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Please be advised that City offices will be closed on Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th in celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday.

City Council Orders May 17, 2022

Communications & Petitions

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
3. Mayor Joshua A. Garcia - Reappointment letter for Antonio Quinones-Albino to serve as a member of HEDIC Appointment confirmed Appointment confirmed 5-17-22
4. Mayor Joshua A. Garcia - Reappointment letter for Joseph McGiverin to serve as a member of HEDIC Appointment confirmed Appointment confirmed 5-17-22
5. Mayor Joshua A. Garcia - Reappointment letter for Carl Eger to serve as a member of HEDIC Appointment confirmed Appointment confirmed 5-17-22
6. Mayor Joshua A. Garcia - Appointment letter for Gladys Lebron-Martinez to serve as a member of Holyoke Housing Authority Referred Public Service 6-16-22 Recommend appointment Appointment confirmed 6-21-22
7. Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC, and Jeffery Anderson-Burgos, Admin Ass't - 5-3-22 City Council Meeting Minutes Received Received 5-17-22
8. David Conti, Holyoke Water Works Manager - letter informing of water rate increase Referred Finance 6-1-22 Complied with Complied with 6-7-22
9. David Conti, Holyoke Water Works Manager - letter regarding Water Treatment Facility Received Received 5-17-22
10. Board of Public Works, Sewer Commission, Stormwater Authority - 4-4-22 Meeting Minutes Received Received 5-17-22
11. Community Outreach Meeting Notice - Holyoke Smokes at 15 Main St Referred Ordinance
12. Community Outreach Meeting Notice - Holyoke Smokes at 73-79 Sargeant St Referred Ordinance
13. Community Outreach Meeting Notice - Holyoke Smokes at 81-85 Sargeant St Referred Ordinance
14. Community Outreach Meeting Notice - Small Wonders Cultivation at 109 Lyman St Unit B Referred Ordinance
15. Special Permit Application - Jose T. Almonte for multifamily dwelling in IG zone at 81 North Bridge St Referred DGR 7-20-22 Approved Adopted 8-2-22
16. Special Permit Application Amendment - Mill Town Agriculture at 1 Cabot St Referred Ordinance 6-28-22 Approved with conditions Adopted with conditions 8-2-22
17. Special Permit Application Amendment - Buudda Brothers at 90 Sargeant St Referred Ordinance 6-28-22 Approved with conditions Adopted with conditions 8-2-22
18. Special Permit Application - Gary D. Rome for car wash in the BH zone at Whiting Farms Rd Referred DGR 7-20-22 Approved with conditions Adopted with conditions 8-2-22

Committee Reports

Clicking on reports will link back to original filing of orders (back to 1-1-21)

1. An order to amend zoning ordinances to allow for front yard pools by special permit 19A. An order to place a handicap sign in front of 107 Brown Ave for Elizabeth Delgado 19B. An order to place a handicap sign at 204 Oak St. for Josephine Rivera
19C. An order to place a handicap sign in front of 60 Northeast St. for Mariano Gomez 19D. An order to place no trucks or tractor trailers local traffic allowed sign at bottom of Michelle Lane 19E. An order to install No Parking sign at intersection of Elm and Sargeant
19F. An order to delete two handicap spaces on Brown Avenue 19G. An order to consider do not block box street markings at West Franklin and Linden 19H. An order to establish guidelines for flag raising events in the city
19I. An order to allow dedicated left turn lane off Whiting Farms Roads into K-Mart plaza 19J. An order to establish three way stop at corner of Mosher and Center Streets 19K. An order for single lanes on specified two laned one-way roads
19L. An order to implement a policy relative to rental of city vehicles for non city business 19M. An order to create ordinance to ticket drivers with altered vehicles creating loud noises 19N. An order to compare application and permitting process in neighboring communities with Holyoke
19O. An order to discuss posting truck restriction signs at Michelle Lane 19P. An order to amend section 6.4 of the zoning ordinance 22A. Appointment letter for Tiffany B. Curtis to serve as a member on the Library Board of Directors
22B. Appointment letter for Sarah Wedaman to serve as a member of the Commission on Disabilities 22C. An order to form a Tourism advisory committee 22D. An order to invite El CorazonHeart of Holyoke Project artists to discuss artistic programming opportunities
22E. An order to review and approve the relocation of a department o the unused space 22F. Reappointment letter for Kelly Curran to serve as a member on the Library Board of Directors

