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Attention Holyoke residents, the current parking ban will conclude on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 6am. Please be advised that starting at 8:00am on Monday, February 17, 2025, a reverse parking ban will be enforced, prohibiting parking on the EVEN side of the street and on cul-de-sacs until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Atención residentes de Holyoke, la actual prohibición de estacionamiento concluirá el lunes 17 de febrero de 2025, a las 6am. Les informamos que a partir de las 8am del 17 de febrero, comenzará una prohibición de estacionamiento inversa, prohibiendo estacionarse en el lado PAR de la calle y en las calles sin salida hasta nuevo aviso. Gracias por su cooperación.

City Council Orders April 5, 2022

Communications & Petitions

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
3. Mayor Joshua A. Garcia - reappointment letter for Jeffrey A. Trask to serve as a the Emergency Management Director Confirmed Confirmed 4-5-22
4. Alicia M. Zoeller, OCD Administrator, - FY2022 CDBG allocation Recommendations and FY2022 Resolution Received Received 4-5-22
5. DPW Commissioner Patricia C. Devine - letter regarding ordinance Language for Director of the DPW Received Received 4-5-22
6. Tanya Wdowiak, City Auditor - General Fund/Sewer YTD Expense & PILOT Reports Received Received 4-5-22
7. Communication regarding Main Street, Springdale Corridor, Executive Session Received Received 4-5-22
8. Massachusetts Association of Realtors - Guide to Understanding housing choice and its opportunities Received Received 4-5-22 Copied to the Ordinance Committee
9. Communication regarding Main Street, Springdale Corridor, Feasibility Study Received Received 4-5-22
10. Parks & Recreation - 1-13-22 Meeting Minutes Received Received 4-5-22
11. Board of Public Works - 2-7-22, 2-23-22, 3-7-22 meeting minutes Received Received 4-5-22
12. Board of Fire Commission - 2-28-22 meeting minutes Received Received 4-5-22
13. Holyoke Board of Health - 10-4-21, 11-1-21, 12-2-21, 1-3-22 meeting minutes Received Received 4-5-22
14. Holyoke Redevelopment Authority - 2-16-22 meeting minutes Received Received 4-5-22
15. City Clerk Brenna Murphy McGee and Admin. Assistant Jeffery Anderson-Burgos - 3-15-22 City Council Meeting Minutes Received Received 4-5-22
16. City Solicitor Lisa Ball - Legal Fees Calendar Year 2021 & FY22 Received Received 4-5-22
17. Navae Fenwick Rodriguez, Director of Holyoke Senior Center - Senior Tax Work Off Program Received Received 4-5-22
18. Second hand license renewal - Frank Ferrini at 375 Whitney Ave Adopted Adopted 4-5-22
19. Second hand license renewal - Tai Woong Kang at 311 High St Adopted Adopted 4-5-22
20. Second hand license renewal - William F. Sullivan & Co, Inc. for a renewal of a Junk Dealer at 1 Jeds Day Landing Adopted Adopted 4-5-22
21. Junk dealer license renewal - William F. Sullivan & Co, Inc. at 107 Appleton St. Adopted Adopted 4-5-22
22. Second hand license renewal - Brad Matthews Jewelers at 2225 Northampton St Adopted Adopted 4-5-22
23. Pool Table and Bowling alley license renewal - Turn Verien at 624 South Bridge St Adopted Adopted 4-5-22
24. Special Permit Application - Michael Morin at 938 Main Street for 6.4 Signs Referred DGR 5-25-22 Referred to Planning Board Referred to Planning Board 6-7-22
25. Zone change Application - Gennaro Santaniello at 18 Cabot St. from BH to BC Referred Ordinance 5-24-22 Public hearing opening, closed, tabled 6-21-22 Approved Adopted 6-21-22
A. Anthony Soto, HPS Receiver - Update on middle school project Referred Finance
C. John Kelley, Planning Board Chair - Explanation of Planning Board recommendation for front yard pools Referred Ordinance

Committee Reports

Clicking on reports will link back to original filing of orders (back to 1-1-21)

