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Attention Holyoke residents, the current parking ban will conclude on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 6am. Please be advised that starting at 8:00am on Monday, February 17, 2025, a reverse parking ban will be enforced, prohibiting parking on the EVEN side of the street and on cul-de-sacs until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Atención residentes de Holyoke, la actual prohibición de estacionamiento concluirá el lunes 17 de febrero de 2025, a las 6am. Les informamos que a partir de las 8am del 17 de febrero, comenzará una prohibición de estacionamiento inversa, prohibiendo estacionarse en el lado PAR de la calle y en las calles sin salida hasta nuevo aviso. Gracias por su cooperación.

City Council Orders June 15, 2021

Communications & Petitions

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
7. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter appointing Mr. Michael Falcetti to serve on the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) for the Office of Community Development Appointment confirmed Appointment confirmed 6-15-21
8. Acting City Solicitor - opinion regarding required timelines to act upon an ordinance Received Received 6-15-21
9. Lisa Ball, Acting City Solicitor - Contract for David Pratt Referred Finance 8-2-21 Received Adopted 8-3-21 Copied to Law Department
10. Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC and Jeffery Anderson-Burgos, Admin. Ass't - 6-1-21 City Council Meeting Minutes Received Received 6-15-21
11. City Auditor Tanya Wdowiak - YTD Budget Reports for General Fund and Sewer Fund as of May 30, 2021 Referred Finance
12. Alicia M. Zoeller, Administrator Office of Community Development - American Rescue Plan Act Grant Referred Finance 8-2-21 Complied with Complied with 8-3-21
13. Michael P. McManus, Superintendent Department of Public Works - letter regarding Sewer Rate Recommendation Referred Ordinance 6-29-21 Tabled
14. Communication on Aaron Vega appointing him to Director of the Office of Planning and Economic Development effective January 25, 2021 Referred Public Service
15. Settlement Agreement by and Between the City of Holyoke and the Holyoke Professional Supervisor Association Referred Finance 8-2-21 Tabled 8-30-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21 Copied to all councilors
16. Board of Fire Commission - 4-27-21 Meeting minutes Received Received 6-15-21
17. Petition of Diego Munoz Torres for a renewal of a second hand license at 241 Main St Adopted Adopted 6-15-21
18. Petition of Gary W. Gladu for a new special permit for a Driveway in Front Yard ( at 139 Huron Ave Referred DGR 9-27-21 Approved Approved 10-5-21
19. Petition of Taylor Bates for a new special permit for Driveway in Front Yard ( at 37 Elmwood Ave Leave to Withdraw Leave to Withdraw 6-15-21
Late File A. Separation Agreement between Mass Dept of Education and Dr. Vasquez Matos Referred DGR 9-27-21 Tabled
Late File B. Community Outreach Notice for Marijuana Courier, 382 Dwight St Referred Ordinance
Late File C. Street Vendor License Application, Nicole Ortiz Crave Food Truck Referred Ordinance 9-28-21 Approved Approved 10-5-21
Late File D. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter clarifying control of auxiliary police Received Received 6-15-21
Late File E.Historical Commission - letter regarding demolition of historical buildings Referred Finance a. 8-2-21
b. 1-31-22
a. Received
b. Referred to Ordinance
a. 4-26-22 (Ordinance) Tabled
Late File F. Atty's Ball and Wellhoff - legal opinions on motions to reconsider and to table Received Received 6-15-21
Late File G. Tanya Wdowiak, City Auditor, Communications regarding the projected revenue loss calculations for ARPA funds Referred Finance 8-2-21 Complied with Complied with 8-3-21
Late File H. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter stating support of extending bus contract Received Received 6-15-21

Committee Reports

Clicking on reports will link back to original filing of orders (back to 1-1-21)

