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City Council Orders June 6, 2023

Communications & Petitions

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
2. Mayor Joshua A. Garcia - Appointment letter for Lauren Niles to serve as an associate of the Planning Board Referred Public Service Appointment confirmed 6-20-23 Pulled from Committee 6-20-23
3. Mayor Joshua A. Garcia - Appointment letter for Michael Sullivan to serve as a member of the HEDIC Referred Public Service 6-28-23 Appointment recommended Appointment confirmed 8-1-23
4. Mayor Joshua A. Garcia - Reappointment letter for Jose L. Bayron to serve as a Commissioner of the Parks and Recreation Appointment confirmed Appointment confirmed 6-6-23
5. Tanya Wdowiak, City Auditor - General fund and sewer fund expense ending May 30, 2023 Referred Finance
6. Department of Public Works - 2019 Partial City-Wide Traffic Signal Replacement Project Referred Public Safety
7. Councilor Bartley - Communication regarding The New Valley Springs Behavioral Hospital to open in Holyoke Received Received 6-6-23
8. Councilor Jourdain - Communication regarding State Statute MGL CH 44B CPA Referred Finance 8-30-23 Received Copy to Law Dept, Mayor
9. Grant Completion Form - Community Mitigation Reserve Fund Grant, Massachusetts Gaming commission Received Received 6-6-23
10. Mackenzie Stadium Lease - Valley Blue Sox Adopted Adopted 6-6-23
11. Board of Fire Commission - 4-13-23 meeting minutes Received Received 6-6-23
12. Holyoke Redevelopment Authority - 4-12-23 meeting minutes Received Received 6-6-23
13. Margaret Wood Owners Project Manager - Response to public comment on Peck Middle School Received Received 6-6-23
14. Special Permit Application - Andre Gamble at 39-41 Portland St for a third floor dwelling Referred Ordinance
7-12-23 Approved with condition Adopted 8-1-23 Copy to DGR

Referred to DGR 6-20-23

15. Special Permit Application - Salmar Realty LLC c/o Peter Martins at 209 South St for Proposed Coffee shop/Drive Thru Restaurant Referred DGR a. 7-12-23
b. 8-23-23
c. 9-25-23
a. Continued to 8-23-23
b. Continued to 9-25-23
c. Continued to 11-20-23
a. 11-20-23
b. 12-18-23
c. 1-29-24
d. 2-27-24
a. Continued to 12-18-23
b. Continued to 1-29-24
c. Continued to 2-27-24

