-4-21
47. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $14,269.07 from LIEUTENANT, PATROLMEN, and SERGEANT to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 5-4-21
48. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $1,403.00 from SENIOR PLANNER to CT RIVER CHANNEL MARKER Referred Finance 5-10-21 Approved Adopted 5-18-21
49. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $689.00 from AIDE TO MAYOR to CITY SOLICITOR Referred Finance 5-10-21 Approved Adopted 5-18-21
50. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $3,618.96 from FIREFIGHTER to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 5-4-21
MCGEE -- Order to give proclamation to Noelia Colon for 20 years of service Adopted Adopted 5-4-21
LEAHY -- Order for DPW to preserve bricks from Lynch School Adopted Adopted 5-4-21 Copied to Acting Mayor, DPW


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