New Orders

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
26. GIVNER -- An order to place a handicap sign in front of 948 Dwight St. for Said M. Umari Referred Ordinance 7-26-22 Approved Adopted 8-2-22 Copied to Disabilities Commission
27. JOURDAIN -- An order to remove dead tree in front of 251 Walnut Street Adopted Adopted 5-17-22 Copied to City Forester
28. JOURDAIN -- An order for mayor to provide funds from Sewer Stabilization Funds for review of Suez agreement Referred Finance 5-23-22 Complied with Complied with 6-7-22
29. JOURDAIN, VACON -- An order to prioritize speeding issues on Mountain Road Adopted Adopted 5-17-22 Copied to Police Department, Public Safety Committee
30. MCGEE -- An order to amend Section 2-67 to exempt City Solicitor and Superintendent of Public Works from residency requirement Referred Ordinance 6-8-22 Approved Adopted 6-21-22
31. MCGEE, BARTLEY -- An order for mayor to consider establishing Holyoke Urban Forest and Tree Committee Referred DGR Copied to Mayor, Dept of Conservation and Sustainability
32. MCGEE -- An order to establish a Capital Stabilization Account Referred Finance 5-23-22 Referred to Ordinance 6-7-22 (Ordinance) Approved Adopted 6-7-22
33. MCGEE -- An order to establish a Sewer Enterprise Stabilization Account Referred Finance 5-23-22 Referred to Ordinance 6-7-22 (Ordinance) Approved Adopted 6-7-22
34. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $17,003.41 from Lieutenant, Sergeant, and Patrolman to Injured on Duty Adopted Adopted 5-17-22
35. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $4,160.11 from Firefighters to Injured on Duty Adopted Adopted 5-17-22
36. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $1,591,291 from FY2022 Free Cash to FUND 8815 CANNABIS IMPACT & INNOVATION STABILIZATION Referred Finance 6-1-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
37. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $50,000 FY2022 Free cash to Capital Stabilization Fund Referred Finance 5-23-22 Tabled 6-15-22 Approved Adopted 6-21-22
38. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $130,000 from FY2022 Free cash to Mayor's Contracted Services Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
39. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $410.00 from Office Manager to Overtime-WWTP Clerks Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
40. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $240,000 from FY2022 Free cash to Mayor's Contracted Services Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
41. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $25,500 from FY2022 Free cash to Computer Professional Services Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
42. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $68,000 from FY2022 Free cash to Professional Engineering Services Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
43. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $170,000 from FY2022 Free cash to Professional Services - Outside Counsel Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
44. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $10,000 from from FY2022 Free cash to Systems Hardware - City Council Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
45. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $293,000 from FY2022 Sewer Enterprise Free cash to Sewer Enterprise Stabilization Fund Referred Finance 5-23-22 Tabled 6-15-22 Approved Adopted 6-21-22
46. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $300,000 from FY2022 Sewer Enterprise Free cash to Sewer - Professional & Technical Services Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
47. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $45,000 from Cannabis Stabilization to Cannabis Planner II Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
48. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $12,338.00 from Pay-Safety Inspector and Pay-Laborer to Pay-Waste Recycling Coordinator Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
49. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $784.00 from Pay-Motor Equipment Repairman to Pay-EVT Mechanic and Pay-Police Fleet Mechanic Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
50. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $12,001.00 from Pay-HMEO to Pay-Overtime, Pay-Forester, and Pay-Overtime Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
51. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $4,195.00 from Pay-HMEO to Pay-Senior Building Custodian, Pay-Building Custodian, Pay-Overtime, and Pay-Principal Clerk/Steno Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
52. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $21,720.00 from Pay-Power Shovel Operator to Pay-PW Foreman, Pay-Overtime, and Pay-Snow Removal Overtime Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
53. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $5,000.00 from Pay-Office Manager to Pay-Part Time Clerk Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
54. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $2,575.00 from Laborer-Building Maintenance to Building Custodian Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
55. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $1,050.00 from Office Manager to Superintendent of Outdoor Works Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
56. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $8,600.00 from Laborer-Refuse to Overtime-Building Maintenance and Overtime Refuse Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
57. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $31,000.00 from HMEO-Parks and Park Maintenance Man to R&M Police Station Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
58. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $22,500.00 from Vacation Buyback-Building Maint, Vacation Buyback-Highway, Clothing Allowance, Vacation Buyback-Auto, and Vacation Buyback-Parking to Snow Removal Services Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
59. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $231,000.00 from Senior Service Engineer, General Superintendent, Office Manager, HMEO-Refuse, Laborer-Refuse, HMEO-Highway, Power Shovel Operator-Highway, Prop Maint & Demo Worker, Laborer-Highway, and Motor Equipment Repairman to Snow Removal Services Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
60. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $17,500.00 from Parking Control Officer to Snow Removal Services Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Adopted 6-7-22
61. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI -- An order to amend section 7.10 to add definitions of marijuana establishments Referred Ordinance a. 6-28-22
b. 7-26-22
a. Public hearing opened, closed
b. Tabled
8-23-22 Amended, Approved Adopted and amended 9-1-22
62. PUELLO -- An order to place a handicap sign in front of 584 So. Summer St. for Isaiah Lee Suarez Referred Ordinance 7-26-22 Approved Adopted 8-2-22 Copied to Disabilities Commission
63. VACON -- An order to evaluate traffic flow on Kane and Vermont Street to reduce congestion during school pick up and drop off Referred Public Safety a. 6-27-22
b. 8-8-22
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
9-19-22 Complied with Complied with 10-4-22
A. BARTLEY -- An order for Engineer to present plan on traffic improvements for lower Whiting Farms Rd Referred Public Safety 6-27-22 Tabled Copied to Mayor, City Engineer
B. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $70,000 from Veterans Benefits - Direct to Special Counsel Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Approved Adopted 6-7-22
C. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $20,000 from Sanitarian I to Permitting Software Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Approved Adopted 6-7-22
D. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept LWCF ANNIVERSARY HILL PARK LAND ACQUISITION, $150,000 grant Referred Finance 5-23-22 Approved Approved Adopted 6-7-22


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