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City Council Orders December 21, 2021

Communications & Petitions

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
3. Mayor Joshua A. Garcia - letter re-appointing Jeffrey Horan to serve as a member of the Conservation Commission Appointment confirmed Appointment confirmed 12-21-21
4. Mayor Joshua A. Garcia - letter appointing Chelsea Gazillo to serve as a member of the Conservation Commission Appointment confirmed Appointment confirmed 12-21-21
5. Mayor Joshua A. Garcia - letter re-appointing Olivia Mausel to serve as an alternate member of the Fairfield Avenue Historic District Appointment confirmed Appointment confirmed 12-21-21
6. Lisa Ball, Acting City Solicitor - Legal opinion on marijuana facility special permits Referred Ordinance 1-12-22 Received
7. Lisa Ball, Acting City Solicitor - Subdivision settlement participation forms Received Received 12-21-21
8. Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC and Jeffery Anderson-Burgos Admin Asst to City Council - 12-7-21 City Council meeting minutes Received Received 12-21-21 Amended with two corrections
9. OPED - letter regarding sale of Lots 1 and 2 on Mountain Road Received Received 12-21-21
10. Michael Dodge, Conservation Commission - letter regarding sale of Lots 1 and 2 on Mountain Road Received Received 12-21-21
11. Holyoke School Committee - letter regarding transfer of St Vincent property to City Referred DGR Copied to OPED
12. Parks and Rec - 9-30-21 Meeting Minutes Received Received 12-21-21
13. Board of Health - 7-20-21, 8-31-21, and 9-29-21 Meeting Minutes Received Received 12-21-21
14. Redevelopment Authority - 6-9-21, 8-18-21, 9-29-21, and 10-27-21 Meeting Minutes Received Received 12-21-21
15. Karen A. Spear - Renewal of Home Occupation for Nail Salon at 778 Homestead Ave Adopted Adopted 12-21-21
16. Kenrick Williams - Renewal of Home Occupation for Property Management/Preservation at 97 Locust St Adopted Adopted 12-21-21
17. Erin Kelly - Renewal of Home Occupation for Yoga Studio at 123 Homestead Ave Adopted Adopted 12-21-21
Late File A. Tanya Wdowiak - explanation of transfer to Personnel Director account Received Received 12-21-21
Late File B. Councilor Sullivan - Communication regarding the future of MME's in Holyoke Referred Ordinance 1-12-22 Received 2-22-22 Received
Late File E. Councilor Leahy - letter from Holyoke Taxpayers Association regarding proposed wage theft ordinance Received Received 12-21-21
Late File F. Mayor Garcia - letter detailing position on the Wage Theft ordinance Received Received 12-21-21
Late File H. Councilor Sullivan - communication providing opinion from Atty Roger P Lipton on city liability related to denying marijuana establishment special permits Referred Ordinance 1-12-22 Received

Committee Reports

Clicking on reports will link back to original filing of orders (back to 1-1-21)

1. An order to transfer $4,020.00 from HEAD CLERK to PERSONNEL DIRECTOR 2. An order that the marijuana ordinance be amended to correct two errors 18A. An order to create a Retail Center (RC) zone
18B. Petition for a new special permit for ACMJ., Inc. for a Marijuana Cultivation and Processing Establishment at 532 Main St 18C. Cannalive Genetics - Petition for a special permit for marijuana manufacturing establishment at 532 Main St 18D. Special Petition Application MME - H & H Cultivation LLC at 40-48 Main St
18E. An order to update job duties for Administrative Assistant to the City Council 18F. An order to strike section (g) (2) of ordinance 2-69 restricting city employees from serving on City Council 18G. An order to consider adopting a wage theft ordinance for all contractors doing projects for the city or receiving special tax incentives by the city
18H. An order to replace Shopping Center Districts with Retail Center (RC) 19A. An order to accept provisions of the "HUD HOME Investment Partnerships- American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP)” grant 19B. An order to accept provisions of the "RECYCLING DIVIDENDS PROGRAM, $14,400, NO MATCH" grant
19C. CPA Project funding extension recommendations 19D. Meagan Magrath-Smith Holyoke Community Preservation Act Chairman - communication regarding Amy Landau increase in salary 19E. Settlement Agreement by and between the City of Holyoke and UFCW, Local 1459 Council on Aging employees
19F. An order to transfer $915.00 from VACATION BUYBACK to EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR and ASST. DIRECTOR 19G. An order to transfer $800.00 from LONGEVITY to OVERTIME 19H. An order to transfer $5,000.00 from PARKING CONTROL OFFICER to R&M CITY HALL
19I. An order to transfer $5,000.00 from PARKS MAINTENANCE MAN to R&M CITY HALL ANNEX 19J. An order to transfer $1,650.00 from LONGEVITY and VACATION BUYBACK to NUTRITION DIRECTOR and HEALTH SERVICES 19K. An order to transfer $10,000.00 from PARKS MAINTENANCE MAN and HEAVY MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR to R&M PELLISSIER BLDG
19L. An order to transfer $10,000.00 from HEAVY MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR to R&M POLICE 19M. An order to transfer $10,000.00 from HEAVY MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR to R&M SENIOR CENTER 19N. An order to transfer $2,500.00 from HEAVY MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR to R&M FIRE STATION NO. 3