20A. Law Department - Legal draft creating stabilization fund for marijuana impact fees 20B. Petition of Green Highland LLC - new Marijuana Retail and Manufacturing Establishment at 26 Hadley Mills Rd  20C. Petition of Mass Cannabis Growers Cooperative LLC for a special permit for a Marijuana Manufacturing Establishment at 11 Jackson St
20D. An order to create a revolving fund for the municipal rideshare funding received through the Transportation Network Company 20E. An order to update ordinances to reflect June 19th holiday 21A. An order to accept provsions of DCR URBAN FORESTRY CHALLENGE GRANT
21B. An order to accept provisions of CORONAVIRUS LOCAL FISCAL RECOVERY FUNDS grant 21C. An order to accept provisions of FY2020 COMMONWEALTH SECURITY TRUST FUND GRANT, $20,000, NO MATCH grant 21D. An order to transfer $50,000 from POWER SHOVEL OPERATOR to CLAIMS & DAMAGES
21E. An order to transfer $150 from CONSERVATION RESTRICTION COSTS to DCR URBAN FORESTRY CHALLENGE 21F. An order to transfer $3,843 from PAY-MAYOR'S AIDE to PAY-PERSONNEL ADMIN 21G. An order to transfer $250,000 from PUBLIC SCHOOLS - OTHER EXPENSES to HEALTH INSURANCE
21H. An order for auditor to discuss & update on rules associated with the ARP Act 21I. An order for Auditor and Planning to discuss host community agreements 21J. An order to consider using ARP funds toward Holyoke Rows proposal
23A. Acting Mayor Terry Murphy - Appointment letter of Sheila Biermann to serve as Personnel Director 23B. An order to propose replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day 23C. An order to interview translation services for City Council meetings