Committee Reports

Laid on the Table
1. An order to draft ballot question for voters to decide on reducing CPA tax from 1.5% to 0.5%
16A. Street Vendor License Application - Katherine Sanchez at 15-12 Dwight St 16B. An order to implement a job evaluation system for city employees 16C. An order to set HPS rates of $18/hr for Matrons and $22/hr for Reserve/special officers
16D. An order that bargaining agreements provided to City Council include changes from prior agreement and Auditor provide analysis on financial impacts 16E. An order to update Schedule C of 2-35 to reflect new title and salary for police matrons 16F. An order to update Schedule C of 2-35 to reflect competing salaries for police reserves
17A. 5yr Contract for the School Department Transportation with VanPool and Durham 17B. An order to accept Mass Dept of Agricultural Resources Local Food Policy Grant Program Holyoke Food Economy Coalition $8,000 No Match grant 17C. An order to appropriate $85,504,592 through bonding for new Peck Middle School
17D. An order to transfer $55,000 from Sergeant to Overtime 17E. An order to comply with MGL 30-62A and that environmental notification form is filed for middle school project 17F. An order to appropriate $85,504,592 through borrowing for the construction of the new Peck Middle School
Public Safety
18A. An order to install flashing stop sign on Magnolia Ave 18B. An order for a traffic study at the corner of Pine and Appleton 18C. An order for city engineer to review the inner section of Yale and Park Slope to slow traffic
18D. An order to place “STOP SIGN AHEAD” on Magnolia Avenue 18E. An order to study a possible right turning only lane at Hampden onto Pleasant 18F. An order to address pedestrian safety at the Clinton & Dwight street corner by adding crosswalk or light and raised bump
18G. An order to repaint crosswalk on Hillside Ave near Coit 18H. An order to ordain 'right turn only' when exiting the parking area at Metcalf School
18I. An order for city engineer to recommend traffic safety improvements at Linden and Hampshire Streets
18J. Barbara Blodgett - Letter addressing speeding on Hillside Avenue & Speeding within the City 18K. An order to discuss agreement for parking spaces for Eddie's Furniture at 865 Hampden Street 18L. An order for City Engineer to recommend traffic calming measures for Whiting Farms Rd
18M. An order for SLOW CHILDREN AT PLAY signs on Locust at MacKenzie and West Franklin 18N. An order for Engineer to draft feasibility and costs of a raised crosswalk adjacent to 401 Main St 18O. An order to address speeding on Beech between Portland and Linden
18P. An order to evaluate Cherry and Dale Streets for speed calming measures 18Q. An order to explore options for traffic mitigation on Whiting Farms Rd 18R. An order to consider installation of a traffic light at the intersection of 141 and Bemis Rd
18S. An order to explore repairing raised crossed walk on West Franklin and Magnolia Ave 18T. An order to review installing a raised sidewalk(s) in front of Blessed Sacrament School on Westfield Rd 18U. An order for study of Hamilton and Main Street intersection to improve safety
18V. An order change size of “no turn on red” signs at corner of Hillside Ave and Cherry St 18W. An order that DPW fully plow all of Ogden St 18X. An order to install raised crosswalk at Linden and West Franklin Streets
18Y. An order for a report on intersections with highest rates of accidents 18Z. An order to address safety concerns at the intersection of Beech St and West Franklin 18[. An order to place speed radar sign on Cherry Street near Dale Street
18\. An order to install raised crosswalks on Main between Hamilton and Sargeant, and Cabot and Spring 18]. An order for an update on crosswalk repairs at entrance to HCC 18^. An order to address pedestrian safety at the crosswalk installed on Hampden Street next to Stop and Shop
18_. An order to repair sidewalks on Hampden St near 8 Williams St. 18`. An order for DPW, HPD, Engineer report on traffic safety improvements at Linden and Hampshire, Linden and Locust 18a. An order fund sidewalk repair on designated streets through CDBG or ARPA funds
18b. An order to place red blinking lights or solar stop signs at all 4 way intersections 18c. An order to install light signal with crossing sounds at Hampden and Clinton
Public Service
19A. An order to interview for appointment to Holyoke Media board Pulled from Committee
Reappointment letter for Kate Kruckemeyer to serve as a Commissioner of the Planning Board
Development and Governmental Relations
20A. 2023 ARPA Allocation Spreadsheet