New Orders


Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
25. MCGEE -- An order that reports of city top salaries be provided Adopted Adopted 12-21-21
26. MCGEE -- An order to remove dead tree at end of Green Lane Adopted Adopted 12-21-21 Copied to DPW
27. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $5,000.00 from ASSESSOR to ASSESSMENT UPDATE Referred Finance 1-10-22 Approved Adopted 1-18-22
28. MCGIVERIN -- An order to appropriate by $475,000 by bond for middle school design phase Referred Finance a. 1-10-22
b. 1-31-22
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
2-7-22 Approved Returned to Auditor 2-15-22 Replacement order filed for clarifying MSBA process 2-15-22
29. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $18,881.72 from PAY-INVESTIGATOR to PAY-NATIONAL SERVICE OFFICER Referred Finance 1-31-22 Returned to Auditor Returned to Auditor 2-1-22
30. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $65,000 from HEAVY MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR to REFUSE-OTHER SERVICES Referred Finance 2-7-22 Approved Adopted 2-15-22
31. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $2,296.78 from FIREFIGHTER to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 12-21-21
32. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $16,572.71 from LIEUTENANT, SERGEANT, and PATROLMEN to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 12-21-21
33. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to place pedestrian state law signs at Northampton St crosswalk Adopted Adopted 12-21-21 Copied to DPW, Public Safety Committee
34. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to amend rule 32 D&GR description to reflect Ordinance Committee handling of marijuana petitions Referred Charter and Rules 1-26-22 Approved Adopted 2-1-22
35. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to create a new rule clarifying voting majorities when councilors abstain Referred Charter and Rules a. 1-26-22
b. 2-23-22
a.. Tabled
b. Tabled
a. 4-12-22
b. 6-14-22
a. Tabled
b. Complied with
Complied with 6-21-22
36. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order amending rule 61 clarifying course of action for inactive orders in committee Referred Charter and Rules 1-26-22 Tabled 2-23-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 3-1-22
37. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to amend rule 38 to change ordinance passage threshold from 2/3 majority to simple majority Referred Charter and Rules a. 1-26-22
b. 2-23-22
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
a. 4-12-22
b. 6-14-22
a. Tabled
b. Complied with
Complied with 6-21-22
38. BARTLEY - An order to place handicap sign at 76 Chapin St #1L for America Rivera Referred Ordinance 2-22-22 Approved Adopted 3-1-22 Copied to Disabilities Commission
Late File C. TALLMAN, LEBRON-MARTINEZ, SULLIVAN, BARTLEY - An order to give proclamation to Garvulenski Service Station for 50 years of service Adopted Adopted 12-21-21
Late File D. SULLIVAN - An order to approve CPA expenditure of $60,000 for the restoration of the Lady Liberty statue Adopted Adopted 12-21-21
Late File H. BARTLEY, LEAHY, MURPHY, VACON - An order to discuss odor mitigation at marijuana entities Referred Ordinance a. 1-12-22
b. 2-22-22
c. 3-22-22
a. Tabled, Public hearing to opened up on 2-22-22
b. Continued to 3-22-22
c. Continued to 5-24-22
a. 5-24-22
b. 6-28-22
c. 7-26-22
d. 8-23-22
a. Continued to 6-28-22
b. Public hearing closed
c. Tabled
d. Approved
Adopted 9-1-22 Copied to Board of Health, Building Commissioner, OPED


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