New Orders


Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
27. MCGIVERIN -- an order to transfer $5,000.00 from FIREFIGHTER to LIEUTENANT Adopted Adopted 6-15-21
28. MCGIVERIN -- an order to transfer $3,820.24 from FIREFIGHTER to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 6-15-21
29. MCGIVERIN -- an order to transfer $2,228.92 from FIREFIGHTER to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 6-15-21
30. MCGIVERIN -- an order to transfer $11,880.40 from LIEUTENANT, PATROLMEN, and SERGEANT to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 6-15-21
31. MCGIVERIN -- an order to transfer $2,055.00 from ASSISTANT SOLICITOR to ASSOCIATE SOLICITOR Adopted Adopted 6-15-21
32. MCGIVERIN -- An order to appropriate $575,000 to pay the costs of infrastructure improvements for raised sidewalks at the Dean School Main Street entrance, Westfield Road at Mayer Field, West Franklin Street, and Northampton Street roadwork improvements. Adopted Adopted 6-15-21
33. MCGIVERIN -- An order to appropriate $856,750 for building demolition at 45 Dwight Street, 84 Newton Street, 144 High Street, 106 Pine Street, and 246 Lyman Street Referred Finance 8-2-21 Denied Denied 8-3-21 Copied to Historical Commission
34. MURPHY -- An order for no parking on section of Beaulieu St Referred Ordinance 8-31-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21
35. MURPHY -- An order to raise the sewer fee to a minimum of $8.05 per 1000 gallons to avoid deficits and plan for improvements Referred Ordinance 6-29-21 Public Hearing set for July 28 7-28-21 Approved Adopted 10-5-21 Rate of $7.50 adopted
36. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to study traffic on Northampton St due to speeding traffic Adopted Adopted 6-15-21 Copied to HPD, Engineer, Public Safety Committee
37. BARTLEY -- An order to approve sale of 86 Beech Street for $15,000 to BEX, LLC Referred DGR 12-1-21 Approved Adopted 12-7-21
38. BARTLEY -- An order to approve sale of 277 Main Street for $5,000 to Next Realty, Inc. Referred DGR 12-1-21 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 12-7-21
39. BARTLEY -- An order to approve sale of 285 Main Street for $5,000 to Next Realty, Inc. Referred DGR 12-1-21 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 12-7-21
40. HERNANDEZ -- A resolution to support the establishment of Indigenous Peoples Day Adopted Adopted 6-15-21
41. LISI -- An order that section be amended to allow for increased fence heights by special permit Referred Ordinance 8-31-21 Public Hearing closed, pending Planning Board recommendation 10-12-21 Approved Adopted 11-16-21 Tabled by full City Council, awaiting legal form 10-19-21
42. LISI -- An order that the marijuana ordinance be amended to correct 1) the site plan review process in section (b) and 2) the reference to the Table 4.3 of Principal Uses in (a) Referred Ordinance a. 8-31-21
b. 9-28-21
a. Public hearing continued to 9-28-21
b. Public hearing continued to 10-26-21
a. 10-26-21
b. 11-23-21
a. Public Hearing Closed, tabled pending ordinance change recommendation
b. Approved
Denied 12-21-21
43. LISI -- An order to place a ballot question to combine duties of Treasurer and Tax Collector Referred Charter and Rules a. 9-30-21
b. 2-23-22
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
4-12-22 Complied with Complied with 4-19-22
44. LISI -- An order to place a ballot question to allow marijuana consumption on premises where sold Referred Charter and Rules 2-23-22 Tabled 4-12-22 Complied with Complied with 4-19-22
45. LISI -- An order to create a Retail Center (RC) zone Referred Ordinance a. 7-27-21
b. 9-14-21
c. 10-12-21
a. Public hearing continued to 9-14-21
b. Public Hearing continued to 10-12-21
c. Public Hearing continued to 11-9-21
a. 11-9-21
b. 11-23-21
c. 12-14-21
a. Public hearing continued to 11-23-21
b. Public hearing closed, approved, referred to Law Dept for legal form
c. Approved
Referred from City Council back to Ordinance 12-21-21
46. LISI -- An order to replace Shopping Center Districts with Retail Center (RC) Referred Ordinance a. 7-27-21
b. 9-14-21
c. 10-12-21
a. Public hearing continued to 9-14-21
b. Public Hearing continued to 10-12-21
c. Public Hearing continued to 11-9-21
a. 11-9-21
b. 11-23-21
c. 12-14-21
a. Public hearing continued to 11-23-21
b. Public hearing continued to 12-14-21
c. Approved
Referred from City Council back to Ordinance 12-21-21
47. LISI -- An order to rezone parcels to Retail Center (RC) Referred Ordinance a. 7-27-21
b. 9-14-21
c. 10-12-21
a. Public hearing continued to 9-14-21
b. Public Hearing continued to 10-12-21
c. Public Hearing continued to 11-9-21
a. 11-9-21
b. 11-23-21
c. 12-14-21
d. 2-22-22
a. Public hearing continued to 11-23-21
b. Public hearing continued to 12-14-21
c. Continued to 2-22-22
d. Leave to withdraw
Leave to withdraw 3-1-22
48. MCGEE -- An order to discontinue the use of the Accuvote OS Tabulation System and begin using the ImageCast Precinct Generation One for elections Adopted Adopted 6-15-21
49. MCGEE -- An order to extend bus transportation contract for an additional two years Adopted Adopted 6-15-21
50. MCGEE -- An order remove residency requirement for City Solicitor Referred Ordinance 1-25-22 Leave to Withdraw Leave to withdraw 2-1-22
51. MCGEE -- An order for the City Solicitor to research how other law departments are set up in Western Massachusetts Referred Ordinance 5-11-22 Tabled 5-24-22 Complied with Complied with 6-7-22
52. MCGEE -- An order to update City Solicitor ordinance sections based on any new proposed structuring of the City’s law department Referred Ordinance a. 5-11-22
b. 5-24-22
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
6-8-22 Approved Adopted 6-21-22
53. MCGEE -- An order that the City Council elect to fill the vacancy of City Treasurer with Kate Jackowski Appointment confirmed Appointment confirmed 6-15-21


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