1. An order that the City Council Administrative Assistant be a two year appointment 2. An order to amend zoning ordinances to allow for front yard pools by special permit 26A. Hybrid House LLC - Special permit application for Marijuana Manufacturing Establishment at 55 Jackson St
26B. An order to amend Zoning Ordinances Section, changing all others uses to language relative to schools 26C. An order to revise buffer language of marijuana ordinance 26D. An order for a handicap sign at 56 Linden St. for Hedy S. Jaundoo
27A. CPA Recommendations for FY22 CPA Projects 27B. Petition for Segundo Solorzano for a Vendor License around Holyoke Streets 27C. An order to accept FY21 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT, $20,150, IN KIND MATCH grant
27D. An order to accept S.A.F.E. FIRE EDUCATION $6,275/ SENIOR SAFE $3,255, TOTAL $9,530, NO MATCH grant 27E. An order to transfer $4,440.00 from VETERANS BENEFITS-DIRECT to CONTRACTED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 27F. An order to transfer $75,000.00 from FIREFIGHTER to OVERTIME
27G. An order to transfer $3,000.00 from VETERANS BENEFITS - DIRECT to OUT OF STATE TRAVEL 27H. An order to transfer $22,768.00 from INVENTORY CONTROL COORDINATOR and HEAD CLERK to ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SPECIALIST and OFFICE SPECIALIST 27I. An order to transfer $200,000.00 from PATROLMEN to OVERTIME
27J. Second hand license application - Jonathan Maldonado at 385 Main St 28A. An order to change 380R Dwight St to 382 Dwight St 28B. An order for a traffic study at West Franklin and St Jerome
28C. An order for a traffic study on Sargeant between St Jerome and Sycamore 28D. An order to discuss safety and security at City Hall 28E. An order to explore improvements to canal walk area
28F. An order for the engineer to look into changing Peoples Bank driveway on Beech St to entrance only 28G. An order to discuss activities of Bike Ped Committee 28H. An order to repair lighting at Laurel Park
28I. An order to repair fountain at Laurel park 28J. An order to provide more advance warning of raising sidewalks 28K. An order improve methods of enforcement of city ordinances
28L. An order for Acting Mayor and City Council President to plan for reopening and holding meetings at City Hall 28M. An order to discuss improvements to neighborhood watch programs 28N. An order to invite school officials, the mayor, and police chief for a discussion of flyers discouraging calling the police
30A. Community Development - FFY 2022 Block Grant Applications 30B. An order to accept sale of 144 High Street for $5,000 to Carlos Peña and Katy Moonan of Paper City Clothing Company 30C. An order for Sarah Greenleaf of DCR to meet to discuss tree-planting program
30D. An order to invite in Lynn Gray, new General Manager of the Holyoke Mall 30E. An petition for Verizon pole locations on  Northampton Street 30F. Home occupation Special Permit Application - Carmen Rivera at 170 Oak St
30G. A petition for Verizon pole locations on Pleasant Street 30H. An order to declare Old Rock Valley Road parcel as surplus property 30I. An order to declare former Geriatric Authority as surplus property
30J. An order to discuss organization and work of Neighbor to Neighbor 30K. An order to discuss traffic options on Dillon Ave, Dwight St. and Northampton St 30L. An order to adopt resolution opposing Roe Bill
30M. An order to convey parcel 17-00-148 to Holyoke Housing Authority for $1.00 30N. An order to meet develop a schedule for snow removal on sidewalks adjacent to canals 30O. An order discuss potential usage of HUD Section 108 funds
30P. An order to declare paper street adjacent to 72 Mueller Rd and Rear County Road as surplus property 30Q. An order to place two acre parcels on Mountain Rd into conversation area 30R. An order to adopt safe and accepting community resolution
30S. An order to discuss $250,000 grant received by Wistariahurst 30T. An order to discuss drafting of contracts with Rory Casey 30U. An order convey portion of Geriatric Authority parcel to Holyoke Housing Authority for $1.00
30V. An order to adopt a welcoming community resolution 30W. An order to request financial documents regarding contracts with Rory Casey for March 22, 2019 30X. An order to request financial documents regarding contracts with Rory Casey for November 19, 2018 to June 30, 2019
30Y. An order to discuss overview of services with Roca 30Z. An order to declare a portion of a parcel on Easthampton Road as surplus property