New orders

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
23. PUELLO -- An order to place speed humps on South Summer St Referred Ordinance 6-27-23 Referred to Engineer
24. PUELLO -- An order to place traffic trailer at Maple and Hampshire Streets Adopted Adopted 6-6-23
25. PUELLO -- An order for report on second mayor vehicle accident Referred Public Safety Copy to HPD
26. RIVERA_J -- An order to place handicap sign at 16 Center St Referred Ordinance 6-7-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23 Copy to Disabilities Commission
27. RIVERA_I -- An order to discuss developing a Returning Citizens department under public health Referred Public Safety 11-29-23 Complied with Complied with 12-5-23
28. RIVERA_I -- An order to add Willow St to traffic study list Referred Public Safety
29. RIVERA_I -- An order for representative of services offered by Holyoke Police Community Center Referred Public Safety 11-29-23 Complied with Complied with 12-5-23
30. RIVERA_I -- An order for updates on Holyoke Hub Referred Public Safety 11-29-23 Complied with Complied with 12-5-23
31. RIVERA_I -- An order to present proclamation to fiesta cafe (Juan Montano) for work with Holyoke Transitions Academy Adopted Adopted 6-6-23
32. RIVERA_I -- An order for Sheriff Dept discussion of recidivism and release data specifically to Holyoke Referred Public Safety 11-29-23 Complied with Complied with 12-5-23
33. VACON -- An order to place radar speed feedback sign on Cherry St near Dale Adopted Adopted 6-6-23 Copy to HPD
34. VACON — An order o place radar speed feedback sign on Whiting Farms Rd near mall Adopted Adopted 6-6-23 Copy to HPD
35. VACON — An order for road improvements on Homestead Ave from Cherry Street to Lower Westfield Rd Referred Finance 7-26-23 Complied with Complied with 8-1-23 Copy to Mayor
36. VACON — An order to repair sidewalk on Kane Rd at #35 and #55 Adopted Adopted 6-6-23 Copy to DPW
37. VACON — An order to remove dead tree on Evergreen Drive across from #79 Adopted Adopted 6-6-23 Copy to DPW, Forester, HG&E
38. VACON — An order to place radar speed feedback sign near 427 Southampton Rd Adopted Adopted 6-6-23 Copy to HPD
39. VACON — An order to place vote for CPA surcharge on 2023 ballot per attached petition Laid on the table Finance 8-30-23 Complied with Complied with 9-5-23 City Council tabled 6-6-23, 6-20-23
Referred to Finance 8-1-23
40. VACON — An order to place camera at Westfield Road and Homestead Ave to monitor truck traffic Adopted Adopted 6-6-23 Copy to HPD
41. ANDERSON-BURGOS, MALDONADO-VELEZ — An order to present proclamations to Jessica Wild and Mary Lambert for headlining Holyoke PrideFest Adopted Adopted 6-6-23
42. BARTLEY, MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI, PUELLO, TALLMAN, VACON — An order to improve and add signage at the Medal of Honor Way near Mitchell Field. Adopted Adopted 6-6-23 Copy to DPW
43. BARTLEY, MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI, PUELLO, TALLMAN, VACON — An order to enhance Medal of Honor Way near Mitchell Field to highlight McKenzie, Mueller, and Beaudoin Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 6-6-23
44. GIVNER — An order to remove handicap sign at 1820 16-18 Linden Referred Ordinance 6-27-23 Approved Adopted 8-1-23
45. GIVNER — An order for traffic study of Hampden St corridor from 202 to Nonotuck and Dwight St Corridor from Nonotuck to Beech Street Referred Public Safety Copy to City Engineer
46. GIVNER — An order to install informational Blind persons crossing signage at Hampden St and Clinton Ave crosswalk Adopted Adopted 6-6-23 Copy to City Engineer
47. GIVNER — An order to install informational parking sign at Division and High Streets to highlight available public parking Adopted Adopted 6-6-23 Copy to City Engineer
48. GIVNER — An order to cur trees and bushes at Beech and Dwight streets Adopted Adopted 6-6-23 Copy to DPW
49. JOURDAIN — An order to adopt resolution supporting small stakes gambling at senior centers Adopted Adopted 6-6-23
50. MCGEE — An order to cancel July 4, July 18 and August 15, 2023 meetings Adopted Adopted 6-6-23
51. MCGEE — An order to adopt home rule petition amending membership language for Soldiers Memorial Commission Adopted Adopted 6-6-23
52. MCGEE — An order for Finance Committee to discussion funding of subcommittee interpretation services Referred Finance 7-26-23 Complied with Complied with 8-1-23
53. MCGIVERIN — An order to appropriate through bonding $10,500,000 for Holyoke River Terrace Sewer Separation Project Referred Finance 6-14-23 Tabled 8-30-23 Approved Adopted 9-5-23
54. MCGIVERIN — An order to transfer $12,000 from Principal Clerks and Matrons to Medical and Training & Education Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
55. MCGIVERIN — An order to transfer $2,362.72 from Firefighter to Injured on Duty Adopted Adopted 6-6-23
56. MCGIVERIN — An order to transfer $675.06 from Firefighter to Injured on Duty Adopted Adopted 6-6-23
57. MCGIVERIN — An order to transfer $20,823.48 from Sergeant and Patrolmen to Injured on Duty Adopted Adopted 6-6-23
58. MCGIVERIN — An order to transfer $107,700 from Highway HMEO to various DPW lines Return to Auditor Return to Auditor 6-6-23 Duplicate of previous order
59. MCGIVERIN — An order to transfer $8,000 to from Highway HMEO to Prop Exp R&M Elmwood Fire Station and Prop Exp R&M W Holyoke Fire Station Return to Auditor Return to Auditor 6-6-23 Duplicate of previous order
60. MCGIVERIN — An order to accept 2023 Recycling Dividends Program, $7,700 no match grant Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
61. MCGIVERIN — An order to accept 2023 Transportation Planning Grant, $82,300 no match grant Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
62. MCGIVERIN — An order to accept Sewage Notification Assistance $64,039 no match grant Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
63. MCGIVERIN — An order to accept 2023 Community Planning Grant Award $200,000 no match grant Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
64. MCGIVERIN — An order to accept FY24 Greening the Gateway Cities Program Partnership Grant Award $30,000 no match grant Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
65. MCGIVERIN — An order to accept FY23 Municipal Energy Technical Assistant Grant Program $15,000 no match grant Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
66. MCGIVERIN — An order to accept Greening the Gateway Cities Program Partnership Grant Award $100,000 no match grant Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
67. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $143,000 from various DPW personnel lines to various DPW Parks, Water, and Refuse lines Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
68. MCGIVERIN — An order to transfer $29,975 from Highways Power Shovel Operator to various DPW Property, Administration and Auto lines Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
69. MCGIVERIN — An order to transfer $5,000 from Highways Power Shovel Operator to Refuse Exp Motor Vehicle Fuel Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
70. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI — An order to accept sale of 107 Clemente Street for $34,700.00 to Housing Innovations and Programming, Inc Referred DGR 7-12-23 Tabled 10-30-23 Approved
71. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI — An order to accept sale of 267 Elm Street for $15,000.00 to GEM Holdings, LLC Referred DGR 7-12-23 Approved Adopted 8-1-23
72. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI — An order to invite High Street Business Association for discussion Referred DGR 7-12-23 Complied with Complied with 8-1-23
A. MCGEE -- An order to adopt Chapter 32B, section 20 and to create a Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) Trust Fund Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
B. MCGEE -- An order to create Opioid Settlement Stabilization Fund Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
C. RIVERA_I, ANDERSON-BURGOS, MALDONADO VELEZ -- An order to establish a Holyoke Food Coalition by city ordinance Referred Ordinance 6-27-23 Tabled for legal form 10-24-23 Approved
D. TALLMAN -- An order to revise language of Soldiers Memorial Commission special act Received Received 6-6-23
E. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $75,000 from Free Cash to Legal Claims Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
F. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $50,000 from Free Cash to Mayor Contracted Services: Local Ambulance Study Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
G. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $56,998.37 from FY2023 Sewer Retained Earnings to Sewer Fund Management Services Contract: Previous Years Invoice for FY2022 Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
H. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $61,127.63 from FY2023 Sewer Retained Earnings to Sewer Fund Management Services Contract: Deficit Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
I. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $276,500 from Sewer Stabilization to Sewer Fund Management Services Contract: Deficit Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
J. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $52,500 from Free Cash to Police Capital Outlay Other Equipment: Portable Radios Replacement Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
K. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $560,000 from Free Cash to DPW Highways & Bridges Capital Outlay Vehicle- Plow Truck Replacement (2) Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
L. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $5,000 from Free Cash to Office of Public Safety: Office & Professional Supplies Referred Finance 6-14-23 Return to Auditor Return to Auditor 6-20-23
M. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $5,000 from Free Cash to OPEB Trust Fund Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
N. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $45,000 from Free Cash to Weights and Measures Capital Outlay Vehicle: Sealer of Weights & Measures Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
O. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $42,003 from Free Cash to DPW Property Capital Outlay Vehicle: Building Maintenance Pickup Truck Replacement Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
P. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $4,627 from Free Cash to Fire Information Technologies: Replace Dispatch Computers Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
Q. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $150,000 from Free Cash to Contract Forestry Services: Trees Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
R. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $100,000 from Free Cash to DPW Highways & Bridges Capital Outlay City Infrastructure: Sidewalk Improvement Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
S. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $100,000 from Free Cash to War Memorial Commission Capital Outlay Building Improvements: Repair Elevator Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
T. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $100,000 from Free Cash to Stabilization Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
U. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $1,481,473 from Free Cash to Capital Stabilization Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
V. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $73,000 from Free Cash to DPW Property Contracted Services: Implementation of DLS Hazard Control Recommendations Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
W. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $62,000 from Free Cash to Fire Capital Outlay Vehicles: Deputy Chief Replacement Vehicle Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
X. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $65,000 from Free Cash to Office of Public Safety: Housing Navigator / Homeless Liaison Referred Finance 6-14-23 Return to Auditor Return to Auditor 6-20-23
Y. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $35,000 from Free Cash to OPED Historic Programs Costs Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
Z. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $300,000 from Free Cash to Mayor Contracted Services: Ongoing catchup work for Treasurer’s Office Referred Finance 6-14-23 Return to Auditor Return to Auditor 6-20-23
AA. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $25,000 from Free Cash to Legal Special Counsel Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
BB. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $25,000 from Free Cash to DPW Property Capital Outlay Equipment: Environmentally Controlled Radio Repeater Enclosure at Clock Tower Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
CC. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $27,000 from Free Cash to DPW Highways & Bridges Capital Outlay City Equipment: Line Painter Replacement Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
DD. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $22,000 from Free Cash to Police Capital Outlay Vehicle: Cruiser MDT and Mounts Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
EE. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $250,000 from Free Cash to DPW Property Capital Outlay Building Improvements: Council Chambers Renovations Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
FF. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $250,574 from Free Cash to Police Capital Outlay Vehicle – Installment Payment 6 Cruisers Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
GG. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $225,000 from Free Cash to Police Data Management Equipment/Services: Records Management System Replacement Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
HH. MCGIVERIN -- An order to appropriate $56,998.37 from Sewer Enterprise Fund Department’s Sewer Fund Management Services Contract for services rendered in fiscal year 2022 Referred Finance 6-14-23 Approved Adopted 6-20-23
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