Title |
Initial Status |
Committee |
CMTE Date 1 |
CMTE Date 1 Status |
CMTE Date 2 |
CMTE Date 2 Status |
Final Status |
Notes |
12. DEVINE, J. RIVERA, GIVNER -- An order to amend rule to hold meetings at 6:30 |
Referred |
Charter and Rules |
13. DEVINE, J. RIVERA, GIVNER -- An order to amend rule on process for City Clerk absence |
Referred |
Charter and Rules |
14. DEVINE, J. RIVERA, GIVNER -- An order to amend decorum rule to limit speaking on items to twice |
Referred |
Charter and Rules |
15. DEVINE, J. RIVERA, GIVNER -- An order to amend decorum rule to require respect of city employees |
Referred |
Charter and Rules |
16. DEVINE, J. RIVERA, GIVNER -- An order to amend rule to remove language after Pledge of Allegiance |
Referred |
Charter and Rules |
17. DEVINE -- An order to transfer $35,446.34 from Sergeants and Patrolmen to Injured on Duty |
Adopted |
Adopted 1-22-24 |
18. DEVINE -- An order to transfer $20,000 from Capital Stabilization to Contracted Services-Mayor |
Referred |
Finance |
1-31-24 |
Approved |
19. DEVINE -- An order to transfer $300,000 from Sergeants, Patrolmen, and E911 Dispatchers to Overtime |
Referred |
Finance |
1-31-24 |
Approved |
20. DEVINE -- An order to accept Mass Emergency Management Agency Hazard Mitigation $26,800, 10% in kind grant |
Referred |
Finance |
1-31-24 |
Approved |
21. DEVINE -- An order to accept 2023 Community Mitigation Fund Transportation Planning $82,300 grant |
Referred |
Finance |
1-31-24 |
Approved |
22. DEVINE -- An order to accept FY23 TDI Equity $38,550 grant |
Referred |
Finance |
1-31-24 |
Tabled |
23. DEVINE, JOURDAIN -- An order to make no parking sign at 88 Jarvis Ave larger |
Adopted |
Adopted 1-22-24 |
Copy to DPW |
24. DEVINE -- An order to place Blind Driveway Ahead sign near 88 Jarvis Ave |
Adopted |
Adopted 1-22-24 |
Copy to DPW |
25. DEVINE -- An order to add City Engineer to Schedule A, Grade 13 |
Referred |
Ordinance |
26. DEVINE -- An order to resurrect Peace and Good Order ordinance |
Referred |
Ordinance |
27. JOURDAIN -- An order for mayor to present plan on bringing structural deficit to zero |
Adopted |
Adopted 1-22-24 |
Copy to Mayor, Finance Committee |
28. JOURDAIN, OCASIO -- An order to discuss issues and solutions around homelessness |
Referred |
Public Safety |
29. JOURDAIN, OCASIO -- An order for OPED to discuss helping people start small businesses |
Referred |
30. JOURDAIN, OCASIO -- An order to install flashing stop at Cabot and South Summer |
Adopted |
Adopted 1-22-24 |
Copy to Engineer, Public Safety Committee |
31. JOURDAIN, OCASIO -- An order to repaint crosswalk at Cabot and South Summer |
Adopted |
Adopted 1-22-24 |
Copy to DPW |
32. JOURDAIN, OCASIO -- An order to clear sidewalk of signs at Cabot and South Summer |
Adopted |
Adopted 1-22-24 |
Copy to DPW, Engineer |
33. MAGRATH-SMITH -- An order for City Clerk to outline procedures for updating Municode |
Referred |
Charter and Rules |
34. MAGRATH-SMITH -- An order for information on criteria for tree-cutting on private property |
Adopted |
Adopted 1-22-24 |
Copy to DPW, Law Department |
35. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI -- An order to approve MOU to receive transportation reimbursement from Every Student Succeeds Act |
Referred |
Finance |
1-31-24 |
Approved |
36. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI -- An order to establish Health Insurance Trust Agreement |
Referred |
Finance |
1-31-24 |
Approved |
Copy to Mayor |
37. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI -- An order for top salary reports for 2023 |
Adopted |
Adopted 1-22-24 |
Copy to Treasurer |
38. I. RIVERA-- An order for a list of benefit payouts from the Police Department for 20 years |
Referred |
Finance |
39. VACON, JOURDAIN -- An order that storm drains be cleaned at Mountain Road |
Adopted |
Adopted 1-22-24 |
Copy to Veolia |
40. VACON, JOURDAIN -- An order to evaluate Mountain Road for beams and berms |
Adopted |
Adopted 1-22-24 |
Copy to Engineer |
41. VACON, BARTLEY -- An order for permanent speed feedback signs on Homestead Ave |
Adopted |
Adopted 1-22-24 |
Copy to Mayor |
42. BARTLEY -- An order to invite Parade Committee and AOH award winners and dignitaries to first March meeting |
Adopted |
Adopted 1-22-24 |
43. BARTLEY -- An order for an update on traffic sign improvements at main gate of HCC |
Adopted |
Adopted 1-22-24 |
Copy to Mayor |
44. BARTLEY -- An order to discuss plan for fair Share amendment appropriation to city |
Referred |
Finance |
1-31-24 |
Complied with |
45. BARTLEY -- An order to paint no parking markings on Martin and Hitchcock |
Adopted |
Adopted 1-22-24 |
Copy to DPW |
46. BARTLEY -- An order to invite representatives of Governor and Senator Markey to DGR meeting |
Referred |
47. BARTLEY -- An order to invite state delegation to meeting |
Referred |