New Orders

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
33. RIVERA_J -- An order to place a handicap sign in front of 60 Northeast St. for Mariano Gomez Referred Ordinance 5-11-22 Approved Adopted 5-17-22 Copied to Disabilities Commission
34. RIVERA_I -- An order to invite organizers of Holyoke HUB to present on what they do Referred Public Safety 6-27-22 Complied with Complied with 8-2-22
35. RIVERA_I -- An order to review Boston's Cannabis Equity program ordinance and draft a similar ordinance Referred Ordinance Copied to the Law Department
36. VACON, PUELLO -- An order to request the Mayor utilize marijuana stabilization money to mitigate odors from marijuana facilities Adopted Adopted 4-5-22 Copied to the Mayor
37. VACON, JOURDAIN, PUELLO -- An order for update on heroin related overdoses Adopted Adopted 4-5-22 Copied to the Public Safety Committee
38. VACON, JOURDAIN, PUELLO -- An order for Legal opinion clarify allowed uses of marijuana impact fee Referred Ordinance 11-29-22 Tabled Copied to the Law Department
39. VACON -- An order to examine Ordinance 26-33 Emergency Management Director Referred Ordinance 8-23-22 Approved Adopted 9-1-22
40. ANDERSON-BURGOS, JOURDAIN, PUELLO -- An order to address safety concerns at the intersection of Beech St and West Franklin Referred Public Safety 5-22-23 Complied with Complied with 6-6-23 Copied to Police Department, Mayor, Public Works, HG&E, MassDOT
41. BARTLEY, PUELLO -- An order to invite GEORGE MULRY to discuss Volleyball Hall of Fame Referred DGR 7-20-22 Complied with Complied with 8-2-22
42. BARTLEY -- An order to patch pot holes on Woodland St and Holyoke Street Adopted Adopted 4-5-22 Copied to Public Works, Mayor
43. BARTLEY, PUELLO -- An order for Mayor to develop a schedule of projects & programming to be funded via marijuana stabilization funds Referred DGR Copied to Mayor, Auditor
44. BARTLEY, GIVNER, PUELLO, RIVERA_J -- An order to review and amend relevant ordinances to allow for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) in the DR zone Referred Ordinance a. 5-24-22
b. 8-23-22
c. 9-27-22
a. Public hearing open, continued to 8-23-22
b. Public hearing continued to 9-27-22
c. Continued to 12-13-22
a. 12-13-22
b. 1-24-23
c. 2-28-23
d. 3-28-23
a. Public hearing closed
b. Tabled
c. Tabled
d. Approved
Adopted 4-4-23
45. GIVNER -- An order to place a handicap sign at 204 Oak St. for Josephine Rivera Referred Ordinance 5-11-22 Approved Adopted 5-17-22 Copied to Disabilities Commission
46. GIVNER -- An order that snow parking restrictions be posted on city website at least 12 hours before towing begins Referred Ordinance 3-28-23 Refer to BPW, Tabled 4-25-22 Complied with Complied with 5-2-23 Copied to Public Works
47. GIVNER -- An order for new crosswalks and stop lines on the t-bar of Brown and Laurel Adopted Adopted 4-5-22 Copied to Public Works, Mayor
48. GIVNER -- An order for a wage theft ordinance for all contractors doing projects for the city or receiving special tax incentives Referred Ordinance
49. GIVNER -- An order for single lanes on specified two laned one-way roads Referred Ordinance 5-11-22 Complied with Complied with 5-17-22 Copied to City Engineer
50. GIVNER -- An order review traffic lights projects and consider rotaries Referred Public Safety Copied to City Engineer
51. GIVNER, MALDONADO-VELEZ -- An order to review and amend ordinances to allow for restricted electric vehicle charging station parking spots Referred Ordinance 6-28-22 Approved Adopted 8-2-22 Copied to HG&E
52. JOURDAIN -- An order to ensure City has no retirement investments affiliated with Russia Adopted Adopted 4-5-22 Copied to Retirement Board, PERAC
53. JOURDAIN -- An order for copies of agreements related to tax payments from specified healthcare entities to project city financial health Adopted Adopted 4-5-22 Copied to Auditor
54. JOURDAIN, VACON, RIVERA_I, BARTLEY -- An order to request that Mayor provide list of historic preservation related repairs needed on city buildings Adopted Adopted 4-5-22 Copied to Mayor, CPA Committee
55. JOURDAIN, PUELLO, BARTLEY -- An order to fund $5,000 to Spanish Festival for staging and sound equipment Adopted Adopted 4-5-22 Copied to Mayor
56. MALDONADO-VELEZ -- An order that committee take up and act on orders from before February 15th, 2022 Adopted Adopted 4-5-22 Copied to all subcommittee chairs
57. MALDONADO-VELEZ, MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI -- An order to require unanimous vote to continue meetings past 10pm Referred Charter and Rules 4-12-22 Tabled 6-14-22 Complied with Complied with 6-21-22
58. MALDONADO-VELEZ, RIVERA_I -- An order for a Grant Manager position Referred Ordinance
59. MALDONADO-VELEZ -- An order to allow overnight parking on city parking lots for people to sleep in their cars Referred Ordinance Copied to Public Safety Committee
60. MALDONADO-VELEZ, RIVERA_I -- An order to expand Community Responder Model with HPD Referred Public Safety 6-27-22 Complied with Complied with 8-2-22
61. MALDONADO-VELEZ, ANDERSON-BURGOS, GIVNER, MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI, RIVERA_I, RIVERA_J -- A resolution in Support of a Fair Share Amendment Referred DGR 5-25-22 Referred to City Council Adopted 6-7-22
62. MALDONADO-VELEZ -- An order to invite Department of Early Education and Care to discuss home day cares Referred Ordinance 6-28-22 Complied with Complied with 8-2-22
63. MALDONADO-VELEZ -- An order to create a City Council Cannabis Committee Referred Charter and Rules a. 4-12-22
b. 10-24-22
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
a. 1-9-23
b. 2-27-23
c. 7-17-23
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
c. Leave to withdraw
Leave to withdraw 8-1-23
64. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept "AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR EQUIPMENT PROGRAM, $2,420.42, NO MATCH" grant Referred Finance 5-2-22 Approved Adopted 5-3-22
65. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $17,987.47 from LIEUTENANT, SERGEANT, and PATROLMEN to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 4-5-22
66. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI, MCGEE -- An order to consider installation of a traffic light at the intersection of 141 and Bemis Rd Referred Public Safety a. 6-27-22
b. 8-8-22
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
5-22-23 Complied with Complied with 6-6-23 Copied to City Engineer
67. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI, MALDONADO VELEZ -- An order to invite in US Congressional and Senatorial Representatives Referred DGR
68. PUELLO, MALDONADO-VELEZ -- An order to discuss the RFP process for city properties Referred DGR 5-25-22 Complied with Complied with 6-7-22 Copied to Purchasing
69. PUELLO -- An order to consider adding two conditions to RFP process for city properties Referred DGR 5-25-255 Complied with Complied with 6-7-22
70. PUELLO -- An order to consider acquiring movable speedbumps/humps using cannabis impact fees Referred DGR Copied to Public Works
71. PUELLO, VACON -- An order to invite El Corazon/Heart of Holyoke Project artists to discuss artistic programming opportunities for youth Referred Public Service 5-10-22 Approved Adopted 5-17-22 Copied to Cultural Council, Fire Department
B. VACON -- An order for City Solicitor to provide opinion on CPA funding eligibility for roof project Received Received 4-5-22 Copied to the Law Department
D. MCGEE -- An order to address tree removal on Princeton Street Referred Public Safety 6-27-22 Complied with Complied with 8-2-22
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